Berra Jarang’s Daughter


Berra Jarang’s Daughter. Not Jarangsdottir.

Child of Jarang the Redsmith and Heri Horse-herder, both dead.

Tribe, Clan, Class

Blue Tree clanswoman, of the Colymar tribe. A professional warrior and Initiate of Humakt.

History and Context

A displaced youth who was sent away from Sartar to Esrolia, Berra has grown up to be a Humakti warrior. She returned to Sartar at the start of the campaign.

Berra’s people, the Blue Tree Clan, live on a tributary of the Creek, in an area with good horse grazing, and a cliff on which there grows a sacred tree, its trunk blue from some trick of the area, or long years of the application of woad. The area below the cliff is good land, but for the lethal windings of the local river, which can change course several times in Storm season and Sea season, as rains or meltwater come down.

Life Events

Family Tree

Diaries/Personal Logs


The Saga of Berra

Berra’s almost-IC saga, telling her story, along with selected quotes, explanations, and links to minor scenes. The saga is broken down by years.

Verses from 1625

1625 Scenes


1626 Verses

1626 Scenes


1627 Verses

1627 Scenes


1628 Verses

1628 Scenes


1629 Verses

1629 Scenes