Fragment 2.16 – The Return to Nochet

Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 16


Taking the path of the Duck1Not a kenning. into Nochet
Berra commanded and guarded the pris’ner
Up he rose then in the boat of the reed
Struggled to kill her and not for his freedom

Striking with bronze and with fists he attacked her
She in her turn would not draw blade against him
Would not endanger the boat of the Durulz
Fought at close quarters to keep him from fleeing

As she knelt on him and brought her fist downward
So he struck up with the force of his anger
Held in his fist was a vial of Yelm-fire
When it broke on her she burned as the Sun did

Fleeing from Yelm she found solace in water2The sage Llewun puts this verse after the Rescue of Kallyr-Yelm, citing the water as her changing, turbulent personality, and her friends as a steadying influence. A Humakti opposed to Resurrection could well flee the one she had released from Hell, dead or not.
Solace with friends who stood danger to find her
As in the Darkness from which they had brought her
So from the water they gave succor3The sage Llewun makes much of this, naturally. to her

Guiding the group to the Hospital swiftly
Berra brought Lenta to safety in Nochet
Then she would rest in the safety of Matrons
Berra could leave her and thus left her contract4Understood to be with Mellia Saiciae, and not the House.

When the Queen summoned Varanis to see her
Berra lay sleeping but rose to the calling
Silent in court she remained for the ruling
Silent in deference sweet to the Matron5Given the unlikelihood of Berra being silent before a Queen, this may be the first reference to Varanis as a Matron.

Then was the judgement of dueling for Kesten
Angered the Queen was and she gave her ruling
Kesten had taken a part of her city
Set it aside for the blood-shed of Humakt

Cold Samastina spoke patiently waiting
She gave the matter to Humakt’s Battalion
Berra spoke up to know Kesten would hear her
Asking his mercy and pleading her error

What Really Happened

Session Quotes

  • 1
    Not a kenning.
  • 2
    The sage Llewun puts this verse after the Rescue of Kallyr-Yelm, citing the water as her changing, turbulent personality, and her friends as a steadying influence. A Humakti opposed to Resurrection could well flee the one she had released from Hell, dead or not.
  • 3
    The sage Llewun makes much of this, naturally.
  • 4
    Understood to be with Mellia Saiciae, and not the House.
  • 5
    Given the unlikelihood of Berra being silent before a Queen, this may be the first reference to Varanis as a Matron.