Who am I?
Varanis daughter of Serzeen
Sometimes known as Vareena Colymar1And sometimes Ranie
Tribe, Clan, Class
Noble of Clan Saiciae, Nochet
Adopted into the Blue Tree clan, of the Colymar tribe
Family Tree

General Appearance
Varanis is a red-haired woman, tall for an Esrolian (1.8m). Her eyes are a light grey-blue, but her expression is serious. She has the thin line of a scar high on her right cheekbone, a reminder of past events that she prefers not to discuss.
She wears high-quality Esrolian bronze armour, with the Air and Mobility runes chased in silver and garnets inset within the runes. When not in armour, she wears silk garments, favouring the colour green. She appears to be equally comfortable in both.

Her forearms are encircled by repeated rune tattoos – Water on the left, and Mobility on the right. In the centre of her chest there is a large Air rune tattoo. On her upper right chest, beside the Air rune, she has the Saiciea tattoo. Her tattoos are complicated and multi-coloured, implying the hand of an artist. Above her navel, in monochromatic blue, is a large tattoo of a tree. At the heart of the tree is an Air Rune, a tiny Earth rune sits at its base. To either side of the trunk there are Mobility and Water runes. The tree is topped by a Mastery rune. The Colymar tribal tattoo runs from her right shoulder to her elbow. On her throat, over her jugular, there’s a tiny woad death rune tattoo. For the truly observant, the inside of each wrist is marked with woad tattoos with the runes for the Lightbringers and Sartar. These runes are almost always hidden under armour or gold cuff bracelets. On the back of her right hand she has a Fire rune surrounded by 4 Air runes and on her left, a raised air rune, all tattooed in woad.She uses woad to paint Air and Mobility runes on her face.

Nine hides in Esrolia, presumably provided by House Saiciae. Location?
- Blue Tree (1626, from Kallyr)
- Hide with tenants (40 L. income)
- Hide (40 L. income)
- Greyrock (1628, from Kallyr)
- Hide with river and bridge (58 L. income)
- Fertile plains (40 L. income)
Hides in Lunar Tarsh? Say it isn’t so!
As of Storm Season 1628, Varanis still does not know that Mirava and Fazzur arranged for some narrow, probably mostly useless hides of land to be assigned to Varanis in Fire Season (see Back2Life, Back2Reality).
Doqeia and Manasa were a gift from Varanis’ brother, Desdel. They are temperamental, but she is too stubborn/proud to admit that she can’t handle them well. Irillo helped her to buy Fish when she needed to replaced her very reliable zebra, Zukko.
Doqeia (Daron, black, mare)
Doqeia is temperamental: a bit wild, a bit unruly. Her moods shift quickly – sometimes she prances about and other times she wants to rebel. She’s strong, fast, and willing to go, but sometimes spooks at stuff that’s not there. She tends to get along with others, though she may bully them a bit. Doqeia is not interested in stallions.
STR 26
CON 15
SIZ 28
DEX 11
Illusion 82, Death 78, Movement 75
Manasa (Daron, black, mare)
Manasa is a bitch. She’ll bite sneakily, tread on toes, and wait for vengeance. She kicks in her stall, is lazy, but at least she can mostly be trusted in a city and will make her way home. She’s a problem-solver and will always find a weak spot to break things. She’s steady and grounded, but vicious because she wants to be, not because she’s been hurt. She doesn’t panic. She’s steady. But she’s never going to stop pushing her personality on others and kicking out just to kick out.
STR 27
CON 16
SIZ 28
POW 16
DEX 10
Disorder 84, Stasis 83, Death 74
Fish (Daron, black, gelding)
Fish has a mean streak a mile wide. He’ll bite, kick, and buck when he’s in the mood for it, and he’s in the mood for it frequently. He has nearly succeeded at killing Varanis more than once. He is definitely destined for sacrifice at some point.
STR 24
CON 16
SIZ 28
POW 12
DEX 10
Air 85, Disorder 79, Death 62
Living in Glorantha is complicated, especially for budding heroes.
Banned from an inn in Wilmskirk – indefinitely (1626, Fire Season)
Banned from the Praxian inn in Wilmskirk – indefinitely (1626, Earth Season)
Asked to leave the Paps by a priestess – indefinitely? (1626, Storm Sea Season)
Exiled from Colymar lands by Queen Leika for one year (1628-1629, Sea Season, Fertility Week)
King Koraki will neither request nor supply aid for one year (1628-1629, Earth Season, Fertility Week)
History Prior to 1625
Character generation interpreted
My maternal grandmother, Berra, was a Sartarite noblewoman of the Colymar and a fierce warrior. She died before I was born, so I was raised on stories of her ferocity in many campaigns against the Lunars and of her glorious death at the Battle of Grizzly Peak. I’m told that my red hair and light eyes come from her. Grandmother’s Esrolian husband, my grandpa Barntaros Saiciea, died saving my mother from assassins (1597).
My parents met and married in 1589. They had 6 children, but only two girls. My sister is the first child and I am the last. I was somewhat of a surprise, born late in my mother’s life and ten years after my closest brother (1604). I was daddy’s girl. I followed him everywhere, but when I was 9, he left to join Starbrow’s Rebellion and never returned home. Later we learned that he was killed by Tusk Riders en route. A few years later, my mother died too. She was killed fighting against Harrek the Berserk and his Wolf Pirates, when they attacked the Holy Country Navy (1616)
My siblings had all grown, but I was cared for by my father’s parents. I didn’t get along well with Grandma Mirava, though I tried to be respectful. She’s a priestess, after all, but she tried to tame the anger in me through meditation and prayer. I learned restraint and good manners from her, but both are prone to slipping when I get riled up. Grandpa Kesten understands me better and it is he who took me to the temple of Orlanth to be introduced to the priestess of Vinga.
When I was 18, I was attacked by Lunar assassins. I survived, but barely. I was healed of my wounds, but the priestess of Vinga who saw to it left me with a reminder for my carelessness.
In 1623, like thousands of others, I was trapped in the city of Nochet under siege. On the basis of my ancestry, I asked to fight alongside King Broyan, the exiled Sartarite king. I fought hard, seeking to bring honour to my clan and my Goddess and I was privileged to earn some recognition for my contributions during the siege. I stayed with King Broyan and the remnants of the Holy Country army, and found myself at Pennel Ford the following year. I fought and lived, and some have said that I brought honour to my clan in this battle as well.
Afterward, I pledged my loyalty to Prince Argrath as the White Bull and to Jaldon Goldentooth. I wanted nothing to do with Harrek the Berserk – I haven’t forgotten my mother and I never will. I followed my Prince to the strange lands of the Praxians and assisted in the liberation of Pavis. They call it a city, but it can’t compare to the city. The Lunars built a temple nearby, at Dragon Pass. It could not be allowed to stand and so we marched against it, a strange mix of Praxian warriors and veterans from across the varied kingdoms of these lands. They sent foul demons against us and I was sorely injured in the attack. Much to my chagrin, I slept through the waking of the dragon and her consumption of the cursed Lunar Temple. Having recovered from my wounds in body, but perhaps not entirely in spirit or ego, I have returned to my family’s holdings in Nochet for the time being. I am determined to find a way to recover myself and bring honour to my family.
Stories from the Past
The following are a mix of role-play logs and stories to help with character development.
Kitchen Raid
1610: Six-year-old Varanis meets Dormal at House Saiciae
Looking Back Part 1: Farm Girl
1613: Farm Girl, a story of growing up Vingan in Esrolia
Girls Rule and Boys Duel
1616: A story from Varanis and Xenofos’ childhood
Meeting Mellia
1613: Varanis and Mellia are approximately 9 years old. Varanis has only recently moved to Nochet.
Looking Back Part 2: City Girl
1613-18: City Girl, a story of growing up Vingan in Esrolia (9-14 years old)
Tea Time
1615: Young Varanis took a tumble and Mellia will fix her (11 years old)
Looking Back Part 3: Vinga’s Sword
1618-1622: Vinga’s Sword, a story of growing up Vingan in Esrolia (14-18 years old)
1618: Mellia, Xenofos, and Varanis spend some time together before their initiations.
Jareen: First mentor, first love
1618-1624: Jareen was Varanis’ mentor at the Vingan temple in Nochet
Missing Dragonrise
1625: Varanis lost her unit just before Dragonrise.
Current Events
The following logs are sorted chronologically by year and season. These predominantly emerge from text-based role-play.
1626 Sea Season
- After-Temple ServiceFollowing on from the events in the Tower, Berra prays. Varanis comes to say thank you and a conversation about leadership ensues.
- Fruit And Nuts1626, Sea Season, Fertility Week: Shortly before setting off once more for Boldhome, Berra takes Varanis out shopping. They don’t buy much.
- Falling Off Buildings (More than Once)1626, Sea Season, Fertility Week: After shopping, Berra does not want to return to the Clan Saiciae Palazzo, so they drop back in and Varanis gets changed before they go on a rooftop adventure.
- Hot Tubbing1626, Sea Season, Godday: Serala and Varanis enjoy the baths at House Saiciae.
- Riding Lessons1626, Sea Season, Fertility Week. Varanis asks Serala for riding lessons.
- Varanis and the Box1626, Sea Season, Fertility Week. Berra lectures Varanis after pushing her in the mud and trying to take her box.
- Investigations1626, Sea Season, Fertility Week. Varanis noticed that someone made copies of parts of her armour. She asks Dormal and Xenofos for help.
- Who Was She?1626, Sea Season, Stasis Week, Clayday. Varanis attempts to do some research at the Vingan Temple.
- Making Peace1626, Sea Season, Movement Week. Serala and Varanis finally have it out.
- You don’t have to do it alone1626, Sea Season, Movement Week. Serala points out that Varanis can rely on others.
- Hungry like the Wolf1626, Sea Season, Stasis Week. A few days after completing a HeroQuest in in which Humakt allows a return from Death, Berra finds it an effort to remember how to be human.
- Berra Training Varanis – or With Varanis1626, Sea Season, Stasis Week. A talk and a play-test of the chase rules. Varanis continues to coax Berra, this time with running uphill, because it seemed like a good idea at the time.
- Pride and Prejudithe1626, Sea Season, Stasis Week. Varanis tries to deflect tension with fun, but Berra doesn’t know how to have fun. Oh, and D’Val is a duck!
- Party Planning with Mellia1626, Sea Season, Movement Week, Clayday. Mellia comes looking for Varanis, who is skulking in her rooms in the Palace at Boldhome.
- VS 014 On The RoadVaranis — 1626 0500 On The Road ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Trying to work out how to lead by actually learning from others.
- VS 015 We Need To TalkVaranis — 1626 0520 Need To Talk ???? Context On the way to the Blue Tree Clan, Xenofos seeks out Varanis for a conversation. After and just before session 27. Events At some dusty hour when Serala and Berra are not riding stirrup to ...
- VS 016 I’ve Been HadVaranis — 1626 0530 Ive Been Had ????, Sea Season ContextSea Season, between and session 28.On the road from Boldhome, nearing Blue Tree Clan lands Varanis is mulling things over in her head and it isn’t looking good. She descends into a mental tantrum. WARNING: Spoilers for Varanis’ ...
- VS 017 Babies And TattoosVaranis — 1626 0540 Babies And Tattoos ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Varanis is bemused by Berra and her nephew. The Humakti bounces from subject to subject rapidly.
- Not Falling Off Cliffs1626, Sea Season, Movement Week, Waterday. Berra and Varanis climb and talk.
- VS 018 Xenofos has ConcernsVaranis — 1626 0550 Xenofos Concerns ???? Context In the Blue Tree Clan’s Great Hall, the evening of the arrival. . Events It is evening at the great Hall. Xenofos seems tense and sober. He approaches Varanis after having had a discussion with Berra. “Things ...
- VS 019 ArianathaVaranis — 1626 0560 Arianatha ???? Context Early in the morning after the party’s arrival in the Blue Tree Village. Between and session 28. Events At dawn, every day of the year, a Vingan in charge of a temple or shrine can come and ...
- VS 020 BlistersVaranis — 1626 0570 Blisters ???? Context Slightly later in the morning, the day after the party arrives in the Blue Tree Clan Village. Between and session 28. Events Morning after arrival. Sun’s been up for a while, but it’s still pretty early in ...
- VS 021 A Cunning PlanVaranis — 1626 0575 A Cunning Plan ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Varanis is glad that Mellia is taking her concerns about Insterla seriously and is rather pleased to be invited to be part of the solution.
- VS 022 Telling TalesVaranis — 1626 0576 Telling Tales ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Insterla is a sweet child and story-telling is fun anyway. If this helps, Varanis is happy to take centre stage for a while.
- VS 023 Of Clans, Wyters, and RunesVaranis — 1626 0580 Wyter ???? Context What day was this?!After . Events The decision made, it’s time to meet the Wyter. The priest sends us to purify ourselves in the river. Wearing nothing more than my shift, my hair unbound, I make my way ...
- VS 024 Pit Of DespairVaranis — 1626 0581 Pit Of Despair ???? Context Sometime before Boldhome, our heroes travel back to the Tula and end up facing Chaos at Rabbit Hat Farm, on the Green Fish Tula. This is a selection of events and conversations occurring during that time. ...
- VS 025 We SurvivedVaranis — 1626 0582 We Survived ???? Context After fighting in a Krarsht-worshipping temple, below Rabbit Hat Farm, Green Fish Tula Events Shortly after the battle, Xenofos seeks out his cousin. They are both a bit shaken by the events. (No major spoilers) After ...
- AdviceVaranis seeks out advice from several of her cousins. (1626, Sea Season, Stasis Week, Godday)
- VS 027 Of boxes and betrayalVaranis — 1626 0600 Boxes Betrayal ????, Sea Season, Movement Week Context 1626, Sea Season, Movement Week?, Freezeday? Breakfast-time. On the road to Clearwine. Events One morning, en route to Clearwine, Nala is cooking breakfast. Mellia brings Varanis over. Some folks are likely to ...
- VS 030 Letters HomeVaranis — 1626 0616 Letters Home ????, Sea Season Context End of Sea Season – Irillo is heading back to Nochet and Varanis has asked him to transport some letters home for her. Events A letter to her sister, Mirava (No major ...
- VS 028 EnloVaranis — 1626 0610 Enlo ????, Sea Season, Movement Week Context 1626, Sea Season, Movement Week?, Freezeday? On the road to Clearwine. Events After an hour or so of talking to no one, Varanis rides to wherever Sid is within the party (Berra thinks ...
- VS 029 Mending and MelliaVaranis — 1626 0615 Mending ????, Sea Season, Movement Week Context 1626, Sea Season, Movement Week?, Freezeday? On the road to Clearwine. Varanis approaches Mellia in hopes of repairing the morning’s . Events It was a long day. Other than talking and walking with ...
- VS 031 Talking StrategyVaranis — 1626 0620 Talking Strategy ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective
- VS 032 Storm VoiceVaranis — 1626 0625 Stormvoice ????, Sea Season Context 1626, Sea Season in Clearwine, before the return to Boldhome. Varanis visits the Lightbringers Temple Events Varanis heads to the Lightbringers Temple to worship. She specifically seeks out the shrine to Vinga and spends some time ...
- VS 033 Meet The BardVaranis — 1626 0630 Meet The Bard ????
- VS 034 ArmourVaranis — 1626 0640 Armour ???? Context from Varanis’ perspectiveBerra arrives looking rather harried. Leika’s bard is with her and Varanis is eager to present their sagas to him. Sadly, she is unschooled in the ways of Sartarite bards and is saved from making a complete fool of herself ...
- VS 035 Studying the StoryVaranis — 1626 0645 Armour2 ????
- VS 036 Stay with usVaranis — 1626 0647 Grazelanders ???? Context In Clearwine, a little before heading to Boldhome. Note: Text in italics represents the Grazelander language, except where they are used for emphasis. Events Quelle surprise. Serala is in the stables. For once though, not crooning at Pag ...
1626 Fire Season
- VS 037 Baths, Bruises, and other thingsVaranis — 1626 0650 Baths Bruises ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective After far too much wrestling, Varanis makes her escape and encounters Mellia. Mellia helps her make her way back to the White Grape. Varanis takes some time to debrief with Berra. Berra wants her to know that ...
- VS 038 Body GuardsVaranis — 1626 0658 Two Things ????, Sea Season Context At the tail end of Sea Season, in the city of Boldhome. Here follows a series of conversations between Varanis and various companions about bodyguards and other protections. Events Day after wrestling Rajar, Varanis has ...
- VS 039 The VowVaranis — 1626 0660 The Vow ????, Sea Season Context Late in Sea Season, Varanis and Berra go on a field trip to see where the Flame of Sartar should be burning. Dice rolls are left in to show how things went where they went. Surprise guest visit by GM ...
- VS 040 The Ring Giver and her AdvisorVaranis — 1626 0661 Ring Giver ????, Fire Season, Disorder Week Context Fire Season, Disorder Week Varanis has made a rash vow. She seeks out her cousin to tell him. Events Shortly after making the trip back down from the ...
- VS 041 Apple ShampooVaranis — 1626 0663 Apple Shampoo ????, Fire Season Context At the very start of Fire Season. EventsIt’s early morning, with Yelm strengthening but not yet ferocious, and Berra’s kit is gone from the inn. There is a little blank spot under the ...
- Visions of Fire and DarknessVaranis decides to meditate at the Flame of Sartar and things get a bit carried away. (1626, Fire Season, Movement Week)
- VS 043 Patient lacks PatienceVaranis — 1626 0666 Patient Patience ????, Fire Season, Disorder Week ContextFire Season, Disorder Week and after the vision and awakening. Varanis is feeling better and is not enjoying being cooped up. Xenofos and Berra do a decent job of putting up with her. Mellia makes an ...
- VS 044 GoodbyesVaranis — 1626 0670 Goodbyes ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective As the party gets ready to split into different directions in search of Nala and Tiwr, and Dormal, Irillo, and Sid, Berra makes some time to say goodbye. Events
- VS 045 Be CarefulVaranis — 1626 0675 Be Careful ????, Fire Season Context Fire Season, Some time after Varanis, Xenofos, Serala, and Finarvi got on the boat to Nochet Events On the boat to Nochet, Varanis looks for a quiet moment to talk to Xenofos. Xenofos ...
- VS 046 Grandmother1626, Fire Season, Harmony Week Context Fire Season, Late evening after Varanis, Xenofos, Serala, and Finarvi arrived in Nochet and met with Grandmother. Varanis returns for a follow-up conversation. Events After parting ways with the Grazelanders for a while, Varanis returns for a private ...
- VS 047 Painting the town redVaranis — 1626 0678 Lanasha ????, Fire Season Context Fire Season, sometime after arriving in Nochet. Something about being in this city brings out the worst in Varanis. Events The Temple of Vinga is often subject to eddies of wind, pushing banners about ...
- VS 048 Rhigos BoundVaranis — 1626 0679 Rhigos Bound ????, Fire Season Context Fire Season, Sometime after Varanis, Serala, and Finarvi head to Rhigos before Yelm’s rise. Events It’s not yet dawn when Varanis turns up in the stables with saddle bags, Eranda (the perky Humakti), ...
- Water Falls1626, Fire Season, Stasis Week: Drazn’k has done a number on Berra and she’s not keen to discuss it.
- Uzko Aftermath1626, Fire Season, Stasis Week, Windsday: In the aftermath of fighting Drazn’k, Varanis checks in with everyone.
- Guilty Party1626, Fire Season, Stasis Week, Fireday Eve: Varanis is fretting on a rooftop in Greyrock Fall.
- VS 049 NegotiationsVaranis — 1626 0680 Negotiations ????, Fire Season Context Fire Season, back in Nochet after the aborted trip to Rhigos Events Back at House Saiciae, after returning from the aborted trip to Rhigos, Varanis seeks out Dormal. She eventually finds him in quite ...
- Two Things1626, Fire Season, Stasis Week, Windsday: Varanis has concerns about two of her companions and the implications of their injuries. She seeks out Mellia for advice.
- What price?1626, Fire Season, Stasis Week: Mellia has important things to tell Varanis.
- VS 053 We need to talk, CousinVaranis — 1626 0695 Talk ????, Fire Season, Season/Movement Week Context Fire Season/Movement Week/Freezeday/Early Afternoon Xenofos and Varanis have a talk in Varanis’ room at the White Grape Inn.Takes place after ...
- VS 054 Be The SwordVaranis — 1626 0697 Be The Sword ????, Fire Season, Season/Movement Week Context Fire Season/Movement Week/Freezeday/Afternoon After the events of the second Lunar quest, most of the group is sitting in the common room of the White Grape, drinking Rondrik’s alcohol and pondering recent events. ...
- VS 055 An Issue of TrustVaranis — 1626 0698 Trust ????, Fire Season, Season/Movement Week Context Fire Season/Movement Week/Freezeday/Afternoon After the events of the second Lunar quest, most of the group is sitting in the common room of the White Grape, drinking Rondrik’s alcohol and pondering recent events. ...
- VS 056 Talking About TruthVaranis — 1626 0699 Truth ????, Fire Season, Season/Movement Week Context Fire Season/Movement Week/Freezeday/Afternoon After the events of the second Lunar quest, most of the group is sitting in the common room of the White Grape, drinking Rondrik’s alcohol and pondering recent events. ...
- VS 057 Make it red and green againVaranis — 1626 0700 Red Green ????, Fire Season, Season/Movement Week Context Fire Season/Movement Week/Freezeday/Afternoon After the events of the second Lunar quest, most of the group is sitting in the common room of the White Grape, drinking Rondrik’s alcohol and pondering recent events. ...
- VS 058 Bread and pastriesVaranis — 1626 0702 Bread Pastries ????, Fire Season, Season/Movement Week Context Fire Season/Movement Week/Freezeday/Afternoon After the events of the second Lunar quest, most of the group is sitting in the common room of the White Grape, drinking Rondrik’s alcohol and pondering recent events. Varanis and Serala go looking ...
- VS 059 EchoesVaranis — 1626 0704 Echoes ????, Fire Season, Season/Movement Week Context Fire Season/Movement Week/Freezeday/Afternoon After the events of the second Lunar quest, most of the group is sitting in the common room of the White Grape, drinking Rondrik’s alcohol and pondering recent events. Follows immediately after ...
- VS 060 Politics and KinshipVaranis — 1626 0706 Politics Kinship ????, Fire Season, Season/Movement Week Context Fire Season/Movement Week/Clayday/Late Back at the White Grape Inn after a strange day. Events The fire has died down, and Berra is lying on her back, staring up at the ceiling, ...
- VS 061 GoodbyesVaranis — 1626 0708 Goodbyes ????, Fire Season, Season/Movement Week Context Fire Season/Movement Week/Waterday/Morning Events There ...
- VS 062 The Rumour MillVaranis — 1626 0709 Rumourmill ????, Fire Season, Season/Movement Week Context Fire Season/Movement Week/Waterday/Morning At the White Grape Inn Events Mellia is eating breakfast at the White Grape Inn. Varanis slides into a seat next to her, as much as anyone can slide in bronze ...
- VS 063 Checking InVaranis — 1626 0710 Checking In ????, Fire Season, Movement Week Context Fire Season, Movement Week, Clayday There’s been a skirmish and Varanis is checking in with people afterwards. Events Xenofos After the fighting is over, Varanis comes looking for Xenofos. Her helmet is off ...
- VS 064 ScholarVaranis — 1626 0712 Scholar ????, Fire Season, Movement Week Context Fire Season, Movement Week, Clayday, in the evening. Wilmskirk, at an inn. Possible spoilers re: Eril Events It’s evening in Wilmskirk. Varanis enters the inn where Irillo’s party is staying, looking calm. The long ...
- VS 065 Sword practiceVaranis — 1626 0714 Swordpractice ????, Fire Season, Movement Week Context Fire Season, Movement Week, Clayday, in the evening. Wilmskirk, at an inn. Events Yelm has not yet made an appearance, but there seems to be a fully armoured and armed Vingan loitering outside the ...
- VS 066 Ware the WaterVaranis — 1626 0716 Water ????, Fire Season, Movement Week Context Fire Season, Movement Week, Wildday? Wilmskirk See also Events Varanis remembers going into a smoky room, and the door closing behind her, and she needed to find Xenofos to ...
- VS 067 Hazia hazeVaranis — 1626 0718 Haziahaze ????, Fire Season, Movement Week Context Fire Season, Movement Week, Wildday? Wilmskirk, Temple of Chalana Arroy Events A messenger arrives at the Temple to Chalana Arroy in Wilmskirk an hour after the party left town, with a verbal message ...
- VS 068 A Hefty FineVaranis — 1626 0720 Fine ????, Fire Season, Movement Week Context Fire Season, Movement Week, Wildday? Wilmskirk, Orlanthi Temple Events Varanis makes her way to the Orlanthi Temple and asks to speak to the Storm Voice. She is polite, but carries herself as a ...
- Silor Cracks-RockVaranis meets Chief Silor Cracks-Rock of the Cinder Fox Clan. (1626, Fire Season, Movement Week)
- VS 070 Water SignVaranis — 1626 0722b Watersign ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Varanis and Berra talk about Eril and Silor while Varanis tries to pretend that nothing is wrong.
- VS 071 Oh brother!Varanis — 1626 0723 Brothers ????, Fire Season, Season/Movement Week Context Fire Season/Movement Week/Godday/Evening. Cinder Fox Tula, before the feast. Follows after . Events Sliding into a space on the bench near to Irillo, Varanis greets him. “Hi! How ...
- VS 072 Fear and Feasting in Cinder Fox TulaVaranis — 1626 0724 Fear Feasting ????, Fire Season, Movement Week Context Fire Season, Movement Week, Godday, Evening There’s a feast, an argument, and some distraction. Varanis appears to still be suffering some ill effects of the hazia. Events During the feast, Varanis is seated ...
- VS 073 Looking for WaterVaranis — 1626 0725 Watersign2 ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Varanis has been avoiding water since the . Dehydration is catching up to her and Berra and Irillo take matters into hand.
- VS 074 Signs are PositiveVaranis — 1626 0725 Watersign3 ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Varanis and Berra talk to and about Yamia, Silor’s Humakti daughter.
- Venlar and the VinganVaranis and Venlar talk. She is seeking to learn about his clan and tula. (1626, Fire Season, Movement Week, Godday)
- Pet RocksIn the later afternoon of Godday, after a conversation between Varanis and Venlar, Venlar brings her to meet Thenaya. (1626, Fire Season, Movement Week)
- VS 077 Sworn ManVaranis — 1626 0730 Xenofos Cf01 ????, Fire Season, Season/Illusion Week Context Fire Season/Illusion Week/Freezeday/Evening. Xenofos finally makes it to Cinder Fox, after the events in Wilmskirk. Events Xenofos arrives in the village and slides off his horse. The ...
- VS 078 Coming CleanVaranis — 1626 0731 Clean ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Varanis loans Mellia some washing supplies and then has a bit of a meltdown over everything.
- VS 079 Berra at the BothyVaranis — 1626 0732 Bothy 01 ????, Fire Season, Season/Illusion Week Context Fire Season/Illusion Week/Waterday/Evening. The rest of the party has returned from the Marsh, bearing a terrible relic. The relic has been shut away in a bothy within the walls of Cinder Fox Tula’s steading. Berra is guarding ...
- VS 080 Dormal at the BothyVaranis — 1626 0733 Bothy 02 ????, Fire Season, Season/Illusion Week Context Fire Season/Illusion Week/Clayday/Evening. Varanis is standing guard over Berra, the bothy, and the dire relic contained within. This continues on from It continues in ...
- VS 081 Xenofos at the BothyVaranis — 1626 0734 Bothy 03 ????, Fire Season, Season/Illusion Week Context Fire Season/Illusion Week/Clayday/ Later in the evening. Varanis is standing guard over Berra, the bothy, and the dire relic contained within. Dormal is walking away after some sort of argument. This continues on from [http:journeyoftheheroes.wikidot.com/varanis:1626-0733-bothy-02 Dormal at the ...
- VS 082 Xenofos returns to the BothyVaranis — 1626 0735 Bothy 04 ????, Fire Season, Season/Illusion Week Context Fire Season/Illusion Week/Clayday/ Shortly before Yelm’s Rise. Varanis has been standing guard over Berra, the bothy, and the dire relic contained within all night. This continues on from // SPOILERS for Xenofos’ inner demons. ...
- VS 083 Bruise PristineVaranis — 1626 0736 Bruise ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Varanis finds Mellia weeping. She was injured by Silor in an unexpected HeroQuest and is worried about the consequences for the chieftain.
- VS 084 Security ArrangementsVaranis — 1626 0737 Security ????, Fire Season, Season/Illusion Week Context Fire Season/Illusion Week/Windsday afternoon to dusk. Some of our heroes are back at the White Grape, still processing the news of Kallyr’s death and its implications. Events It will take a while ...
- Eril’s OfferBerra escorts Varanis to a meeting with Eril, who is currently badly injured. (1626, Fire Season, Illusion Week, Fireday)
- VS 086 Facing HumaktVaranis — 1626 0741 Facing Humakt ????, Fire Season, Season/Illusion Week Context Fire Season/Illusion Week/Fire Day/Still in the morning. A while after Varanis and Berra have returned to the White Grape and have learned that Kallyr’s body was an illusion. Continues in . ...
- VS 087 Peel me a grapeVaranis — 1626 0743 Grapes ????, Fire Season, Season/Illusion Week Context Fire Season/Illusion Week/Fire Day/Still in the morning. Berra and Varanis are visiting Irillo while he recuperates at the Temple of Chalana Arroy. Follows immediately after . Events Berra and Varanis make their ...
- VS 088 A Bright IdeaVaranis — 1626 0744 Brightidea ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Mellia has some ideas to help Varanis stay alive. Varanis wants her to focus on getting Eril and Irillo well enough to get on with the HeroQuest.
- VS 089 A Grave ConversationVaranis — 1626 0745 Grave Conversation ????, Fire Season, Season/Illusion Week Context Fire Season/Illusion Week/Fireday/Afternoon At the White Grape Inn. Warning, contains spoilers for Varanis’ and Xenofos’ emotional states as the quest looms closer. Events Varanis heads up the stairs to find Xenofos. She knocks ...
- VS 090 A Tentative TruceVaranis — 1626 0747 Tentative Truce ????, Fire Season, Season/Illusion Week Context Fire Season/Illusion Week/Fireday/Afternoon At the White Grape Inn, Boldhome. No real spoilers, but Berra shouldn’t read this because she doesn’t like reading anything that suggests Dormal could be a decent guy. Events After ...
- Apologies Accepted1626, Fire Season, Stasis Week, Fireday: Mistakes were made, but no grudges held.
- Too soon for the SwordVaranis and Berra have a conversation, that leads to what is meant to be some broadsword training. Things take an unexpected turn. Although there are technically no spoilers, this does discuss a brief encounter with Humakt and gives a bit of insight into Varanis’ state of mind. Read at your own risk. (1626, Fire Season, ...
- Last Letters1626, Fire Season, Illusion Week, Fireday Afternoon: Varanis asks Xenofos to write some letters in case she doesn’t survive the trip to hell.
1626 Earth Season
- VS 093 Blood and WineVaranis — 1626 0753 Blood Wine ????, Fire Season, Truth Week Context Fire Season, Truth Week, Godday Earth Season, Disorder Week, Freezeday The heroquest is over. Kallyr is back and has lit the Flame of Sartar. Varanis and Xenofos have been out rounding up Priests for the Prince. ...
- VS 094 Nap Time’s OverVaranis — 1626 0755 Nap ????, Earth Season, Disorder Week Context Earth Season, Disorder Week, Freezeday The previous night, Varanis drank herself wobbly . Sometime in the night, she sobered up, woke up more cheerful than anyone has the right to be after a ...
- VS 096 Feathers and other GiftsVaranis — 1626 0757 Gifts ????, Earth Season, Disorder Week Context Earth Season, Disorder Week, Waterday evening. Before dusk. At the White Grape Inn, one day after at the Temple of Humakt. Events It is evening, but not yet ...
- VS 098 A Helping HandVaranis — 1626 0759 Helping Hand ????, Earth Season, Disorder Week Context Earth Season, Disorder Week, Fireday evening At the White Grape Inn, Boldhome Events It’s late in the evening when Varanis knocks quietly on Mellia’s door at the White Grape. “It’s Varanis. Can ...
- VS 099 Wyter’s WelcomeVaranis — 1626 0761 Wyterwelcome ????, Earth Season, Season/Disorder Week Context 1626 Earth Season/Disorder Week/Fireday/middle of the night, after Events As quietly as she can, Varanis taps at Xenofos’ closed door. Xenofos opens the door quietly. His ...
- VS 100 Eril’s EncouragementVaranis — 1626 0763a Erilencouragement ????, Earth Season, Season/Disorder Week Context 1626 Earth Season/Disorder Week/Fireday/early in the morning Varanis hasn’t slept much, but she wanted to visit Emeritus High Sword Eril before the party leaves Boldhome. Takes place after and at the same time as ...
- VS 101 Rebellion and MovementVaranis — 1626 0763b Rebellion ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Berra tries to tell Varanis about why she is the way she is. They end up doing sword drills. Of course.
- VS 102 On the Road AgainVaranis — 1626 0764 Road ????, Earth Season, Season/Disorder Week Context Earth Season/Disorder Week/Godday On the road between Wilmskirk and Whitewall Varanis and Xenofos ride together at the back of the party for a time. Events On the road to Wilmskirk. Varanis rides up next ...
- VS 103 Sparring and other discourseVaranis — 1626 0765 Sparring ????, Earth Season, Season/Disorder Week Context Earth Season/Disorder Week/Godday Events At the end of the day, after camp is set up, Varanis comes looking for Berra. Berra has ...
- VS 104 Healers or Humakti?Varanis — 1626 0767 Healers Humakti ????, Earth Season, Season/Disorder Week Context Earth Season/Disorder Week/Godday Events It’s evening and the group has camped beside the road, halfway between Wilmskirk and ...
- VS 105 Those Were The DaysVaranis — 1626 0768 Days ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Mellia and Berra are famous in Whitewall. Varanis manages not to be envious, though she might feel left out.
- VS 106 Hidden HumaktiVaranis — 1626 0769 Hidden Humakti ????, Earth Season, Harmony Week Context Earth Season, Harmony Week, Waterday, late at night in Whitewall Follows immediately after Events Varanis returns to the inn where she’d parked the tipsy Humakti while she walked ...
- VS 107 Sword DancerVaranis — 1626 0770 Sword Dancer ????, Earth Season, Harmony Week Context Earth Season, Harmony Week, Waterday, late at night in Whitewall Follows Yamia has appeared not far from the Temple of Humakt and seems likely to exhaust ...
- VS 108 Sword Dancer FallsVaranis — 1626 0771a Sword Dancer ????, Earth Season, Harmony Week Context Earth Season, Harmony Week, Waterday, late at night in Whitewall Follows Yamia has appeared not far from the Temple of Humakt and seems likely to exhaust herself in an attempt to reach her god. ...
- VS 109 Sparring On The RiverVaranis — 1626 0771b Sparring ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Varanis and Berra practice with swords and talk about Yamia.
- VS 110 Being ColymarVaranis — 1626 0772 Beingcolymar ????, Earth Season, Harmony Week Context Earth Season, Harmony Week, Fireday End of the day, after camp is set up. Varanis comes looking for Berra. Events Berra has been riding on the back of Yamia’s wagon all day, and ...
- VS 111 Racing up the RiggingVaranis — 1626 0773 Rigging Race ????, Earth Season, Harmony Week Context Earth Season, Harmony Week, Wildday Events On board the ship to Nochet, after the fireworks. Varanis sits near the prow of the boat, staring across the water. She has a smile ...
- VS 112 Can’t Get Good HelpVaranis — 1626 0775 Good Help ????, Earth Season, Death Week Context Earth Season, Death Week, Freezeday Events At the baths after shedding armour and travelling clothes and having been rinsed with several buckets of water Xenofos gets into steamroom and slumps to ...
- VS 113 Matters Of ClothVaranis — 1626 0777 Matters Of Cloth ????, Earth Season, Death Week Context Earth Season, Death Week, Waterday Midmorning, after the party evening in Nochet Xenofos knocks on Varanis’ door in House Saiciae Continues in Events A servant answers ...
- Marrows And Honour1626, Earth Season, Death Week, Clayday. After a visit to the Humakti Temple, Berra’s old girlfriend catches up with her.
- VS 114 Mastyr MindsVaranis — 1626 0779 Mastyr Minds ????, Earth Season, Death Week Context Earth Season, Death Week, Waterday. Midmorning. At House Saiciae in Nochet Continues from Events The sound of knocking on the door comes not long ...
- Cleaner Laundry1626, Earth Season, Death Week, Clayday afternoon: At the House Saiciae baths, Mellia tells her cousin about Xenofos’ upcoming duel. Varanis doesn’t seem pleased.
- VS 115 Cousins to BeVaranis — 1626 0781 Varanis Venlar ????, Earth Season, Death Week Context Earth Season, Death Week, Waterday, Afternoon. In Saiciae House, Nochet Continues from Events There’s a knock on Venlar’s door. Venlar’s voice calls out, strongly, “Enter!” The door ...
- Storm front1626, Earth Season, Death Week, Clayday afternoon: Mellia has informed Varanis of Xenofos’ impending duel and the Vingan is seriously annoyed.
- VS 116 Visiting Vinga’s TempleVaranis — 1626 0783 Vingatemple ????, Earth Season, Death Week Context Earth Season, Death Week, Waterday, Afternoon. Vinga’s Temple at the Storm Hill in Nochet Events After taking Venlar to the Temple of Orlanth and introducing him there, Varanis continues on to the Temple of ...
- The Calm After the Storm1626, Earth Season, Death Week: Xenofos will be fighting a duel and Berra is his second. She has words of advice for Varanis, who is still not happy about the whole thing.
- VS 117 CountermandedVaranis — 1626 0785 Countermanded ????, Earth Season, Death Week Context Earth Season, Death Week, Clayday – evening Continues from Events On her return, Xenofos explains to Varanis that he talked Karne to continue with the project. “You did what?” Varanis ...
- VS 118 People Are Just Too MuchVaranis — 1626 0786 People ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Varanis has bottled up anger and is having a hard time not exploding with it. She takes some of it out on the poor sod assigned to guard her and a bit more on Berra before she realises she’s being ...
- VS 121 Keep Him SafeVaranis — 1626 0790 Keephimsafe ????, Earth Season, Death Week Context Earth Season, Death Week, Clayday. Xenofos is about to fight a duel and Varanis is NOT pleased. Events Berra is standing on guard outside Xenofos’ room. She has sent a servant along to ask ...
- VS 122 No Time for NapsVaranis — 1626 0791 Nonap ????, Earth Season, Death Week Context Earth Season, Death Week, Clayday, late afternoon House Saiciae, Nochet Continues in Events Varanis returns to her room after visiting Xenofos. Marta is there waiting and studiously ignoring the Humakti who ...
- VS 119 Stopping in for a SpellVaranis — 1626 0787 Stopping4spell ????, Earth Season, Death Week Context Earth Season, Death Week, Clayday, morning Temple of Humakt, Nochet Follows immediately after Events The Temple gets closer, and Berra pauses just before the ...
- VS 123 Making up MelliaVaranis — 1626 0792 Makingmellia ????, Earth Season, Death Week Context Earth Season, Death Week, early evening on Windsday . Follows Events Someone is knocking on Varanis’ door a bit after dusk on Windsday. The door is yanked open by ...
- VS 124 Burning the Candle: New InkVaranis — 1626 0793 Candle1 ????, Earth Season, Season/Death Week Context Earth Season/Death Week/Windsday. NEEDLE WARNING Events On Windsday, Varanis spends the entire day at the Vingan Temple. She’s had a dream and has requested new tattoos from the Daughter of Vinga who is responsible ...
- VS 125 Burning the Candle: Green-Eyed GirlVaranis — 1626 0794 Candle2 ????, Earth Season, Season/Death Week Context Earth Season/Death Week/Fireday Eve. Events Fireday evening, another party. This time house Telendar. The food is edible. Xenofos and Mellia are around, Dormal is somewhere in the background. Varanis lingers over by the food ...
- VS 126 Burning the Candle: GeasaVaranis — 1626 0795 Candle3 ????, Earth Season, Season/Death Week Context Earth Season/Death Week/Fireday Events Fireday morning, going to temple of Humakt, Varanis catches the faint scent of violets, but sees nothing. Day one of meditations at the Humakti Temple goes well. She’s determined to ...
- VS 127 Burning the Candle: An Apple a DayVaranis — 1626 0796 Candle4 ????, Earth Season, Season/Death Week Context Earth Season/Death Week/Wildday Eve Events When Varanis is preparing for the evening, her maid asks what she should do with the apples. Varanis looks startled. “Apples?” “Yes Milady, the apples that were delivered.” She shows ...
- VS 128 Burning the Candle: Feeling TroubledVaranis — 1626 0797 Candle5 ????, Earth Season, Season/Death Week Context Earth Season/Death Week/Wildday Events Before dawn on Wildday. It’s going to be Varanis’ second day at the Temple of Humakt. She’s awake and getting ready to go. Berra is mediating by the door, back ...
- VS 129 Burning the Candle: Chaste Girls and BoysVaranis — 1626 0798 Candle6 ????, Earth Season, Season/Death Week Context Earth Season/Death Week/Godday Eve Events Coming home from the Temple… For Varanis, today’s meditations go badly. She listens to the lessons and tries really hard, but she lacks focus. It’s a day of failure ...
- VS 130 Burning the CandleVaranis — 1626 0799 Candle7 ????, Earth Season, Season/Death Week Context Earth Season/Death Week/Godday Temple of Humakt Events Morning of Godday. There was serenading in the night. Even though she went to bed before midnight for the first time in days, Varanis looks tired. Berra comes ...
- VS 131 Burning the Candle: In the LimelightVaranis — 1626 0800 Candle8 ????, Earth Season, Season/Fertility Week Context Earth Season/Fertility Week/Freezeday Eve House Saicaie & House Drero Events On Godday some presents get delivered. Three different packages. No names. First, one necklace of silver with seven apples of different sizes. Second, a ...
- VS 132 Burning the Candle: No Napping AllowedVaranis — 1626 0801 Candle9 ????, Earth Season, Season/Fertility Week Context Earth Season/Fertility Week/Freezeday Temple of Humakt Events Berra comes in dressed in her lighter, leather armour today. “Need a strap-mate?” She asks. “Please,” Varanis says looking frustrated. “I can’t seem to make it work this ...
- VS 133 Burning the Candle: Too SweetVaranis — 1626 0802 Candle10 ????, Earth Season, Season/Fertility Week Context Earth Season/Fertility Week/Waterday Eve House Evaeo Events Varanis allows Marta to make all the choices around what to wear while she waits for her tea to be delivered. She asks for two cups tonight. ...
- VS 134 Burning the Candle: Warning SignsVaranis — 1626 0803 Candle11 ????, Earth Season, Season/Fertility Week Context Earth Season/Fertility Week/Waterday Temple of Humakt Events Morning approaches on Waterday. Berra, who was either sleeping or meditating outside, claps to see if Varanis is ready yet. Then she knocks, thus identifying herself precisely. Varanis ...
- VS 135 Burning the Candle: ClaydayVaranis — 1626 0804 Candle12 ????, Earth Season, Season/Fertility Week Context Earth Season/Fertility Week/Clayday Temple of Humakt Events Clayday, dusk. There is gift-giving. Berra handed Varanis a small package on the way home from the Temple, after checking if she was allowed to accept gifts ...
- VS 136 Burning the Candle: It’s a Trap!Varanis — 1626 0805 Candle13 ????, Earth Season, Season/Fertility Week Context Earth Season/Fertility Week/Windsday Eve House Hulta Events The yellow and black songbird does not sing at all on Windsday eve. The other, blue with a red cap, is restless and makes noises but does ...
- VS 137 Burning the Candle: Seriously! No Napping!Varanis — 1626 0806 Candle14 ????, Earth Season, Season/Fertility Week Context Earth Season/Fertility Week/Windsday Temple of Humakt Events Two cups of Solaska’s tea leaves Varanis feeling awake, but on edge. Her nervous energy leads to the Sword sending her for a run around the perimeter ...
- VS 138 Burning the Candle: A ConfrontationVaranis — 1626 0807 Candle15 ????, Earth Season, Season/Fertility Week Context Earth Season/Fertility Week/Fireday Eve House Ziranda Events There’s a party at House Ziranda. Varanis makes her usual rounds. The two cups of tea she had before coming have made a huge difference, but she ...
- VS 139 Burning the Candle: Fire SwordVaranis — 1626 0808 Candle16 ????, Earth Season, Season/Fertility Week Context Earth Season/Fertility Week/Fireday Temple of Humakt Events On Fireday, the last day that Berra is due at the Temple, she lets Varanis know she might be late out, and to order a guard. She ...
- VS 140 On Yinkin’s WayVaranis — 1626 0810 Yinkin ????, Earth Season, Season/Fertility Week Context Earth Season/Fertility Week/Wildday morning. House Saiciae Events On Wildday morninng Varanis enters Xenofos’ room maybe wishing to further discuss bad manners of Restina and Rillo Hulta. Scholar is not there. Unusually some papyri are ...
- VS 141 Crossing a LineVaranis — 1626 0812 Crossing ????, Earth Season, Season/Fertility Week Context DRAFT Earth Season/Fertility Week/Wildday morning. House Saiciae, courtyard Events It is late afternoon on Wildday by the time the adventurers return to the House. Berra peels off from the others, saying something about practice and ...
- VS 142 Addled AlynxVaranis — 1626 0814 Addled Alynx ????, Earth Season, Fertility Week Context Earth Season, Fertility Week, Wildday, late afternoon. Varanis scared Xenofos by attacking him without warning during a training session. They talk about it. Events Xenofos wanders into baths having divested himself of armour ...
- VS 143 WallowingVaranis — 1626 0816 Wallowing ????, Earth Season, Fertility Week Context Earth Season, Fertility Week, Wildday, late afternoon/Godday, night Berra wants to make sure that Varanis understands how badly she messed up when she . Events After Varanis bathed, in her room, ...
- VS 144 Caged CreaturesVaranis — 1626 0818 Caged ????, Earth Season, Fertility Week Context Earth Season, Fertility Week, late morning on Godday Events It’s late morning and Varanis hasn’t left her room since and quick bath. [http:journeyoftheheroes.wikidot.com/mellia:torcs-1 Mellia and Venlar have been and ...
- VS 145 Shattered SongstrelVaranis — 1626 0819 Shattered ????, Earth Season, Fertility Week Context Earth Season, Fertility Week, late morning on Godday Events Late in the morning, hours after Xenofos has disappeared, Varanis and Berra leave the Vingan’s rooms with a caged bird. Berra is leading ...
- VS 146 RecappingVaranis — 1626 08221 Recapping ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week later on Waterday. EventsIt is late when Berra gets back to the room. She comes in without much joy in her step, and goes to the red and ...
- VS 147 RegroupingVaranis — 1626 08223 Regrouping ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Party on Clayday Eve, Stasis Week Earth season. Events Serzeen has arranged for Saiciae to go together. There are other palanquins. When Varanis arrives to the courtyard Yahmia and Xenofos step out ...
- VS 148 RehashingVaranis — 1626 0827 Rehashing ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Clayday, morning and afternoon. Follows after Events Xenofos approaches Varanis in the courtyard as she watches the sparring. “Why did you want to hear of Garin, ...
- VS 149 ReturningVaranis — 1626 0830 Returning ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Fireday Evening. Events The palanquin on Fireday has a slightly wired Humakti in it, next to Varanis. She ate a lot, and drank watered wine and watched the dancing ...
- VS 150 ReleasingVaranis — 1626 0840 Releasing ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Fireday Morning. Events It is after Berra has got up and gone out to greet the sun with her usual ritual of violence. A knock on the door heralds ...
- VS 151 RejoicingVaranis — 1626 0850 Rejoicing ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Fireday morning. Events Fireday morning, after , Varanis arrives late to practice. Her hair has been hastily plaited in a single plait. Already wisps ...
- VS 152 ReviewingVaranis — 1626 0852 Reviewing ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Fireday afternoon. Events , Varanis knocks on Silor’s door at the palazzo. She is freshly bathed and simply dressed, at least for her. She’s not yet ...
- VS 153 Bearing WitnessVaranis — 1626 0852 Witness ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Godday Eve House Saiciae Varanis has been falsely accused of kidnapping or luring away Lenta Hulta. After a failed rescue attempt, she’s back at House Saiciae planning to try again. But she wants to have ...
- VS 154 Prayers and sacrificesVaranis — 1626 0854 Prayers ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Godday Eve Events Varanis tries to pray. She can’t stop shivering. She rolls her shoulders back, takes a slow breath. Varanis murmurs ...
- VS 155 Cut OffVaranis — 1626 0856 Cut Off ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Godday, early morning, before and Mellia case Sleep on her. Now that the Vingan needs to wake up again, Mellia has come to do it ...
- VS 156 Leaves on a Current1626, Earth Season, Stasis Week, Godday Context It is early morning and Varanis and Xenofos are in a reedboat with TightBeak, the duck who rescued Nala. He’s taking them to the island where Lenta might be held captive. After Ducking Out (Session 2.13). Events Light rain falls through the mist making rings in the calm water as Tightbeak pushes ...
- VS 157 Broken on the BeachVaranis — 1626 0860 Beach ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Godday Events Berra and Irillo enter the structure through the front door. At the same time, Rajar barrels through the rear door, followed by Varanis and Xenofos. Almost ...
- VS 158 Can you make peace?Varanis — 1626 0862 Peace ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Godday Unconscious on the beach, Varanis has a vision or dream of Orlanth. Cast Starring Garin as MagastaAnd co-starring: Elanka as the Earth God LodrilDormal as VadrusBerra as HumaktRajar as ...
- VS 160 Lenta is LentaVaranis — 1626 0865 Lenta ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Godday, during At the Warehouse, just after Berra finds Lenta. Events “Is she there? Is she unhurt?” On the stair, while there is chattering going on elsewhere, Berra says, “She’s not ...
- VS 159 Voicebox Part 1Varanis — 1626 0864 Voicebox ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Godday At the warehouse where they found Lenta Events From the sack with small sacks of flour comes still some sobbing, but its tempo is slowing down. Varanis glares ...
- VS 161 HomewardVaranis — 1626 0866 Homeward ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Godday After the visit with Queen Samastina Events On the way back, Berra tells Dormal what happened, then has a talk with Xenofos, who is guarding the right flank, ...
- VS 162 Voicebox Part 2Varanis — 1626 0868 Voicebox2 ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Godday . Events As soon as they get back to House Saiciae, but before ...
- VS 163 Praxian PresumptionVaranis — 1626 0870 Praxianpresumption ????, Earth Season, Stasis Week Context Earth Season, Stasis Week, Godday House Saiciae Events It is sometime in the evening when Varanis knocks on Xenofos’ chamber door. “Please enter” The Vingan steps into the room. She’s dressed in a simple ...
- VS 164 Morning MailVaranis — 1626 0872 Morningmail ????, Earth Season, Movement Week Context Earth Season, Movement Week, Freezeday Events It’s late when Varanis opens her eyes. She blinks blearily into the light that fills her room. Yelm has ...
- VS 165 Muddled MailVaranis — 1626 0873 Muddledmail ????, Earth Season, Movement Week Context Earth Season, Movement Week, Freezeday Events Varanis has woken up on the wrong side of the bed and ...
- VS 166 Cousinly ConcernVaranis — 1626 0874 Cousinlyconcern ????, Earth Season, Movement Week Context Earth Season, Movement Week, Freezeday Events With the way she’s moving, servants clear out of Varanis’ path on the way ...
- VS 167 Who Needs Love?Varanis — 1626 0875 Whoneedslove ????, Earth Season, Movement Week Context Earth Season, Movement Week, Freezeday Events The bath attendants carefully hide their curiosity if this is again going to result ...
- VS 168 Don’t Kill the MessengerVaranis — 1626 0878 Messenger ????, Earth Season, Movement Week Context Earth Season, Movement Week, Waterday House Saiciae, Varanis’ rooms Events Waterday. There is a knock on the door, and the red and blue songbird gives a shriek of panic and scuttles for safety. Varanis ...
- VS 170 SacrificesVaranis — 1626 0884 Sacrifices ????, Earth Season, Movement Week Context Earth Season, Movement Week, Clayday to Windsday and promised a full sacrifice later. It is time to make good on that promise. ...
- VS 169 Separation AnxietyVaranis — 1626 0880 Separation ????, Earth Season, Movement Week Context Earth Season, Movement Week, Waterday Events Berra is downstairs in the courtyard, half asleep against the wall, with Road and Followed waiting patiently. The horse also looks asleep, and the bison is patiently ...
- VS 172 Alynx KittenVaranis — 1626 0888 Alynxkitten ????, Earth Season, Illusion Week Context Earth Season, Illusion Week, Freezeday Events Some time on Freezeday, after Varanis has returned with the released Blue Tree prisoners she will be addressed by young messenger boy who tells her she ...
- VS 173 Late Night at SaiciaeVaranis — 1626 0890 Latenight ????, Earth Season, Illusion Week Context Earth Season, Illusion Week, Waterday Eve House Saiciae, Nochet Events Waterday eve, late there is a knock on Varanis’ door. The redcapped songbird lets out a melancholy trill. Marta answers. Outside Varanis’ door is ...
- VS 174 Late Night StrollVaranis — 1626 0891 Latenight ????, Earth Season, Illusion Week Context Earth Season, Illusion Week, Waterday Eve. Events Late, late, late at night, when anyone who had not been abusing their body and mind would be sleeping, is a good time to be pacing ...
- VS 175 Sad Little SongbirdVaranis — 1626 0892 Sadsongbird ????, Earth Season, Illusion Week Context Earth Season, Illusion Week, Waterday morning Nochet Events Early on Waterday, Varanis makes her way to House Yelendar, accompanied by a couple of household guards. Unusually, given she is not going to a party, ...
- VS 176 Pavis BoundVaranis — 1626 0893 Pavisbound ????, Earth Season Context End of Earth Season, as Nala and Berra (and it seems Xenofos too) prepare to leave for Prax Continues in . Events Late in the afternoon, after Varanis returns from delivering the ...
- VS 177 Road TripVaranis — 1626 0894 Roadtrip ????, Earth Season Context End of Earth Season, as Nala, Berra, and Xenofos prepare to leave for Prax Events Waterday has rain, and a wind from the sea that means boats must beat out against the weather, and ...
- VS 178 FavourVaranis — 1626 0896 Favour ????, Earth Season Context End of Earth Season, as Nala, Berra, and Xenofos prepare to leave for Prax. Varanis had , but now needs to make other arrangements. Events Before leaving for Prax, ...
- VS 179 At the DocksVaranis — 1626 0898 Docks ????, Earth Season Context End of Earth Season, as Nala, Berra, and Xenofos prepare to leave for Prax. Events In spite of the rain, the docks are busy as ships prepare to sail. Varanis appears with a couple of ...
- VS 180 Bad MemoriesVaranis — 1626 0900 Memories ????, Earth Season Context End of Earth Season, on the ship to Prax. Events Crossing the Mirrorsea Bay on the first part of the journey, in the relatively calm waters, is a good time to settle in for the ...
- VS 181 Wounded FeelingsVaranis — 1626 0902 Woundedfeelings ????, Earth Season Context End of Earth Season, on the ship to Prax. Events After a few hours, Berra has managed to eat most of her bread, although not all of it stayed down. ...
- VS 182 Stormy WatersVaranis — 1626 0903 Stormywaters ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Varanis feels unjustly treated by her cousin, but after talking to Berra, she eventually decides to confront him. Follows after .
- Broken Reed1626, Storm Season, Movement Week, Clayday. At the temple of Uleria, Varanis got pretty deep inside Xenofos’ head.
- FIX (was an include) The Garden Of HealingVaranis — 1626 0756a Garden ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Feeling guilty, Varanis visits Mellia in the Temple of Chalan Arroy.
- FIX (was an include) Aftermath of the QuestVaranis — 1626 0756b Aftermath ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Feeling guilty, Varanis tries to visit Berra at the Temple of Humakt. Berra sends her away.
- FIX (was an include) After the RewardVaranis — 1626 0758 Aftermath2 ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Berra and Varanis discuss Kallyr’s boons and Dormal’s in particular.
- Sharing BurdensBerra is struggling with carrying everything, and entrusts (most of) her swords to Varanis.
1626 Dark Season
- VS 183 He’s Snooping!Varanis — 1626 0904 Snooping ????, Dark Season, Disorder Week Context Dark Season, Disorder Week, Fireday Events On the road to Pavis, Varanis reins in her zebra next to Xenofos. “I just realised something.” Her helmet in pushed back on her head, revealing ...
- VS 184 Not ParanoidVaranis — 1626 0906 Notparanoid ????, Dark Season, Disorder Week Context Dark Season, Disorder Week, Godday Events A bit after dusk there is a knock on the room of Varanis. There’s a long stretch of silence, before Varanis’ voice carries through the door: “Yes?” “Xenofos here, ...
- Armour Feminamque Cano1626, Dark Season, Disorder Week, Wildday morning. Varanis and Berra go to collect some rhino-hide armour and get lost in Pavis.
- VS 186 Letting off steamVaranis — 1626 0912 Lettingoffsteam ????, Dark Season, Harmony Week Context Dark Season, Harmony week, end of Clayday. At the Bison Riders’ camp on the plains of Prax. Events It is the evening of Clayday, with Yelm slipping down. Soon it will be Windsday, ...
- VS 187 AftermathVaranis — 1626 0914 Aftermath ????, Dark Season, Death Week Context Dark Season, Death Week, Clayday Early Morning. At the Bison Riders’ camp on the plains of Prax. Events This takes place the morning after the triumphant return to Rajar’s clan and the riotous ...
- Stealing deathVaranis worships, then dreams, and somehow steals Death. (1626, Dark Season, Death Week)
- VS 189 SnowfightVaranis — 1626 0917 Snowfight ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Varanis has had a weird out on the plains. When she rides back into camp, Berra attacks with little warning.
- VS 190 Talk of a FightVaranis — 1626 0918 Fighttalk ????, Dark Season, Death Week Context Dark Season, Death Week, Windsday in the early afternoon. At the Bison Riders’ camp on the plains of Prax. Continues . Events Come Windsday and grey ...
- VS 191 Singing the praises of othersVaranis — 1626 0920 Singingpraises ????, Dark Season, Death Week Context Dark Season, Death Week, Windsday in the late afternoon. At the Bison Riders’ camp on the plains of Prax. Continues . Events Late in the afternoon ...
- VS 192 Stormbull’s AdviceVaranis — 1626 0922 Stormbulladvice ????, Dark Season, Death Week Context Dark Season, Death Week, Fireday Eve. At the Bison Riders’ camp on the plains of Prax. The conflict over Death was resolved in . Events Off and on through the day, Rajar has been ...
- VS 193 Mending WoundsVaranis — 1626 0923a Mendingwounds ????, Dark Season, Death Week Context Early Dark Season to Dark Season, Death Week, Wildday Eve. Events Berra gets her bison alongside the riding zebra – eventually. By running in the snow for a bit and then climbing on ...
- VS 194 EpilogueVaranis — 1626 0923a Epilogue ???? Context Epilogue to the theft of Death Follows just after . Events In the warming up tent, while Berra is out checking food. Softly, in Esrolian, he says, “She does not seem to be Humakt anymore. Did you ...
- VS 195 On the PlainsVaranis — 1626 0923b Plains ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Varanis tries to advise her love-struck cousin.
- VS 196 Tall TalesVaranis — 1626 0924 Talltales ????, Dark Season Context Mid Dark Season. Follows on from Events Varanis makes short work of the swords, allowing Berra to assist if she chooses. When they are done, she stares at the pieces of the broken waster. ...
- VS 197 StripesVaranis — 1626 0925 Stripes ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective The Vingan is caught completely off-guard when a Bison Tribe woman unfairly chastises her for Xenofos’ behaviour. This marks the beginning of the It was Cold in Prax Series on .
- VS 198 Talk of Tattoos and PoliticsVaranis — 1626 0926 Talktattoos ????, Dark Season Context Mid Dark Season. Events Having eventually extricated herself from her enamoured part-time bedmate, Varanis makes her way back to the yurt. Yelm hasn’t set yet. Berra is curled up in a little ball next to the ...
- VS 199 Down in the TrenchVaranis — 1626 0928 Trench ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Varanis has been drinking kumiss and got a little tipsy. She decides to head to bed and encounters Berra en route. Part of the It was Cold in Prax Series on .
- VS 200 Earth Witch HedgesVaranis — 1626 0930 Hedgewitch ????, Dark Season, Movement Week Context Dark Season, Movement Week, Late Night Clay Day Straw Weaver Bison Camp This follows after Events It’s late on the night of the Bison Tribe’s Eirithan celebrations. Nala has been ...
- VS 201 Morning AfterVaranis — 1626 0932 Morningafter ????, Storm Season, Harmony Week Context Storm Season, Harmony Week, Clay Day, early morning Straw Weaver Bison Camp This takes place a few hours before Events Half an hour before dawn, Berra yawns and wakes ...
- VS 202 EndingsVaranis — 1626 0934 Endings ????, Storm Season, Harmony Week Context Storm Season, Harmony Week, Clay Day, Late morning In the Straw Weaver Bison Camp. Overlaps with . Events With Xenofos and Berra behind her, and Orgfal babbling about his shiny ...
- VS 203 While Rajar Sleeps IVaranis — 1626 0935 Rajarsleep1 ????, Storm Season, Disorder Week Context Storm Season, Disorder Week, Clay Day. In the aftermath of . Continues in . Events Berra caught up with the group long before they reached camp. She commandeered a yurt and ...
- VS 204 While Rajar Sleeps IIVaranis — 1626 0936 Rajarsleep2 ????, Storm Season, Disorder Week Context Storm Season, Disorder Week, Clay Day. In the aftermath of . Follows immediately after . Continues in . Events Not too long after, Varanis returns. “I’ve sent someone to ...
- VS 205 Guilt TripVaranis — 1626 0937 Guilttrip ????, Storm Season, Disorder Week Context Storm Season, Disorder Week, Clay Day Just after returning from the unexpected encounter with Rushes to Battle. Events Outside the yurt heavy raindrops are falling on yesterdays snow. Varanis is pulling her coat on ...
- InterrogationVaranis has a prisoner, captured after the conflict with Impala Storm Khan Rushes to Battle. Efforts are made to interrogate him. (1626, Storm Season, Disorder Week, Clay Day)
- VS 207 InquietudeVaranis — 1626 0942 Inquietude ????, Storm Season, Disorder Week Context Storm Season, Disorder Week, Clay Day. After .Straw Weaver Bison Camp, somewhere in Prax. Following the of her prisoner, Varanis is experiencing serious disquiet. Events Once her prisoner is safely settled, Varanis ...
- VS 210 ImpasseVaranis — 1626 0948 Impasse ????, Storm Season, Disorder Week Context Storm Season, Disorder Week, Clay Day. After .Straw Weaver Bison Camp, somewhere in Prax. Varanis tries to get more information from the prisoner while Berra guards the shaman’s remains. Takes place several hours after the . ...
- VS 208 InquiryVaranis — 1626 0944 Inquiry ????, Storm Season, Disorder Week Context Storm Season, Disorder Week, Clay Day. After .Straw Weaver Bison Camp, somewhere in Prax. Follows directly on from . Events There is a warrior outside the Grand yurt. That has not been the habit ...
- VS 209 InformationVaranis — 1626 0946 Information ????, Storm Season, Disorder Week Context Storm Season, Disorder Week, Clay Day. After .Straw Weaver Bison Camp, somewhere in Prax. Varanis is wondering if her prisoner’s ransom will cover the cost of a war bison for Rajar. She investigates the options. Follows on from . ...
1626 Storm Season
- VS 211 Ride OnVaranis — 1626 0949a Rideon ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Xenofos seems a bit off and Varanis decides to pry.
- VS 212 Good EnoughVaranis — 1626 0949b Goodenough ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Berra is worried about something and Varanis can’t help but pry a little.
- Tooth And HailBerra and Varanis talk and make plans to reconnect in the near future. (1626, Storm Season, Disorder Week)
- VS 213 My Smile Stays OnVaranis — 1626 0949c Smile ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Xenofos is definitely off now and Varanis is worried, which totally justifies prying into his life.
- Teeth And DeathOn the way to the Paps, Berra and Varanis discuss their dreams. (1626, Storm Season, Harmony Week)
- Political Play1626, Storm Season, Harmony Week. Venlar. Berra, and Varanis plot politics. What could possibly go wrong?
- Political Letters1626, Storm Season, Harmony Week. Xenofos scribes a pile of letters to Nochet for his cousin.
- VS 217 Teeth And DeathVaranis — 1626 0951c Teeth ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Berra and Varanis compare dreams of the Goddess of Salt and Teeth.
- Question Period1626, Storm Season, Harmony Week. Berra and Varanis have a rambling conversation about life, the universe, and everything.
- Revelations1626, Storm Season, Harmony Week, Windsday at Yelmrise. Toras and Varanis are on guard duty and have an interesting conversation.
- There is Another1626, Storm Season, Harmony Week, Windsday. Varanis tells Berra what she’s learned about Argrath.
- Dancing up a Storm1626, Storm Season, Harmony Week, Windsday. On arriving at the temple for Orlanth the Husband Protector, Varanis finds herself shoved into initiation to Orlanth Rex.
- Dancing up a Storm II1626, Storm Season, Harmony Week, Godday. Varanis, Venlar, and the gods feast at the Paps.
- Dancing up a Storm III1626, Storm Season, Death Week, Clayday. Varanis/Vinga/Orlanth steals Death and then makes things right again.
- There is Another II1626, Storm Season, Death Week, Windsday. Varanis asks Xenofos for advice about what to do with the information about Argrath’s lineage. There are worries about Rajar.
- Checking in1626, Storm Season, Death Week, Windsday. Having completed her initiation, Varanis goes to check on Venlar.
- After the Walktapus I1626, Storm Season, Movement Week, Freeze Day. Berra has finished off the walktapus at last. Varanis watched the whole thing from a short distance away, where she was sat on the ground breathing carefully.
- After the Walktapus II1626, Storm Season, Movement Week, Freeze Day. Very late, or very early, depending on how you look at it, on the way back to Boldhome, but still somewhere in Prax. Varanis tries to reassure Xenofos after nearly dying by walktapus.
- No glory in itVaranis tries to reassure Xenofos that she’ll be fine after her run in with the walktapus.
- The Road to JaldonkillLate in Storm Season and the party has been making steady progress towards Jaldonkill, en route to Boldhome. They’ve stopped for the night and Varanis and Berra discuss their plans for the future. (1626, Storm Season)
- A Serious SquallRajar has been provoking Varanis with unsubtle comments about Kallyr and how convenient it would be if she were dead. It culminates when he suggests Varanis could do the job herself. The Vingan loses her temper and rather than attack the Uroxi, she races ahead. (1626, Dark Season, Stasis Week)
- Hold the onionsRajar and Varanis had a falling out over Argrath and Kallyr and the Vingan decides to talk it over with Berra. (1626, Dark Season, Stasis Week)
- Make it ShineBerra and Varanis polish armour and talk about harvests. A quiet moment in a busy time. (1626, Dark Season, Stasis Week)
- Ernalda’s EmbraceVaranis wakes up at the Boldhome Earth Temple and decides to greet Yelm from the roof. Berra and Xenofos greet her at the bottom. (1626, Storm Season, Truth Week, Clayday)
- Sleep InterruptedBerra wakes Varanis up to suggest she try to find the rest of her armour. (1626, Storm Season, Truth Week, Clayday)
- Something SweetVaranis takes Valseena to the market so she can surprise her with something. (1626, Storm Season, Truth Week, Clayday)
- FIX (was an include) House Of Love And BathsVaranis — 1626 0979a Houselove ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Varanis finds out that Boldhome has a bathhouse and begs Xenofos to take her.
- Vrok Hawk1626, Storm Season, Truth Week. Berra and Varanis head out on one of their climbing trips. Berra talks a bit about Eril.
- Varanis, Where are your clothes?1626, Storm Season, Movement Week, Clayday. Varanis makes arrangements to leave Xenofos with the Ulerians.
- Admissions1626, Storm Season, Movement Week, Clayday. Varanis tells Berra about tricking Xenofos into getting help.
- Necessities1626, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Freezeday. Varanis complains a lot, while Berra gets to know her new sword.
- FIX Reckless1626, Sea Season, Disorder Week Context Well before Yelmrise. At the White Grape in Boldhome and from there up to the Flame of Sartar. After Session 2.30 (Sha-MEN!). This is presented in three parts:Part 1 – the climb/racePart 2 – at the topPart 3 – the descent and Berra’s anger Events Only a few hours have passed since Rajar finally ...
- Confessions1626, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Freezeday. Just after Yelmrise, Varanis blurts her romantic troubles at Xenofos.
1626 Sacred Time
- Golden Hawk1626, Sacred Time, Luck Week, Freezeday. Varanis and Serala meet up after a long time apart.
- Golden Hawk II1626, Sacred Time. Varanis sneaks out with Serala.
1627 Sea Season
- Goodbye, Golden Hawk1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Freezeday. Varanis and Serala discuss the Vingan’s new mission.
- Apology Undone1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week. Varanis apologises for one thing, only to lose her temper shortly thereafter.
- Guard Shift1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week. Berra and Varanis walk the lines and talk to Irillo’s guards.
- Orlanthi Obligations1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Clayday. Nala begins her efforts to be a spiritual guide to a relunctant Vingan.
- Talk of Marriage1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Windsday. Xenofos has questions about Varanis’ mission for the Prince.
- Taking Sides1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week. Xenofos asks Varanis about her confrontation with Berra. (Spoilers for Berra’s player)
- Cracking Skulls1627, Storm Season, Harmony Week. Berra is stewing over something Xenofos did and Varanis forces them to sort it out.
- VS FIX (was an include) Marriage in the Blue TreeVaranis — 1627 0013 Marriage ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Conversation with Berra goes in some unexpected directions at times. Contains relationship spoilers.
- A Mercurial Mood1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week. The morning after meeting the troll, Varanis’ mood is shifting rapidly. She tries to settle things by planning with Berra.
- Orlanthi Obligations II1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week, at the beginning of Clayday. Varanis tells Xenofos and Berra about her earlier conversation with Nala.
- Nightmares1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Fireday. In the middle of the night. Varanis wakes from a dream of drowning. Xenofos is there to comfort her.
- Worry Later1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week: Varanis talks of her worries. Berra talks about the Water Rune and not worrying about dreams.
- Quest Of Eril: Asking Varanis1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week: Berra asks Varanis to help her in a heroquest.
- FIX (was an include) A Quest RequestVaranis — 1627 0022 Erilquest ???? Context from Varanis’ perspective Berra has been speaking to people about a HeroQuest she wants to undertake. Varanis is uncertain about how she feels when Berra tells her what role she wants the Vingan to play.
- Spiritual Guidance1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week, around Wildday. Varanis seeks guidance from Nala and ends up confused.
- Quest Of Eril: Varanis has QuestionsBerra — Quest Of Eril 06 1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week Context Sea Season, Harmony Week, travelling through the Donalf Flats Spoilery for emotions and decisions Events Noon. A time to rest and graze the animals, and stretch, and eat if not actually cook. ...
- Praxian Perplexity1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week. Confused by one Praxian, Varanis tries to get clarification from another. Rajar isn’t as helpful as she’d hoped.
- Demons and Shamans1627, Sea Season. Varanis talks to Berra about her earlier conversations.
- Uroxi Observations1627, Sea Season. In the aftermath of battle, Varanis comes to Rajar for some advice.
- Resounding Rebuke1627, Sea Season. Varanis is disappointed with both Berra and Xenofos and decides to tell them both at the same time.
- Love Yurts1627, Sea Season. At the Feathered Horse Queen’s camp, to negotiate marriage.
- Wee hours and insults1627, Sea Season, Fertility Week: Varanis is slipping out into the night at Duck Point. She takes Berra with her.
- Bedside Visit1627, Sea Season, Fertility Week. Varanis is ill and Xenofos goes to check on her.
- Room Call1627, Sea Season, Movement Week: Duck Point, after Varanis has been very ill. On her feet again, she goes looking for Mellia.
- And one day…1627, Sea Season, Movement Week: Berra tries not to feel murderous rage, and Varanis helps her down from it.
- A brother’s love1627, Sea Season, Illusion Week. Venlar needs Varanis’ help with a sensitive matter.
- Smoothing the way1627, Sea Season, Illusion Week. Varanis tries to smooth the way for Venlar, by talking to Berra.
- Despair & disapproval1627, Sea Season. Varanis is wrestling with despair and she shares more than she meant to with Xenofos.
- Remoralised1627, Sea Season. After Xenofos tattled on Varanis, Berra seeks the demoralised Vingan out for a heart-to-heart.
- Can’t Win1627, Sea Season. After leaving the Dragonewt city, Varanis has questions for Berra.
- Cult Secret1627, Late Sea Season. Varanis tries to learn about separation.
- Age DifferenceIt is Sea Season at the Blue Tree. Yehna is cooking, and packing for Baby Berra, and finishing off an embroidered patch of some kind. Larger Berra is playing the buzz-flute for the entranced child. A few people, Varanis included, are hanging around; the promise of food outweighs the pain of Humakti lullabies. A young ...
- Streaming ColdContext Berra is still looking after the River Egg, waiting for the Queen to be available and make a judgement. Session 4. Events Berra is wet, and cold, and standing off a little from the group, although the gaggle of Ducks in the background is providing a soundtrack of quacks and bickering. The campfire burns on. Water ...
1627 Fire Season
- Servant and her Mistress1627, Fire Season, Harmony Week: Marta discovers that Varanis has returned to Nochet.
- Discussion with Dormal1627, Fire Season, Harmony Week, Godday. Back at House Saiciae, Varanis runs into Dormal outside Grandmother’s chambers.
- Grandmother’s Greetings1627, Fire Season, Harmony Week, Godday. Varanis has questions for Grandmother Saiciae.
- Breakfast Meeting1627, Fire Season, Death Week, Freezeday, early morning at House Saiciae. Venlar and Varanis have breakfast together. He asks an uncomfortable question and gets an uncomfortable answer. She asks a question of her own.
- Guard duty1627, Fire Season, Disorder Week. Berra and Varanis talk a little during a pre-dawn guard shift.
- House and Home1627, Fire Season, Death Week, Freezeday, midday at House Saiciae. Varanis asks Venlar for advice about her housing options in Blue Tree.
- Rooftop Run1627, Fire Season, Death Week.Berra and Varanis blow off steam by taking a run across Nochet’s rooftops.
- Tempting Targets1627, Fire Season, Death Week, Clay Day, in Nochet. Varanis and Berra make their way back through the city after visiting some of Berra’s kin.
- Old Flame Wars1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, evening of Freezeday at House Saiciae. Berra and Varanis attend a party and encounter diverse matrons, including the mothers of two of Varanis’ admirers.
- Escaping Emotions1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, night of Freezeday in Nochet. After a frustrating evening, Varanis needs to escape through movement. Berra and a couple of Saiciae guards gamely accompany her.
- Night at Norinel1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, some afternoon/evening in Nochet. Attending her last party before leaving Nochet again, Varanis does not enjoy herself. Berra – be warned – spoilers.
- Humakti, Life Coach, and Matchmaker?1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, just after Yelmrise. Berra arrives at House Saiciae to continue Varanis’ training, but instead finds the Vingan sleep-deprived and grouchy.
- Drinking Party (Part I)1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday Eve. The heroes are in Nochet after Kin-Making (session 42). Varanis has been climbing the walls of the palazzo. The evening after a miserable party at House Norinel (Night at Norinel), she is determined to escape everything for a while.
- Drinking Party (Part 2)1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday Eve. Varanis and Berra settle down to drinking at Nochet’s primary Temple of Uleria. Xenofos is there for moral support.
- Drinking Party (Part 3)1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday Eve. The drinking party continues. Xenofos puts on a show.
- Drinking Party (Part 4)1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday Eve. The drinking party continues. Varanis has a melancholy moment.
- Drinking Party (Part 5)1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday Eve. The drinking party continues. Berra’s turn to sing.
- Drinking Party (Part 6)1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday Eve. The drinking party continues. Tipsy musings about water, wrestling, and melons.
- Drinking Party (Part 7)1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday Eve. The drinking party continues. The sentences are getting shorter as Varanis gets drunker.
- Drinking Party (Part 8)1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday Eve. The drinking party continues. Thinking about many things at once.
- Drinking Party (Part 9)1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday Eve. The drinking party continues. Let’s not go climbing!
- Drinking Party (Part 10)1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday Eve. The drinking party continues. The mixed frustrations of lust and rage.
- Drinking Party (Part 11)1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday Eve. The drinking party continues. Finally out of fuel.
- The Morning After1627. Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday: Berra and Varanis make it back to House Saiciae in time for morning training.
- Slap Happy1627, Fire Season: Berra informs Varanis that she should not slap people to get their attention.
- No Head for Politics1627, Fire Season. Xenofos doesn’t trust Kallyr.
- Divisions1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week, Waterday. At the camp of the Esrolian Free Company, following on from Waterday Night. Varanis tries to sort out the troops and finds the chain of command to be rather unusual.
- Freezeday In The Camp1627, Fire Season, Season/Illusion Week: Varanis finally makes a visit to the camp of the Esrolian Free Company. Venlar is there to advise and support.
- Waterday Night1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week, Waterday: Varanis discusses what she saw in the camp with Lenta, Venlar and Xenofos
- Rocking Back and Forth1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week: Varanis needs to prepare for Divination and asks Venlar for help.
- Hot TopicBerra is not very able to answer questions, but nevertheless talks with Varanis.
- Waterday Close To NoonNews of peasants being restless comes to the camp. Varanis is getting desperate to get her new troops organised. (1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week, Waterday)
- Waterday: After NoonVaraneva is summoned. Varanis tells her to answer the charges and she agrees.(1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week, Waterday)
- The MerchantBerra made sure a merchant came to the camp, prepared to sell exactly what was needed. (1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week)
- Lives LostIn the aftermath of the battle to retake Alda Chur, Varanis begins to take stock of the deaths.
1627 Earth Season
- Leadership RollsWhile talking about the problem of the Esrolian volunteers, Berra gets Varanis to eat a bit.
- Air and DarknessIn the early evening, en route towards Boldhome, the Esrolians stop to set up camp alongside the road. Varanis spots Berra loudly supervising and waves her over. Berra gives up on the loud supervision and steps up smartly to see Varanis, for all the world as if the Vingan is someone she looks up to. “Walk with ...
- Calming Influence1627, Earth Season, towards the end of the first week. The assassination of a prisoner has caused a lot of anger.
- Fighting TalkIn the Praxian camp, Varanis is pissed and looking for a fight. Berra comes along to help. (1627, Earth Season, Harmony Week)
- Green and Blue1627, Earth Season, late Harmony Week: After travelling to Iron Spike to negotiate with King Stark on Argrath’s behalf, Varanis finds she’s eaten too much of the feast. Berra has plenty of advice for her.
- Words of Irritation1627, Earth Season. Varanis was criticised by Xenofos because Berra appears to have contradicted something the Vingan said. Now she’s annoyed.
- In Argrath’s Camp 41627, Earth Season, Disorder Week: In the evening after the fistfight Xenofos leaves the prisoners and looks for Varanis around the Esrolian camp.
- Words At Ironspike Village1627, Earth Season, late Harmony Week or early Death Week. Xenofos tells Varanis that he doesn’t wish a resurrection.
- Words Of Advice1627, Earth Season. On the road back to Glasswall. Xenofos thinks Berra needs to be chastised.
- Words Of Admonishment1627, Earth Season. Words of admonishment fly between Xenofos, Berra, and Varanis.
- Words At BreakfastXenofos — Words At Breakfast 1627 Context At Glasswall the morning after the argument about eating Events In the morning after the fight Xenofos will come for breakfast at the time Varanis is doing her ceremony. Lenta welcomes him. “Good morning. How are you?” “As well ...
- Letter Delivered1627, Earth Season, late Harmony Week or early Death Week: A letter arrives to Varanis. Xenofos suggests it’s contents are not told Berra.
- Letter From Venlar To Varanis1627, Earth Season: Venlar informs Varanis that he himself was accepted to his clan and of Yamia’s son via a letter.
- Dreaming beneath the walls of Alda Chur1627, Earth Season, Death Week: Finally asleep after the night-time visit to Alda Chur, Varanis dreams.
- A Cooking Lesson1627, Earth Season, Stasis Week: During some downtime in Blue Tree tula, Yehna teaches Varanis how to make pancakes.
- Nice Ice Wall1627, Earth Season, Stasis Week: Berra takes Varanis to see the Ice Wall and trade with some dragonewts.
- Doa Or Die1627, Earth Season, Movement Week: Berra hears that Danaril and Doa have run away after the Clan Ring discussed killing him.
- Pyre Of Heroes1627, Earth Season, After the battle at Alda Chur: How the corps remembered its dead and disbanded, how Varanis gave gifts to her retinue and how they travelled towards Boldhome.
- Chalana Arroy Thunderous1627, Earth Season. Varanis has gome climb where she ought not to have and Mellia chastises her while patching her up.
- Mixing Perry and Mead1627, Earth Season, Stasis Week: During some downtime in Blue Tree tula, Varanis and Venlar drink and talk about house-hunting.
- Advising Boldly1627, Earth Season, Stasis Week: During some downtime in Blue Tree tula, Varanis asks Venlar to be her advisor.
- Consultation1627, Late Earth Season: Varanis hasn’t been feeling well for a few seasons and finally asks Mellia to help her. She gets an unexpected response.
- Breaking News1627, Late Earth Season: Varanis blurts out her pregnancy secret to Berra and Yehna. Berra is far too pleased.
- Royal Reveal1627, Late Earth Season: Varanis needs to tell Kallyr something important.
- A New HomeBerra has moved from room to room in the house, leaning against the walls with her hands, sniffing the air, dropping her woven ear warmer and examining it on the floor and picking it back up again, and finally choosing a room and telling Yehna which one it is. Then she seeks out Varanis, by ...
1627 Dark Season
- Boldhome ConclaveIn Boldhome, Varanis and company go house-hunting, but while looking at a place, Mellia starts in on the Vingan about her pregnancy.
- Cooking Up1627, Dark Season. Berra does not realise that Venlar is trying to find Yehna a husband.
- NEEDS FIXING Match-maker Admonished1627, Dark Season: Venlar has aspirations for Yehna’s marriage opportunities. Varanis disapproves.
- Mellia Mends1627, Dark Season: Mellia tries to help Venlar make amends after he got a bit heavy-handed in his match-making attempts.
- Baby BlessingsIn Boldhome, Varanis talks with Lenta at the White Grape, revealing her latest secret.
- House-hunting with Yehna1627, Dark Season: Varanis and Yehna do a bit of house-hunting in Boldhome.
- Is Venlar a Spy?1627, Dark Season. One evening later in Dark Season, after the house has been purchased and as it is being prepared for Varanis and Berra to take possession, Varanis drops by the Sambari mansion to speak to Venlar.
1627 Storm Season
- Berra and BerraThe morning of Windsday passes and a message is sent to the Humakti Temple for Initiate Berra. ‘Your friend has birthed a healthy child. She is well. Please don’t bring Death to the Earth Temple.’ A day passes without Berra. The next brings a written message for Varanis. Lord D’Val’s greetings to Thane Varanis. Initiate Berra ...
- Baby Talk1627, Storm Season, Truth Week: Varanis asks Venlar for some advice regarding raising baby Berra, who is about 2 weeks old.
- Baby Berra’s Mother1627, Storm Season, Truth Week: Varanis asks Yehna if she would mother Baby Berra. She is surprised by the answer.
1627 Sacred Time
1628 Sea Season
- On Being a Worthy Orlanth1628, Early Sea Season: Varanis seeks advice from Venlar about what it means to be named Kallyr’s heir.
- Head ColdContext Berra is still calling a river to her, and needs to talk to Varanis about political expedience. Sea Season, Session 4. Events When she has as much privacy as possible, and has asked the drakes to flock off and told the guard where to go, with politeness made manifest by great effort, Berra looks up at ...
- Throne OutBerra has refused to talk to Varanis about being exiled. It is a little later, and Varanis tries again. Sea Season, Session 6.
- Brief ConversationContext Berra was unable to leave Boldhome at the same time as the others to go to the Cave of Salt and Teeth. She has caught up. Sea Season, Session 8. Events On the way back to Boldhome, after tidying up things in the Greyrock area, Varanis rides alongside Berra. “What kept you, by the way? ...
1628 Fire Season
- Tiny DrunkBerra, who rarely gets drunk, is in the cooking wine. She is feeling bad about love.
- By the way…1628, Early Fire Season: Varanis forgot to tell Berra that her old servant had arrived.
- Death Note1628, Fire Season, Harmony Week. Varanis confesses that she’s afraid of the Bat.
- Visitor from Blue Tree1628, early in Fire Season. Yehna’s husband-to-be arrives in Boldhome with exciting news.
- Thinking on your toes1628, Fire Season: Varanis and Berra talk a bit about meditation and Wind Lords.
- Jonstown Tubs1628, Fire: Xenofos and Varanis escape to the baths for a bit in Jonstown.
- Building a Wall1628, Fire Season, Fertility Week: While spending some time at Dwarf Mine, Varanis and Berra talk to T’Dwarf about walling off Blue Tree.
- Post-X Exhaustion1628, Fire Season Context On the way to the Lunar Empire the group stopped at Dwarf Mine, and helped out the Dwarf there. Session 3.12. Events The meal is over and X11 has gone to recharge or whatever it is Mostali do when not in active use. Varanis and Berra have a bit of quiet time. “Berra…” Varanis begins, ...
- Square Meal1628, Fire Season Context In an eating hall in Dwarf Mine. Session 3.12 Events It’s evening, around a day or maybe two after the group arrived at Dwarf Mine. Berra and Maalira are eating Dwarf Stuff, well away from the main crowd, in a big painted room. Varanis drifts over, freshly scrubbed and in a clean tunic and trews. ...
- Darn Mending1628, Fire Season, Fertility Week: During some downtime in Dunstop, Berra teaches Maalira how to mend while Varanis attempts not to tear anyone to shreds.
- Tearing Strips1628, Fire Season, Fertility Week: During some downtime in Dunstop, Varanis attempts to tear a strip off Berra for using the wrong name.
- Climbing the Walls1628, Fire Season, Fertility Week: During some downtime in Dunstop, Varanis begins to figuratively climb the walls. She wants to do it literally, but that’s a bad idea.
- To Quest or not to Quest?1628, Fire Season, Stasis Week, Waterday: On the way back to find Irillo and the caravan, Berra, Varanis, and Xenofos argue about Onjur’s proposal.
- Off the road again1628, Fire Season, Stasis Week (ish) – Xenofos follows Varanis despite the Vingan’s resentment and poor choices.
- Fly the Cage?1628, Fire Season, Stasis Week (ish): Xenofos and Varanis are being held in the Maran Gor temple. They discuss their options.
- Attempted apology1628, Fire Season. They’ve just survived the Lightbringers Quest, again, and are on the road to return to Sartar. Berra has been managing to be a guard, but not much else.
- Confidences and confessions1628, Fire Season. On the road back toward Sartar, the day after the Lightbringers Quest. Berra tells Varanis about her new-found wolf ability and Varanis shows Berra her sword.
- Hold a Prayer1628, Fire Season, Late in Stasis Week: Berra makes a long-distance call to Eril while Varanis stands guard.
- Owed a Sword1628, Fire Season, Movement Week: Varanis is at their house when a messenger from Lord D’Val finds her.
- Coming Clean1628, Fire Season, Movement Week: After meeting with Lord D’Val and the Iron Lord, Varanis took her rapier to the Air Temple and then returned to collect Berra for an excursion.
- Vingan Judgement1628, Fire Season, Movement Week: Having taken Berra to the cleaners (Ulerian baths), Varanis and Berra head to the Redsmiths, continuing their conversation.
- A Spearful Mood1628, Fire Season, Movement Week: Berra intercepts Varanis who is returning to their house after visiting the Vingan Temple. Varanis is carrying a spear and looks to be in a bit of a mood.
1628 Earth Season
- DownerBerra has a question for Varanis about politeness, which reveals some impressive ignorance about how things are done at court. (1628, Earth Season, Harmony Week)
- What’s On ‘er?Berra asks Varanis what honour is, as she grapples with it.
- Look out for crocodiles1628, Late Earth Season, Stasis Week? Context Varanis and Xenofos meet on the road before the scribe makes the journey to Prax. Events While Berra, Maalira, Lenta, and Varanis are travelling towards Boldhome, they meet Xenofos riding his bison towards Wilmskirk and Greyrock. He greets the group warmly, and nods to Varanis “How come you are travelling this ...
- Not Dead YetVaranis nearly died. To avoid thinking about that, she’s obsessing about how Berra nearly died. D’Val checks in on them. (1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Clayday)
- She’s SoucedVaranis watches over a drunken Berra. Finarvi arrives on the scene to help. (1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windday)
- Fuddled and FlirtyA drunken Humakti hits on her healer. Will she remember later? (1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windday)
- Sleeping It OffWhile Berra sleeps, Maalira manages to convince Varanis to stay still long enough for her wounds to be checked and cleaned. (1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windday)
- Still SozzledBerra, still very drunk, wakes briefly. Varanis continues her watch. (1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windday)
- Tamakt Tucked AwayBerra is still drunk. Maalira needs a place to stash Tamakt and Varanis makes a convenient, if reluctant, guard. (1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windday)
- Wet RagBerra is as drunk and limp as a wet rag. Varanis attempts to get a bit of water into her. (1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windday)
- On the Road, Offroad1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windsday Context In the Grazelands after the group has been left by its guards Session 3SA.03. Events There was a brief stop for lunch, during which Varanis napped. Now she’s riding next to Berra, blearily nibbling at the food she didn’t eat earlier. “I thought you were going to die,” she tells the Humakti after ...
- Running Gag1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Wildday? Context The group is in the grazelands with the hope of keeping Berra out of immense political trouble. Berra is badly hung over. Session 3SA.3 Events After the pause for lunch, Serala and Finarvi are riding up front while Berra and Varanis follow. There’s a short outburst at one point, but otherwise ...
- Grizzly Thoughts1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week Context On the Grazelands, travelling towards Grizzly Peak. Session 3SA.04. Events A little while later, Finarvi nudges his horse over to fall in with Berra’s. “Do I get the feeling you have some idea what we’re going to be dealing with?” he asks her. Berra looks at him. “Um, not really? But I know – ...
- I Swear…1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week Context The group is still riding towards Grizzly Peak Session SA3.04. Events Berra gives Finarvi a wry smile. “Yeah. Lunars kill descendants of Sartar.” Varanis arches a brow at that. “And? Grandfather Sartar and Prince Kallyr have already acknowledged me. You think the Lunars haven’t heard that yet? Or perhaps they don’t believe it?” Then ...
- Foot in Mouth Disease1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week Context On the ride up towards Grizzly Peak. Session SA3.04. Events Once Manasa is behaving again, Varanis turns her teasing on Maalira. “So, what are your preferences anyway? I mean, most of us are picky, but not limited, if you know what I mean. Leaving aside Berra, who according to popular songs has a ...
- Behind Bear-ra’s Back1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Wildday? Context After Berra has snarled at people and been angry, on the plains of the Grazelands Session SA3.04. Events Rapid hoofbeats announce Finarvi and his mount have had enough of the sedate pace and are riding back, a polite distance off the path the others are taking. He waves to Maalira and Berra ...
- Talking behind Berra’s backFinarvi and Varanis mull over the problem of Berra’s bearish mood. (1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windday)
- Are We AlrightBerra explains to Varanis how she is feeling, and they talk a little about their friendship.
- Coming Down the MountainVaranis finds out to her horror that people she thought were zombies – and executed – were not in fact undead.
- Up and OutAfter an unexpected Heroquest, the group climb up out of hell. All are more or less present, but some are present enough to talk.
- Death Will OutThe group is still within the underworld. Maalira does not know this, but is pulled in anyhow.
- Dawn at SixThe adventurers have come out of the earth in the Six Stones Temple, and talk a bit about what happened, why some of them dislike Heroquests, and what Giland might have done.
- Nutty ReactionThe group is still at the Six Stones. There is talk between Varanis and Berra about what happens next.
- Raid-arBerra and Varanis talk about the Colymar, feuds, and raiding.
- Wind in her hairOn the road from Boldhome towards Jonstown Lenta has a word with Varanis
- Just keep spinningVaranis goes to talk with Thenaya for a while at the Cinderfox House in Wilmskirk (1628, Earth Season, Stasis Week, Fireday (ish))
- Fighting the fidgetsVaranis is feeling cooped up and drags Berra off to distract her in Wilmskirk. (1628, Earth Season, Stasis Week, Fireday (ish))
- Worshipful CompanyBerra was not telling Varanis something earlier, but it has been eating at the Vingan, and the Humakti is more ready to talk. They prepare together for the worship of the Hero Eril.
- Coq au VinVaranis, Berra, and Maalira have made their way to Jonstown. Berra is going to lead worship for Eril for the first time and Varanis offers to be part of it. (1628, Earth Season, Stasis Week, Fireday into Wildday)
- Spindle and woolPrompted by Kalis Lenta asked Varanis for a spindle. After shopping she brought that and wool to her. (1628, Earth Season, Stasis Week, Day after we came to Boldhome)
- Bathing BeautiesA day which started with nothing much going on ended with the group being thrown into a very familiar Heroquest. That awkwardness has nothing on two people with designs on Varanis sharing a bath with Varanis.
- Two Tales1628, late Earth Season Context On the road to Wilmskirk, Berra and Varanis catch up on what the other missed. Session 3SA.10. Events Time traveling to the period after meeting with Berra but before getting to Wilmskirk. “It was a good time to get out of town for a while,” Varanis comments to Berra, as they travel. “Oh?” Berra asks. She ...
- Fire in the Darkness1628, late Earth Season Context Berra discusses something of her actual plans. Session SA3.10. Events After the meeting with the Colymar, there is a food break, as Berra will not be able to eat at Silor’s. She normally eats like a peasant on her best behaviour, which is essentially what she is – a warrior of low birth. As ...
- Fear in a handful of DucksBerra has a lot of emotions about having fought Varanis. Varanis has some too. (1628, Earth Season, Illusion Week, Wildday)
- Catching Up1628, Earth Season, Illusion Week, Godday Context Varanis realises something is wrong with her lover, Serala, and drops back to find out. Session SA3.11. Events When Varanis realises that Serala has ridden off, she heads towards the back of the pack, intent on collecting Manasa and following. “What’s going on?” she asks Maalira. The thunder of hooves rapidly recedes, Serala and ...
- A pair of lettersVenlar’s letters finally catch up to Varanis. (1628, Earth Season, Illusion Week)
- Fishing for ComplementsVaranis and Berra sit being friends. (1628, Earth Season, Truth Week, Wildday)
- The Old ChiefVaranis talks to Silor about the upcoming end to the Heroquest, and lets him distract her.
- Letters BeginVaranis has two letters. One is ordinary news from Venlar. The other is from Irillo, who is in Glamour, of all places. Serala reacts to the image of Glamour as if she were still slightly Sanra.
1628 Dark Season
- HeadachesVaranis, massively hung over, has to deal with Devolin making trouble.
- Sleepy HeadsEveryone is hung over, and they start to wake up slowly. (1628, Dark Season, Disorder Week, Waterday)
- Need for AirVaranis is a source of Air for the Blacksmith of the Humakti Temple. (1628, Dark Season, Disorder Week, Waterday)
- Visiting TimeThe group goes to see Berra. The Wyter, which can form as a human, advises Serala to keep Berra away from the Temple. (1628, Dark Season, Disorder Week, Waterday)
- Smoke and Mirrors1628, Dark Season, Disorder Week, Clayday Context It has been two days since the Wyter was bound. Session SA3.13. Events Once Berra comes home from the Temple, brought by a palanquin, she is greeted by her sister, who commandeers the small lower room off the Praxian chamber, rather than have Berra walk upstairs or be used as a climbing ...
- Kitchen Table DiscussionLord Raven, the Wyter to the Hero Eril, is eating snacks in Varanis’ kitchen, and generally being rude. They manage to come to an accord of a sort. (1628, Dark Season, Disorder Week, Clayday)
- The Problem with BerraYehna tells Varanis what she thinks the problem with Berra is – Berra has ceased to have any wants.
- Moving AirVaranis tries to get Berra to make any decision at all, but cannot. Lord Raven suggests that she has lost part of herself to Ikadz.
- Choose your DeathVaranis gets Berra to call on the Great Wyter of the Humakti Temple to find out where D’Val is, but eventually decides on speaking to Eril, who is not two days’ march away.
- The Beast in its DenVaranis talks to Eril, who tells her that Lord Raven has been created using the missing parts of Berra.
- Holy VisionVaranis talks to the Blacksmith and gets some advice in dealing with spirits.
- Letters between cousinsLetters between Mellia and Varanis, contains spoilers (1628, Early Dark Season)
- Spirited BargainingLord Raven gets Varanis to help him in finding worshippers, and she gets him to think really hard about not actually screwing over Berra in the long term.
- Worshipful Company1626, Dark Season, Disorder Week, Wildday Context Berra has been slowly recovering from her wound. Varanis has been helping to find worshippers for Lord Raven. Session SA3.13. Events That evening, Berra does take a palanquin most of the way to the Temple, but she walks the rest of the way, with the sword nestled in the crook of ...
- Cloven in ThreeLenta is at home when Varanis and Berra come back from worship at Humakt’s Temple. She makes drinks and checks out the strange effect under which Berra labours – being quiet and polite.
- Old WoundsMellia examines Berra, who is badly wounded.
- Written PermissionMellia meets Lord Raven, and so does Venlar. It goes only slightly terribly.
- Finding HopeMellia continues to try to work out what is affecting Berra.
- The Wanderer ReturnsIrillo returns in Dark Season
1628 Storm Season
- WorshipA play through of the worship ceremony on Humakt’s High Holy Day. (1628, Storm Season, Death Week, Windsday)
- Cold morning bluesVaranis returns from a cold morning of training. Berra has comments. (1628, Storm Season, Death Week, Godday)
- When fools flyWhat starts out as a fun excursion takes an icy turn. (1628, Storm Season, Fertility Week, Freezeday)
- Trials and TribulationsVaranis is called to trial before Kallyr over grave robbery and desecration.
- Happy CoupleVenlar gets a letter saying his father is going to marry again, surprising him as he thought his father was already married.
- Are we content?At the house in Boldhome, before Varanis goes on trial for violating the Telmori grave. She and Xenofos get a chance to catch up a bit more. (1628, Storm Season, Stasis Week)
- InitiationSomeone told Tennebris that Varanis hadn’t had a proper initiation by Sartarite standards. (1628, Storm Season, Movement Week, Windsday)
- Wind Lord!Varanis tells Berra about her Initiation. (1628, Storm Season, Movement Week, Fireday)
- Congratulations are in orderVaranis finds Xenofos in the stables and tells him her news. (1628, StormSeason, Movement Week, Wildday)
1628 Sacred Time
- ForewarnedVenlar ambushes Varanis with a warning. (1628 Year, Sacred Time, Fate Week, Godday)
- Fetching BerraVaranis is in her room at the Praxian house when Yehna comes asking about Berra’s whereabouts. (1628, Sacred Time, Fate Week, Godday)
- Bickering about BerraWhile Berra puts his sword on the altar, Raven and Varanis talk about her. (1628, Sacred Time, Fate Week, Godday)
- Plans, princes, and personal mattersBerra and Varanis head back to the Praxian house, talking about travel plans and personal matters. (1628, Sacred Time, Fate Week, Godday)
- Nochet next?Berra and Varanis head back to the Praxian house, Berra says she’s thinking about travelling to Nochet. (1628, Sacred Time, Fate Week, Godday)
1629 Sea Season
- Romance, Grazelander styleA romantic picnic with Serala and Varanis. So. much. fluff!!!! (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week)
- Dark ThreatsBerra has a sulk in the darkness. Irillo has a good idea. Varanis is better prepared for politics than the others.
- Soft?!In Culbrea territory, whilst sharing a meal with some bandits, Varanis has been quietly seething in Berra’s general direction. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Clayday morning)
- Watchful gazeWhile riding through Culbrea territory, guided by some bandits, Varanis and Berra talk about Lord Raven. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Clayday, noon)
- Disturbed restEn route to the Nunnery, they’ve stopped for the night at Beasts Gather. Varanis tries to sleep in the Great Hall, but gets woken by her dreams. She and Berra walk for a time. (1628, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Windsday Night)
- Earnest ErnaldaHaving spent a night at Beasts Gather, the party are riding toward the Nunnery. A tired Varanis is mounted on Manasa when Lenta comes to talk. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Clayday)
- Tired, Still YawningBerra realises how tired Varanis is, and makes sure she gets a bit of rest as they ride.
- In the WildsBerra leads Varanis in worship. Varanis, later falls asleep and has a bad dream. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Wildday Eve)
- Grave-digging Part 1In the wilds of Culbrea territory, there was a Telmori den. Varanis and some people from the Nunnery have come to bury the dead. Berra and Irillo come looking for them. Part 1 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 2In the wilds of Culbrea territory, there was a Telmori den. As Varanis and Berra help to dig the grave, they talk about Telmori. Irillo adds his two clacks to the conversation. Part 2 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 3In the wilds of Culbrea territory, there was a Telmori den. Varanis digs the grave with determination while Irillo and some of the healers swap stories. Part 3 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 4In the wilds of Culbrea territory, there was a Telmori den. One of the healers begins to tell stories of Chalana Arroy and Varanis finally snaps. Part 4 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 5Berra asks Varanis to sing, but caught up in grief, the Vingan’s songs are are sorrowful. Part 5 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 6Berra and Varanis discuss grave-digging in the midst of grave-digging. Part 6 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 7Berra braves the den in search of grave goods. Part 7 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 8The dead have been buried and Irillo, Varanis, and Berra are returning to Beasts Gather. The merchant dozes, while the other two talk of death and horses. Part 8 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Nightmare at the NunneryVaranis has a nightmare about Lenta’s death. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Waterday)
- Welcome backLenta recovers from her resurrection at the Nunnery. Varanis is fussing. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Waterday)
- Roles and ResponsibilitiesBerra and Varanis have a heart to heart to try to address a few things, including roles within the party – especially for Berra and Lenta. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Clayday)
- The Morning After the MourningThe group talk about what might be wrong at the Six Sisters, and Mellia decides to go see the trolls. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Clayday)
- Job OfferIt is around mid-morning the day after the celebration at the water shrine near Beasts Gather. Varanis has a horrible headache, but wants to present her idea to Lenta anyway. Berra comes along to offer opinions. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Clayday)
- A low crowMellia tries to work out what’s wrong with Varanis. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Godday)
- Say that to all the girlsVaranis and Lenta talk before camping by the Six Sisters. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Clayday?)
- A Little RebellionLenta and Varanis squabble while riding through Culbrea territory. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Godday)
- Bitter GoodbyesThe party splits. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Godsday)
- Food for thoughtNear the Six Sisters, the party have regrouped, made plans, and are briefly resting and eating before heading into what might be trouble. Berra and Varanis catch up. (1629, Sea Season, Death Week, Fireday)
- You make me wanna SHOUTMellia was too heroic for her cousin’s comfort levels. Varanis gets grouchy.
- KestensonBerra finds out that Kesten has a son. Some other things also happen. Varanis is amazed that Berra is celibate. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Fireday)
- What The Broo?Maalira catches up and before long, has to talk sense into Berra and Varanis. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Fireday)
- Stormy WeatherBerra and Varanis sort things out for the time being. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Fireday)
- Slow EyesVaranis checks in with Berra after the fight with the flaming troll. (1629, Sea Season, Probably not actually Harmony Week, Fireday)
- Things Done RightBerra and Varanis recap some of the day’s troubles. (1629, Sea Season, Death Week, Fireday)
- A ScreemMaalira catches up in time to mend a few people and listen to the squabbling.
- Ancient AidVaranis gains an unexpected ally. (1629, Sea Season, Death Week, Fireday)
- Preparing to PounceBerra is asleep and Dezar wants to pounce her awake. (1629, Sea Season, Death Week, Fireday)
- Hunting the Honey BadgerVaranis tells Berra about Dezar, barely resisting the kitten’s desire to pounce. The Vingan expresses concern for her friend’s well-being. (1629, Sea Season, Death Week, Fireday)
- I care not for the rain1629, Sea Season, I’m pretty sure this is Death Week, Fireday Context After the affair in the Spirit World, the group wakes up to rain. Session SA4.12. Events Overnight from the early hours, atop the plateau of the new spring, there is rain. Orlanth is loving Ernalda more than usual, and the rain splatters and bounces and comes in ...
- Underground WhispersThe group is underground, having fought things that are trollish, and seen things that are not. They talk about what else might be down there. (1629, Sea Season, Probably Fertility Week, Around Clayday)
- Love… bites.1629, Sea Season, Fertility Week Context Venlar has been planning for his wife’s return, and has done stupid things. Session SA4.16. Events After the welcome feast for Mellia, Varanis goes looking for the healer’s besotted husband. It is difficult to stalk him, as he seems unwilling to leave his wife’s side, but she finally catches him in the late ...
- Nochet… Nochet… Now.Berra came to Nochet without Varanis and the Vingan is tracking her down after flying the whole way. (1629, Sea Season, Illusion week, Waterday evening)
- Cold SilenceBerra and Lord Raven have argued. Varanis talks to an angry Humakti spirit.
- News and OldsVaranis tells Lord Raven the news about his family. Later, she has a bad dream.
- Tablet DeviceVaranis and Nayale go to the Great Library, where Nayale has a disaster. (1629, Sea Season, Probably Movement Week, Probably Clayday)
- Setting WardsNayale messed up badly at the Library. Varanis talks to her afterwards. (1629, Sea Season, Movement Week, Windsday Eve?)
- Never trouble troubleBerra and Varanis discuss many things while riding back to Sartar from Esrolia. (1629, Sea Season, Illusion Week, Wildday)
- Not a SpearSparring happens; Berra, Varanis, Jessidan the bodyguard, Nayale and Harmakt take part. Kesten just takes it in. (1629, Sea Season, Illusion Week, Wildday)
- Words, Words Words Words WordsWordsWords…Berra gives Kesten something like the full datadump of her life after they last parted, and tells the younger Humakti only part of it. (1629, Sea Season, Illusion Week, Godsday)
- All Fall DownVaranis encounters a gift from Devolin. Many, many gifts. Marbles.
1629 Fire Season
- In Bondage1629, Fire Season, Harmony Week, Fireday Context Varanis has been sent by Kallyr to Whitewall, to ask them to swear to Sartar. She is in Wilmskirk, on the way there. Session S5-S-01. Events It is still before dawn, and the gates of the city are not yet open, and into the compound of the inn where Varanis has ...
- Bully Boy1629, Fire Season, Harmony Week, Fireday Context Varanis has been sent by Kallyr to Whitewall, to ask them to swear to Sartar. She is in Wilmskirk, on the way there. Session S5-S-01. Events It is Falnin who will judge today, and he approaches after a while of waiting to ask, “Are you ready?” She rises and offers him a respectful ...
- Good to be King1629, Fire Season, Harmony Week, Fireday Context Varanis has been sent by Kallyr to Whitewall, to ask them to swear to Sartar. She is in Wilmskirk, on the way there. Session S5-S-01. Events Farinst, King of the Locaem and the current City Rex for Wilmskirk in the absence of a candidate who can do better, spends his time between ...
- Legend of Eril Linebreaker (part 1)Varanis talks to Adnew to arrange for Eril’s worship and learn more about him. (1629, Fire Season, Death Week, Fireday afternoon)
- Legend of Eril Linebreaker (part 2)Varanis is in Whitewall and it’s time to spread the word of Eril. (1629, Fire Season, Death Week, Wildday Night)
- Vareena and the VingansVaranis and Haralast walk amongst those gathered to defend Whitewall. He introduces her to a small group of Vingans. (1629, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Freezeday evening)
- Like a VinganVaranis worships Orlanth and Sartar in the hopes of finding aid for Whitewall. (1629, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Freezeday Night)
- Change in the Air1629, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Wildday Context The morning after bringing in a wounded, feverish wolf pirate prisoner for the tender cares of Jaldis. Session S5-W-11. Events There is little fuss about having brought in a wolf pirate prisoner. Nobody seems to have the energy to notice. The next morning, before dawn comes, a message is already at the Cracksrock ...
- Ardr’s ArdourVaranis meets Ardr, possibly Fazzurelison, and worships Eril, making contact with Lord Raven more than normal.
- Back in her arms againVaranis and Serala are reunited after the Wolf Pirates attempted invasion. Mildly fluffy. (1629, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Waterday)
- 1And sometimes Ranie