Fragment 9 – The Scorpion Folk (Disputed Fragment)

Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 9


1While Fragment 9 is a poor fit for poetic style and vocabulary, it is an appropriate bridging story. It is not generally relied on by serious scholars of the era, and furthermore the dating is unclear. Fragment 9 is discussed by Wiermonken.Taking the call of the troops of the Merchant2This is, from the wording, not just any Merchant, but some Mercantile-Guard test or physical representation of Issaries. As this fragment exists only within one folio of the sage Llewun, it is disputes whether this Merchant is ever identified, or indeed if this is a later association of a heroic guard journey with Berra’s Saga. The identifying of her employer as nothing but ‘Merchant’ indicates a holy stricture or formalised Champion structure, and it is notable that this is the stage in which Berra is first indicated to have a single master, and to head the hearthmen (or travelling equivalent).
Berra commanded their awe in short order
Offering choice of the Storm-Bull or Humakt
Setting the warriors under her party

All chose Humakti and heads bowed to Berra
Troll-kin3The unlikelihood of this group is interesting, but the more intelligent Trollkin were known to attempt human action. and Human with Baboon spear-owning
Berra warned Merchant of Salid the Troll-Kin
Finding that Merchant knew of him already

Proud Lord of Silver with Goldentongue smiling
Announced that his words had been sharp with dark Salid
Salid was no more a slave than Orlanthi
Berra heard this from her Wheel-Lord the Merchant

Walking the Road at the pace of the mule-train
Berra swung step as she had out to Pavis
Infantry walking with scouts sent before her
Fierce in their wish to see danger before them

As she had walked on the road from her Tula
Berra walked back with the slow pace of sandals
Booted and belted and hung with her weapons
No more the child who had walked to the South-lands

Passing the Dangerford rope-sling with Mulepack
Berra looked East at the way to her Tula
Saw the road markings with Malani rune-work
Stared at betrayal of tribe and of Sartar

Saw how the Lunars had handed her tribe-land
To others in Sartar to sow red dissension
Hate in her heart against Lunars was whitened
Still she stepped onward and guarded fat Merchant

Anger within her and calm in her features
Berra spoke coldly of what her land had been
Asked by the Storm-Bull if fighting would happen
Berra her head shook and spoke of her elders

If her tribe called she would rise in her anger
If the Black Spear was ahead she would follow
Yet in her vows there was never outlawry
Never she raided without tribe permission

Late on the road in the midnight of watching
Berra sat cold in the dark of the Earth-Night
Trusting companions lay sleeping around her
Then the round snout of Salid4The use of Salid as the only other name-bearing mortal in this fragment is striking, and almost unique. was beside her

Whispering into the darkness by Berra
Salid in undertongue spoke of an ambush
Berra heard clearly and sent him to camp-wake
Called on her magic to find where her foes were

Deep within camp woke the troll-kin his allies
As Berra shouted alarm to the heavens
Storm-Bull was sleeping and dreaming of battle
Clove off the leg of Salid with an axe-blow

Scorpion-men in their hordes poured about then
Merchant lay wards and the Orlanthi rallied
Round to the cry of the Humakti Berra
Man and Baboon to the war-cry were mustered

Berra knew well of the frenzy of Urox
Laid all her plans to take careful advantage
Followed the trail of the foam of his nostrils
Planted herself in the path of the Sting-folk

Calling upon the great Rune of her birth-place5This mention of Water and Birthplace gives a reason for the existence of this fragment when taken in conjunction with mention of the Malani predations; it underscores both the honour of Berra in doing her duty despite hearing the news of the Lunar predations, and the importance of clan-lands to the Colymar.
Berra began the swift dance of death-dealing
Moving her blade with the speed of her fury
Faster than pincers or sting-tail or forelegs

When in a moment the dead lay before them
Storm-Bull charged back at the standing Humakti
Berra stood ready to guard her sword-fellows
Knowing her skill was the shield of her comrades

Called for the Healer of Chalana Arroy
Called the White Lady to soothe the wild Storm-Bull
Healer smiled kindly and sweetly on Urox
Led him to sleep in the pastures of dreaming

Berra sent out for the camp of the Sting-folk
Had the Grey Sage take the writings of Lunars
Ordered it burned to save Chaos from spreading
Saw that the healing of Salid had happened

When in the Morning the Storm-Bull was woken
Berra presented the beer-cup of greeting
Warriors lived and as living were greeted
Dreams were explained and the troll-kin was toasted

Leaving the pyres with their cores of red silver
Merchant passed on with his life and his living
Alda-Chur beckoned and Berra walked onward
Leading all safely the stone walls to rest in

What Really Happened

[[[berra:berra-water-01|Meditations upon Water]]]

Session Quotes

  • 1
    While Fragment 9 is a poor fit for poetic style and vocabulary, it is an appropriate bridging story. It is not generally relied on by serious scholars of the era, and furthermore the dating is unclear. Fragment 9 is discussed by Wiermonken.
  • 2
    This is, from the wording, not just any Merchant, but some Mercantile-Guard test or physical representation of Issaries. As this fragment exists only within one folio of the sage Llewun, it is disputes whether this Merchant is ever identified, or indeed if this is a later association of a heroic guard journey with Berra’s Saga. The identifying of her employer as nothing but ‘Merchant’ indicates a holy stricture or formalised Champion structure, and it is notable that this is the stage in which Berra is first indicated to have a single master, and to head the hearthmen (or travelling equivalent).
  • 3
    The unlikelihood of this group is interesting, but the more intelligent Trollkin were known to attempt human action.
  • 4
    The use of Salid as the only other name-bearing mortal in this fragment is striking, and almost unique.
  • 5
    This mention of Water and Birthplace gives a reason for the existence of this fragment when taken in conjunction with mention of the Malani predations; it underscores both the honour of Berra in doing her duty despite hearing the news of the Lunar predations, and the importance of clan-lands to the Colymar.