Berra in Hell

<closes one eye>
<closes a different eye>
<closes another different eye>
. o ( Alright. I can see spirits. )
. o ( Rock. Mostly. But Rock that is Darkness. )
. o ( Can you have Truth that is Illusion? )
. o ( No. But there’s space for both. )
. o ( Within each other. )

. o ( I’m not smart enough for this. )

. o ( But I’m here, so I’ll do. )
. o ( She doesn’t mean Rebellion in the way I do. Did. Do. )
. o ( She doesn’t mean Movement. She means something else. )

. o ( Is that thing looking back at me? )
. o ( I think it is, but I don’t think it cares. )
. o ( The third eye sits where the light of the torch is. )

. o ( But they all look the same unless you know that. )
. o ( Where the light of the torch is. )
. o ( The Torch doesn’t show you they’re different. )
. o ( Unless you know. )
. o ( Or maybe the right Torch does. )
. o ( What does it shine out on? )
. o ( The Illusion Light? That’s not a thing but I don’t have the words. )
. o ( Because I thought it was one of those torches that has the brazier at the top, but it’s not. )
. o ( The Rune’s the… the shape that best suits it. But it’s not the thing because you can’t get the thing in a way you can understand unless you’re… )
. o ( I don’t know where I was going with that. )

. o ( The light could look out in any direction. That’s the point. )
. o ( But so can an eye. )
. o ( So many things I’m not seeing. )
. o ( But I could look all ways. )
. o ( At once? )

. o ( Ow. )
. o ( Maybe not all the directions. )
. o ( But there are ways of thinking that look out in different ways. )
. o ( I want better words for this. )
. o ( And I’m going to have to find them. )
. o ( Thanks for letting me sit on you, rock. )
Accented Darktongue: {Fare well we not each-self eat}
<waves to the rock>
. o ( I hope I said the right thing. )
. o ( It didn’t sound like when Salid says it. )
. o ( So many new things. )
. o ( No. They were always here. )
. o ( I just never saw them. )
. o ( Because they were a long way away. )
. o ( And my eyes were not open to look. )
. o ( Does the Lord-Blacksmith see this every day? )
. o ( Not like this. Not in a way that she showed. )
. o ( I don’t know if anyone has seen like this. )
. o ( They must have. )
. o ( But none of them are me. )

. o ( In Hell. )
. o ( None of them are me in Hell. )
. o ( I’m a living person in Hell. )
. o ( I feel pretty solid to me. )
. o ( But now what? I guess I have to get out. )
. o ( And do that thing my friends are doing. )
. o ( Concentrate on that. )

. o ( I forgot all about it. )

. o ( My other eyes can’t see. )
. o ( Do I have other ears? Am I listening to spirits now only I don’t know? )
. o ( This cave shape – arced over and braced. It’s twisted but it’s still a Stasis Rune. )
. o ( Can I get to the Dwarf’s Mine from here? There were pit props. I remember that. They turned to trees. )
. o ( Did I let her know where the … that was a fire arrow. It had fallen to the ground. That’s what that light was in that forest. )
. o ( I need to tell my Lord that. )
. o ( If I live. )
. o ( … )
. o ( Think, Berra. There’s something important. )
. o ( Why do I feel this is an after-battle moment? Why am I thinking I might die? )
. o ( Oh right. My left arm won’t move below the elbow. )
. o ( Pull yourself together. You just faced up to Jar-eel. )
. o ( And you know this is a thing it’s hard to do. )
. o ( Right now. )
. o ( Because you’re the parent of a river. )
. o ( And that has a cost. )
. o ( So stop. Think. Apply thumb to problem. )(( Passed First Aid. Berra gets her arm working, but not fully healed, and it’ll be a mess later given she couldn’t see. ))
. o ( Long slash. Curved around… Hit the bone on that side. So… )
. o ( This is going to hurt… )
. o ( And I’m not going to scream. )
. o ( Yes, that did hurt. All of it. )
. o ( Now bandage. )
. o ( And now I’m not leaving a blood trail either. )
. o ( Blood trail. Like Yelm. )
. o ( But I’m standing in Hell. And I’m Berra. )
. o ( But it’s not properly Hell. I mean, unless her Harp’s here too. )
. o ( But I don’t feel like Humakt, and I’m here. )
. o ( Maybe if I can get out of this HeroQuest, into the Temple… )
. o ( It would be unexpected. But I’d still be in the Temple. )
. o ( Not so bad. For a Scout to be in. )
. o ( But I’m alone and I’d want to be with them. )
. o ( But now is the best time for me to try to get out. While I’m alone. )(( Fails Meditation – can’t even really think of a way. ))

. o ( Not. Like. That. Still a bit light-headed. )
. o ( Swimming. )
. o ( Head swimming. Like a duck. )
. o ( Quack. But I’m Berra. In Hell. )
. o ( I could… if I was Humakt I could go to places that Humakt can go to. )
. o ( What places can Berra go to? )
. o ( Can I do that? No, because I wasn’t in them. )
. o ( Except one. My initiation. )
. o ( But I don’t remember that so well. )
. o ( Except I Fought We Won. )
. o ( I remember that. And not really how I got there. )
. o ( I should have remembered, but it’s all lost. I couldn’t hold it. )
. o ( This feels worse. )
. o ( But can … no. Because I’m not letting her get there. Not get to me there. )
. o ( And the altar at Battalion was more visions than me actually being in the god-time. )
. o ( So me. Berra. Have I seen that rock before? No, unless it’s moved on a lot of other rocks. )
. o ( Do you get gravel spirits, or are they lots of little spirits? )
. o ( I can’t escape the music. )
. o ( So what damage can I do? I could… I could… yeah, alright. )
. o ( No Humakt, unless they make me choose. )
. o ( Just me. Berra. )