Fragment 23 – the Routing of Onjar

Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 23

1626, Sea Season

Greeting the General after Varanis
Berra gave up her own beer-cup to Rajar
Putting aside the temptations of living
Stepping inside the cold realm of the Sword-Lord

Soon all her rede was exhausted by talking
Xenofos listening in to her thinking1Given the Lhankor Mhy abilities, this could be either her thinking out loud, or him literally taking a silent briefing from her mind for a full understanding
Onjur the terrible foes she had warned him
Berra spoke up to give Varanis target2A bold claim for an Initiate to speak in front of so many nobles, iron-wearers, and high-ranking Esrolians. This is in character with Berra’s rushing out of truth.

Settling down for the ritual of eating
Bonding her regiment ripe for the battle
Berra felt Humakt his face turn upon her3The rarity of a comment that a ritual has failed within such a poem as this indicates a special religious significance attached to it. See later stanzas.
Turning her offer to settle within her

Thus at the tower strong Berra stood shielded
Taking the gift of the Truth-Sword’s protection
Slicing the air in the Death-Cross of Humakt4True Sword or Sword Trance would both have been available to Berra.
Perfectly balanced for killing of Lunars

Taking command of the lower-ground party
Berra found Xenofos willing and able
Casting on her the great work of unhiding
Laying out enemies clear for the slaughter

Loud was the signal as Maran Gor made it
Berra commanded the axe-work of Rajar
Shoving it out of the way for Babeester5If this seems brutal it must be remembered that Berra was giving orders to a Storm Bull, a difficult undertaking at any time.
Letting the stone-work be shattered by power

Into the tower she charged with the vanguard
Slaying with Serzeen a Lunar in armour
Seeking the stairs for the soldiers above her
Catching Xenofos by diving beneath him

Upward flew Berra to seek for Varanis
Down below Onjur came out through a passage
Wounding the Weasel6Presumably an honorific title of Dormal and downing Serala
Sounded Serala alarm at the entrance

Berra turned down from Lanasha above her
Leaving Varanis to find lower duty7This could either be Berra’s own suddenly pressing duty, of her leaving Varanis to find it herself. Either is a pun on Higher Duty, and in Berra’s case would also indicate Humakt’s below-earth Sword Hall.
Reaching the hall before Serzeen could step there
Berra encountered two Onjurs before her

Twined by the magic of his Lunar Goddess
Onjur stepped out towards Berra and Serzeen
Crying no war-cry but only instructions
Berra ran in to do battle with Iron

Onjur stepped forward with smile-tainted features
Found himself fighting the Dagger of Humakt
Swift was hot Berra her sword flashing fire8Probably not, on balance, the Fireblade. Berra of this era was known to rely heavily on speed.
Flitting about the great Iron-heavy Onjur

Smiles turned to curses as Onjur reacted
Slow to stop Berra but power in his sword-arm
Bleeding from wounds she inflicted with prowess
Vengence for pain she had taken in Earth-time

From his loud lips came a cry to his Moon-god
Calling the pain of the Lunars within her
Humakt smiled up from his throne in the Sword-Hall
Berra thanked Truth that her shield stood between them9This direct understanding of why her earlier ritual failed is of course a teleological construction. Nevertheless its use to show Berra’s absolute faith in her religion should not be overlooked.,10Niyall has it that this is the great point of the Saga of Berra, a call to believe and behave as a Humakti should.

Hatred bloomed then on the face of the Rune Lord
Seeing his magic was lost to his clutches
Seeing the joy in the bright eyes of Berra
Hearing the feet that approached him in number

Calling the Rage-shout of Urox about him
Rajar burst in to the battle in fury
Striking with axe at each image before him
Taking the blood of each onto his axe-blade

Onjur fled then with the wile of his goddess
Vanishing redly from half of the battle
Leaving Serzeen with the empty air fighting
Leaving behind him his blasphemous image

Knowing that Rajar was deep in the storm-rage
Berra fought on to be sure all had safety
Finishing Onjur with Rajar for war-mate
Pulling back only to save slim Xenofos

Into the whirlwind of axe against axe-haft
Berra danced back to the fury of Storm-Bull
Crying for Mellia of the White Ladies
Seeing Serzeen was encumbered by wounding

Watching the Gor-child bound off Rajar mighty
Berra stepped up to do battle with Bison
Slicing with skill all the tendons in reaching
All up his arm to the crook of his shoulder

Saying no prayer and pausing no moment
Berra slipped out of the path of the axe-head
Keeping the eyes of the Urox fixed on her
Giving the Lady of Healing her safety

What Really Happened

Session Quotes

  • 1
    Given the Lhankor Mhy abilities, this could be either her thinking out loud, or him literally taking a silent briefing from her mind for a full understanding
  • 2
    A bold claim for an Initiate to speak in front of so many nobles, iron-wearers, and high-ranking Esrolians. This is in character with Berra’s rushing out of truth.
  • 3
    The rarity of a comment that a ritual has failed within such a poem as this indicates a special religious significance attached to it. See later stanzas.
  • 4
    True Sword or Sword Trance would both have been available to Berra.
  • 5
    If this seems brutal it must be remembered that Berra was giving orders to a Storm Bull, a difficult undertaking at any time.
  • 6
    Presumably an honorific title of Dormal
  • 7
    This could either be Berra’s own suddenly pressing duty, of her leaving Varanis to find it herself. Either is a pun on Higher Duty, and in Berra’s case would also indicate Humakt’s below-earth Sword Hall.
  • 8
    Probably not, on balance, the Fireblade. Berra of this era was known to rely heavily on speed.
  • 9
    This direct understanding of why her earlier ritual failed is of course a teleological construction. Nevertheless its use to show Berra’s absolute faith in her religion should not be overlooked.
  • 10
    Niyall has it that this is the great point of the Saga of Berra, a call to believe and behave as a Humakti should.