Fragment 30 – The Return to Boldhome

Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 30

1626, Fire Season

Leaving her Clan with the words of Wayfaring
Berra told Yehna to watch for her coming1Some texts here have ‘watch for the Earth-Time’. Some, notably, do not.
I will return when my duty allows me
Humakt will take me or else I will be here

Onward to Clearwine she rode and she walked2Her geases at this point, undoubtedly significant, are not all on record. then
Keeping the company Humakt had sent her
Guarding the train of the mules of Irillo
Guarding the person of Varena3This is the first we see of the Sartarite styling of the name Varanis. Vingan

Speaking few words in the Chamber of Leika
Berra saw Black-spear the Weapon of Ages
Held up her head as the Coylmar Nameless
Champion of Tribesfolk passed onward beside her4Contextually it is no surprise that Nameless should be unnamed here, as a famous Humakti. Once more Berra is being held up in comparison to the great.

Then to the Eastward she turned her swift footfalls
Running5Even the legendarily swift Berra, sometimes known as Fleetfoot, could hardly have run this distance. This running is allegorical eagerness. to Temple she spoke with her Master6Either D’Val the Sword as her direct superior, or more likely within the language, the High Sword Eril. However, the context of their relationships tips the likelihood the other way – Berra is unlkely to have spoken to Eril directly.
Saying her place was with them in Fire Season
Pledging herself to the service of Humakt

What Really Happened

Session Quotes

  • 1
    Some texts here have ‘watch for the Earth-Time’. Some, notably, do not.
  • 2
    Her geases at this point, undoubtedly significant, are not all on record.
  • 3
    This is the first we see of the Sartarite styling of the name Varanis.
  • 4
    Contextually it is no surprise that Nameless should be unnamed here, as a famous Humakti. Once more Berra is being held up in comparison to the great.
  • 5
    Even the legendarily swift Berra, sometimes known as Fleetfoot, could hardly have run this distance. This running is allegorical eagerness.
  • 6
    Either D’Val the Sword as her direct superior, or more likely within the language, the High Sword Eril. However, the context of their relationships tips the likelihood the other way – Berra is unlkely to have spoken to Eril directly.