Fragment 45 – The Slaying of Orlanth

Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 45


Deep in the chamber of Death stood the maiden
Bearing the sword that would slay any foeman
Walked in the Darkness where Yelm died forever
Taking her Sword to meet Orlanth in challenge
1It is, alas for the poet, clearly recorded that Lord Eril, Wyter Priest of the Regiment at Boldhome, struck the blow that killed Orlanth-Varanis. The presence of Berra is undisputed, but she was not the wielder of the Iron Sword of Death.

Dressed in the armour of Humakt the warlord
Bright was her bronze for she stood not in ambush
Loud she spoke then of the ill he had done her
Orlanth in honour would not have Death wielded

Humakt the Grim spoke to Orlanth in anger
You stole a thing and you used it unwisely.
Gave it untimely to those who were living
Brought up the children of Darkness among us

Will you set right what you did in dishonour?
Orlanth knew Truth as his Champion spoke it
Said he would strive to undo his disaster
Humakt struck swift and brought Death to bold Orlanth

What Really Happened

Session Quotes

  • 1
    It is, alas for the poet, clearly recorded that Lord Eril, Wyter Priest of the Regiment at Boldhome, struck the blow that killed Orlanth-Varanis. The presence of Berra is undisputed, but she was not the wielder of the Iron Sword of Death.
  • 2
    Berra specials a Broadsword roll to work out how Eril is doing. Badly.
  • 3
    Failed POW vs 18.