Berra Jarang’s Daughter. Not Jarangsdottir.
Child of Jarang the Redsmith and Heri Horse-herder, both dead.
Tribe, Clan, Class
Blue Tree clanswoman, of the Colymar tribe. A professional warrior and Initiate of Humakt.
History and Context
A displaced youth who was sent away from Sartar to Esrolia, Berra has grown up to be a Humakti warrior. She returned to Sartar at the start of the campaign.
Berra’s people, the Blue Tree Clan, live on a tributary of the Creek, in an area with good horse grazing, and a cliff on which there grows a sacred tree, its trunk blue from some trick of the area, or long years of the application of woad. The area below the cliff is good land, but for the lethal windings of the local river, which can change course several times in Storm season and Sea season, as rains or meltwater come down.
Life Events
Berra counts her years with a handful of Clacks, putting each one into a line and saying a thing of import that happened. It is possible for the numerate to work backwards. Special years are represented by a Lunar.
1604: “This was the year that your grandfather’s death was told to us. He died after Boldhome.”
1605: “This is the year of the three head fight. The Turtle Clan was friendless.”
1606: “This is the year that you were born. The river made many forks and small islands.”
1607: “This is the year Chief Ganah died. The harvest was good and the river was kind.”
1608: “This is the year of strong colts, and a horse that had a golden mane up on the cliff. Your sister was born.”
1609: “This is the year your father died. Your mother stayed with the clan and your cousins’s cousins. The wine branch of the river flooded the ox hall.”
1610: “This is the year the Trickster made the dunghill disappear. A skeleton walked into the Tula.”
1611: “This is the year that your cousin Ilda was married to a Turtle Carl. It was a year marriage that lasted until his death.”
1612: “This is the year the Lunars tried to tax Coppit twice, and he became an outlaw to them.”
1613: “This is the year that Sartar rose up against the Lunars.”
1614: “This is the year of Cold Sorrow, when wives had greater number than husbands.”
1615: “This is the year the Grazelanders savaged the Lunars.
1616: “This is the year of three raids by Dark Trolls.”
1617: “This is the year that your mother died. It was in Storm Season, on a clear day.”
1618: “This is the year that you are sent away. Now you must begin the telling yourself. This is the year I was sent away from home. I swore to be a warrior. I went to live with kin in the Holy Country.”
1619: “This is the year I first saw Nochet.”
1620: “This is the year I became an adult. It was in Storm Season. I began training with the militia.”
1621: “This is the year of the Great Winter. Orlanth and Ernalda died.”
1622: “This is the year the Great Winter’s ice cracked. There was a battle at the Auroch Hills.”
1623: “This is the year that Nochet was under siege. In Sea Season, I was initiated with Humakt. I fought.”
1624: “This is the year of Pennel Ford. I was marked by Humakt on the shoulder, and rallied my troops. I went to the City of Wonders.”
1625: “I fought for Argrath in Pavis and acclaimed him King. I journeyed to Whitewall and Heroquested.”
1626: “I travelled on a river. I was Humakt. I was tricked and Voria lived. The Truth Sword was made for me.”
1627: “This is my year now. I saw the Feathered Horse Queen. I was Humakt, and lost a curved sword.”
Diaries/Personal Logs
The Saga of Berra
Berra’s almost-IC saga, telling her story, along with selected quotes, explanations, and links to minor scenes. The saga is broken down by years.
Verses from 1625
So-called Fragment 0
Heark to the words of the saga of Berra…
Fragment 1 – The Cattle Raid of Koli
Standing by Scafloc the Herder of Llamas…
Fragment 2 – The Winning of Wind Tooth
Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 1625 Fought with the spirit who called himself masteredBerra was gifted the bright bronze sword Wind ToothBright as her mother’s red hair in the hearthfireBright as the life blood she spilled from the ogres Turned towards Whitewall her steps for the Earth-daysBerra invited the healer to guest…
Fragment 3 – The Death Battle of Whitewall
Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 3 1625 Tall as a priestess encrowned by the morningBerra led soldiers and herdsmen in ritualJoining in food all the scattered and nervousBravening bolstering boasting of future Sword-blades were darkened and shields by blows sunderedUndead were rising and downhill were tumblingBerra stood firm in the ranks with D’Val…
Fragment 4 – The Journey to Boldhome
Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 4 1625 Time in the heavens stood still in its passingTime in the hill fort was gone in a heartbeatNighttime and daytime had passed while they restedWatching the landscape and tending their sword-blades Back at a distance sat Rajar and BisonForeground was filled by the Durulz and Sword-childOnto…
Fragment 5 – Eril and D’Val
On the next morning soon after the worship
Berra set off with her magic death-strengthened
Pushing the ride through the day until evening
Driving off bandits and riding through darkness
Fragment 6 – The Heroquest of Whitewall
Come the next morning when Berra saw sunrise
Hot in her heart was a seed sleep had planted
Fast then she hied to the Chief Priest Tennebris
Hoping to find a stout ally in Orlanth
Fragment 7 – The Composing of Truth
Berra rode hard on the road to the Westward
Thinking within of the Death-Lord and Truth-Rune
Spoke with Ring-Eye of the Humakti Sword-Cult
Seeking within her for truth and without her
Fragment 8 – The Bandit Attack
As she rode on from the Death-hold to Boldhome
Berra rode swiftly and shared roads with no-one
Staying one night in the high halls of Wilmskirk
From her admirers she had a great feasting
Fragment 9 – The Scorpion Folk (Disputed Fragment)
Taking the call of the troops of the Merchant
Berra commanded their awe in short order
Offering choice of the Storm-Bull or Humakt
Setting the warriors under her party
Fragment 10 – The Temple at Alda Chur
Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 10 1625 Into the Far Place the caravan settledAlda Chur held them within walls of safetyBerra made haste to the temple of HumaktThere to debate on the Sword with the Priesthood Gallem of Humakt the High Sword asked questionsSaying he knew of the daughter of JarangAsking for truth…
Fragment 11 – Kero Fin
Cold was the wind as the heroes strode upwards
Chill were the rocks of the mountain of Orlanth
Cool was the hatred of Berra for failure
Warm were the hopes of mankind on the mountain
Fragment 12 – The Grazeland Lunars
Westward to river and Northward to Grazelands
Long lay their path but stout was the bison
Forcing his way through the undergrowth westward
Finding the river and splashing in shallows
Fragment 13 – The Marketplace Argument
Speaking with shamans and walking with chieftains
Berra talked hotly of Lunars and liars
Seeing deceit in the fletchings of arrows
All of the Grazelanders joined in her anger
Fragment 14 a-b – The Return, Dark Season
Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 14 1625, Dark Season Fragment 14a – The Return This fragment and fr.14b are usually studied as a single item, as they appear together in antiquity, on opposite sides of a tablet baked by sudden fire. Wiermonken was observed to smile when first handling the item. On through…
Fragment 15 – Storm Season
Taking refreshment and Breath from the mountains
Berra descended and climbed lofty Boldhome
Praying to Humakt each hour as she rested
Testing herself against winds set against her
Fragment 16 – Eril Scouts
Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 16 1625 Hailing the Heroes of Sacred-Time QuestingBerra stepped into the crowd with proud ErilMarched with the brothers of Humakt in concertSaw Kallyr Starbringer starting the Light Quest There in the man-press was Rajar the MightySlighted by Eurmal in guise as a sneak-thiefRage made him strike with his…
Fragment 17 – The Failed Heroquest
Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 17 1625 All they had slain lay in ruin before themBerra the victory had with her blood-friendsThree of the ten on swift horses escaped themCursed by the victors and harried by arrows Then the accounting of living and death-claimedRajar lay shattered and bleeding his life outSaved by the…
1625 Scenes
Berra’s Meditations on Truth
1625. After failing to inspire herself with her Truth rune at the rededication of a temple of Humakt, Berra began to meditate on it more.
Meditations on Calmness
1625, Earth Season Context In Session 1.13 a Lunar Rune Master caused Berra to lose her temper and draw her sword within the confines of a market spell. Lift Foot So, that Lunar wanted to cause me to draw. Me, or someone. He was after violence. He wanted us to be in the wrong, so…
1626 Verses
- Fragment 18 – The Flight into EsroliaDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 18 1626 Secret was Berra called up to the PalaceSpeaking with Tennebris Lord of the Air-RealmKallyr slept on and the year was beginningHeroes were sent to the Nochet White Ladies Calling on honour to help him with SartarTennebris offered a payment for heroesBerra refused money given for KingdomsProudly she ...
- Fragment 19 – The Death of IrilloDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 19 1626 Late was the hour at the mansion of WomenClan of Saiciae feasting the MerchantRobed was the Sword of the Northern HumaktiArmoured in robes as the guard of her Master Water as pale as the clear-wine drank BerraNothing she ate as her master was feastingLittle her lips were ...
- Fragment 20 – The Defense of IrilloDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 20 1626 Fire came from high in the chamber of eatingFormed as a dart from the bow of AssassinStriking the floor at the foot of the MerchantHeat for the fire of the anger of Berra Berra cried out with the Shield of her Truth RunePlacing her body between him ...
- Fragment 21 – The Capture of AssassinsDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 21 1626 Anger was cold in the daughter of JarangCold was her mind as she walked through the hallwaysSpeaking her thoughts to Serala who listenedAsking for eyes on the kin of the killer Up on the rooftop she watched Nala practiceAxes with Rajar and earth-tongue a-lashingTurning her eyes from ...
- Fragment 22 – The Speech with the QueenDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 22 1626, Sea Season Deep in the Palace of Women was BerraPacing the floors as her sword clashed her vambraceBinding her fingers in fists so her palms bledSeeking in bloodstains for hints of the future Servant to Vinga in concert she followedSpeaking with Grandmother deep in the snake-denTouching the ...
- Fragment 23 – the Routing of OnjarDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 23 1626, Sea Season Greeting the General after VaranisBerra gave up her own beer-cup to RajarPutting aside the temptations of livingStepping inside the cold realm of the Sword-Lord Soon all her rede was exhausted by talkingXenofos listening in to her thinkingOnjur the terrible foes she had warned himBerra spoke ...
- Fragment 24 – The Shoulder of Humakt (Disputed Fragment)Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 24 1626, Sea Season Fresh from the slaughter she hied to the TemplePrayer to Humakt made Berra in earnestThanks to the God for the gift of her sword-strengthBerra gave up to the Death Lord of sword-fame On the return to the Palace of WomenBerra stooped low to give shoulder ...
- Fragment 25 – The Meeting with AldryamiDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 25 1626, Sea Season Fast by the Road to the High Place of BoldhomeWild was the river that threw down the stone-bridgeThrew off the fetters of Lunar road-makingFree was the god that flowed down to Magasta Into the forest by Wilmskirk they marched thenCalling to elves that they came ...
- Fragment 26 – The Resurrection HeroquestDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 26 1626, Sea Season Tall as a priestess at Yelmrise on FiredayBerra walked into the Palace of BoldhomeBowed to the Priest who was standing as OrlanthTennebris proud of the party of Kallyr Tennebris spoke of the Quest of the SpringtimeVoria’s death and the feeding of HumaktBerra unordered spoke freely ...
- Fragment 27 – The Clan ReturnDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 27 1626 Hard by the city of Boldhome they feastedHeroes acclaimed by the eating of deer-meatBeer poured with wine and the fruits of the healerMerry the company in the great feasting Kallyr commanded the heart of VaranisGave her the peace-kiss and called her a cousinGifted her hides from the ...
- Fragment 28 – The Separation of FarnanDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 28 1626, Sea Season Berra ran fast with the horses of Clan-markNever run down by Jemal known as swift-footLeaving Matila and Nastur behind herLeading the horses to pasture in Sea-time Jenath Minar spread his waves as wide ripplesGreeting the homecoming hero he softenedSettling down to a path in the ...
- Fragment 29 – The Death of the Jack-o-BearDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 29 1626 Rajar had gone to the edge of the TulaBerra of Blue-Tree called out to her WyterAsking for where and not why for she trustedRajar would fight against dangers of Chaos Armour was brought for the clothing of RajarXenofos proud set a warning on BerraScouting above they found ...
- Fragment 30 – The Return to BoldhomeDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 30 1626, Fire Season Leaving her Clan with the words of WayfaringBerra told Yehna to watch for her comingI will return when my duty allows meHumakt will take me or else I will be here Onward to Clearwine she rode and she walked thenKeeping the company Humakt had sent ...
- Fragment 31 – The Green Fish Appeal (Uncertain Attribution)Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 31 1626, Sea Season Love for her clan brought her back to the TulaGuiding her feet on the trail of old RathikSeeing the site that was cleared for the TempleHospital Temple for many White Ladies Hearing the call of the Clan to the EastwardBerra set forth with companions around ...
- Fragment 32 – The Underground TempleDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 32 1626 Into the tunnels of Chaos and DarknessBerra commanded her clansfolk go with herJoined too by Farist and Farsor of far-fameInto the earth they went ringing with war-cries Berra in centre had magic upon herTorch of the Sage-god to seek hidden foes outSending the Bull of the Storm ...
- Fragment 33 – The Argument with ErilDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 33 1626 Fast to the palace ran Berra HumaktiAnswered the call of Varanis the VinganOrlanth had called her and so she would answerStood in the way of the High Sword before her Eril was wroth and his ire was upon herOrdering her to find Death in the HollowSending D’Val ...
- Fragment 34 – The Vision of VaranisDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 34 1626, Fire Season Up to the Flame climbed the Vingan VareenaFollowed behind by the stoutest of SagesHeralded only by Yelm in his risingGuarded by Berra who leapt to her service Three days by Yelm-light they stood to the watchingThree nights they guarded and slept on the Flame-ledgeKeeping the ...
- Fragment 35 – The Cave of Zorak ZoranDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 35 1626 Walking as Humakt in darkness and DarknessBerra alone in the wilderness questedSeeking for Orlanth to remonstrate coldlyDeath for the Sun had caused Death to be broken In the Great Darkness bold Humakt knew tormentsHunted by sharp-tooths and haunted by dead thingsLaid to rest each by the sword ...
- Fragment 36 – The Finding of the GoddessDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 36 1626 Held by long bands of the metal of DarknessBerra was freed by the efforts of friendshipCast off the last of the bands set upon herRose to her feet with the aid of her magic Smiting before her with friends at her shoulderBerra though wounded stood facing the ...
- Fragment 37 – The Cleansing of FailureDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 37 1626 Into the halls of the silence of HumaktSilent came Berra to bow to the BlacksmithSeeking his words for the knowledge within himFinding in silence the answer he gave her Iron was folded in lesson to BerraBloom from the furnace was heated to smooth itTwo rods were made ...
- Fragment 38 – The Dance of the BlacksmithDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 38 1626 Deep in the Temple in silence she waitedSword-hand all broken and thinking of SartarRose when the Temple was broken in silenceSaw how the Blacksmith danced Ending before her Silent the child of the sword for the dancingWatching as Death showed her pure SeparationHearing the chorus of birdsong ...
- Fragment 39 – The Hunting of the VampireDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 39 1626 Into the night with D’Val of the Sword-roadBerra walked silent to seek out a killerDancer in Darkness or Lord of DelectiSeeking a vampire with never a tremor Chased from the darkness by fire in the cross-shapeDown to the river that flowed through the cityEvil was vanquished by ...
- Fragment 40 – The Assault of the Battle LineDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 40 1626 Facing the Darkness within her in BoldhomeBerra knew cold as her Rune froze upon herGave out a warning as down she fell nervelessWoke to the healing of Vingan Vareena Pacing the road with her road-shoes beneath herBerra walked down towards Wilmskirk before herGuarding the road for Irillo ...
- Fragment 41 – the Wounding of ErilDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 41 1602 Questing in Wilmskirk found Berra in thralldomFighting for freedom through collared and shackledLiving the Rune that is constant rebellionMovement within her and Movement upon her Proud came cold Eril to buy human chattelsPrisoners wild who were taken in war-timeSeeking for warriors hardened in battleAsked for the price ...
- Fragment 42 – The Upland MarshDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 42 1626 Into the Marsh with Irillo the MerchantBerra strode forth with her hand on her sword-hiltWading through shallows and walking in waterKeeping her station to guard fragile reed-rafts Under the water were ghouls set by murderSliver of Marshland created by FirebullsRavaged by hand of unholy DelectiOpened by Eril ...
- Fragment 43 – The Darkness of ErilDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 43 1626 Following footsteps that Eril had set thereBerra returned with the Cross to the cityBringing the Ravenwing banner beside herGuarding the iron that was given by Humakt Out from the chamber of Ikadz the care-thiefOut of the body of damaged IrilloInto the Darkness it made as its home ...
- Fragment 44 – The Persuasion of HumaktDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 44 1626 Then came the news of the body of KallyrMissing since battle disguised by illusionBerra ran up to the Temple of HumaktTelling her master and telling her teacher Bending her way to the host-house of RondrikBerra gave tongue to her thinking in errorTelling Orlanth that the path to ...
- Fragment 45 – The Slaying of OrlanthDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 45 1626 Deep in the chamber of Death stood the maidenBearing the sword that would slay any foemanWalked in the Darkness where Yelm died foreverTaking her Sword to meet Orlanth in challengeIt is, alas for the poet, clearly recorded that Lord Eril, Wyter Priest of the Regiment at ...
- Fragment 46 – The Release of YelmDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 46 1626 Deep in the Temple of Humakt her bodyBerra sat grim in the Sword-hall of HumaktLiving as he who is Death in the god-timeSlayer of Grandfather Mortal and Sword Lord Knowing that mortals were living in Hell-bindHumakt set forth to set right was what brokenSlaying the Trolls who ...
- Fragment 2.1 – The Worship of the WyterDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 1 1626 Then to the Palace of Boldhome climbed BerraSure were her footsteps and swift was her footfallUp to the Palace and thus to the Shrine thereInto the Cross room that sat in the rock-wall Not to the chamber of glory or stationBut to ask Eril for thoughts ...
- Fragment 2.2 – The Colymar SlayingDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 2 1626 Walking within the high City of WilmskirkBerra was hailed by the voices of TribesfolkCalling her traitor to Colymar LeikaCalling her coward for not drawing weapons Berra said hold for she knew she was deadlyI have no argument with men of honourI will not fight while the ...
- Fragment 2.3 – The Return to WhitewallDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 3 1626 Then by the wagon she walked down to WhitewallSeeing once more where she acted as HumaktPaused to give thanks to the High Sword of BoldhomeBurning a feather for D’Val of the Duck-folk Guarding the mule-train she let no-one sway herShe had been into hell stood on ...
- Fragment 2.4 – The Road SmugglersDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 4 1626 Pacing the way on her horse with her weaponsBerra advanced down the road out of WhitewallDown to the docks for the journey to NochetKeeping the wagons and mules safe behind her Riding the road was a wagon of smugglersBerra was soon asking questions among themGrowing the ...
- Fragment 2.5 – The Question of HumaktDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 5 1626 Back to Battalion came Berra with honourWalked in with fame as her cloak under noondayGreeting the Swords and Initiates closelySat in their barracks and talked of her Questing Under the sword of Chettoria WarlordBerra returned to the friends she had left thereFewer returning than knew her ...
- Fragment 2.6 – The Sacrifice of the WorldlyDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 6 1626 Given a gift by a lover LanashaBerra gave thanks to the God not the giverBurning the silk and the silver to HumaktDressing in ashes of purification Berra reached out to the God in his Sword-placeAsking a boon of his knowledge and powerWearing the Death of the ...
- Fragment 2.7 – The Duel of XenofosDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 7 1626 Holding the honour of Xenofos with herBerra walked out to the Orlanthi Tree-copseTold that her Principal sought satisfactionSent off to Deleaos seeking penition There too to Xenofos she asked the questionWould his apology forestall the violenceOut to the place of the duel they advanced thenBerra and ...
- Fragment 2.8 – The Cottage of CorpsesDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 8 1626 Unto the Cottage of Ty Kora-Tek thenBerra went boldly as Humakt in harnessFeeling the weight of the wolf-hide upon herFeeling the hunger for Voria tender There at the gate stood the guards of the deathlyBerra asked softly to speak with the goddessAsking a question of Grandmother ...
- Fragment 2.9 – The Hunting of MurderDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 9 1626 Finding the scent of a murder from ambushBerra with Kesten Humakti went huntingSeeking the trail of the body of RilloFinding him dead in the House of the Ladies Kesten declared he would pay for the ransomSeeing his master brought back from grim HumaktBerra helped not bring ...
- Fragment 2.10 – The Servant of TruthDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 10 1626 Following Truth as the Trumpet of HumaktBerra advanced through the slums of the cityKnowing her path was to root out IllusionProudly she stood by Lord Kesten of Hulta Hunted the foe of the house of his masterFound that his Lord had been erring as husbandSympathy then ...
- Fragment 2.11 – The Regret MomentDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 11 1626 Speaking with Xenofos fresh from their sparring, Berra heard how he was thinking of RilloMurdered by Hulta to keep shame a secretThis she considered as shame grew upon her She had sent off one who needed protectionSending stout Rajar to take him to tortureThinking that Hulta ...
- Fragment 2.12 – The Call to DutyDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 12 1626 Temple and Prayer held heart of HumaktiTruth called and duty and she ran to answerEager to search for the daughter of HultaEager though feuding with Kesten she offered Lord Kesten Hulta called on the House of Saiciae with an escort of six warriors, to issue an ...
- Fragment 2.13 – The Refusal of HonourDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 13 1626 Dawn came with fire hidden far beyond OrlanthMisty and wind-strewn with breath from MagastaThere at the gate of the House of SaiciaeKesten came calling and bringing the duel-staves Honour called Berra from left and from right thenFight for her name or be marked as a cowardPass ...
- Fragment 2.14 – The Loan of HonourDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 14 1626 Over the water with Ducks as companionsColymar Berra went hunting for LentaLeaving her anger behind her with KestenTaking the chill of the battlefield with her Over the sands and the mud of the fore-shoreBerra led on as a scout for a war-bandSeeking with spear for the ...
- Fragment 2.15 – The Rescue of LentaDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 15 1626 Fresh from the battle of troll and IrilloCasting her curses where arrows fell seawardBerra commanded the Ducks of the SeashoreAsked them to bring her to shore in the enclave Merchants had left who had marks on the barrelsUsed by the men who had kidnapped the HultaInto ...
- Fragment 2.16 – The Return to NochetDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 16 1626 Taking the path of the Duck into NochetBerra commanded and guarded the pris’nerUp he rose then in the boat of the reedStruggled to kill her and not for his freedom Striking with bronze and with fists he attacked herShe in her turn would not draw blade ...
- Fragment 2.17 – The Reclamation of HonourDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 17 1626 Under the banner of Humakt BattalionSat by the Temple of Orlanth his chieftainThere were they judged by the Lords of the Death-wardBerra found guilty of cowardly action Speaking out loud she defended her honourTold she the tale of the danger she went toThought on her meeting ...
- Fragment 2.18 – The Journey to PavisDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 18 1626 Into the Hulta Palazzo in mourningBerra walked firm to meet Kesten HumaktiSpeaking to him of a libel upon themMeeting his eyes without fear without favour He in his turn told of death and of endingsYoung Samastina the Pride of the HultaTaken in youth by her hand ...
- Fragment 2.19 – The Truth SwordDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 19 1626 Deep in the desert of Prax Berra wanderedSeeking the Truth of a question within herWas Hero-worship of Eril permittedWorthy of Humakt and great in his honour Not for herself asked the Dagger of BoldhomeSeeking no glory she asked for her CaptainCould be be worshipped in life ...
- Fragment 2.20 – The First DeathDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 20 1626 Then to the desert rode Berra in searchingSeeking a foe for the sword of her masterFollowing friends as they rode in the drynessKeeping protection arrayed alongside them There with the straw-weaver clan of the BisonsBerra was feasted as Rajar’s companionThus with the shaman Erhehta the bone-manSo ...
- Fragment 2.21 – The Reclaiming of DeathDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 21 1626 There in the fastness of winter she fastedFeasting the demons and sylphs of the snow-placeSeeking for silence and stillness in distanceWeighing her Air as the ransom of honour Searching for Death she went Skyward and EarthwardSought in the Darkness for Death where it huntedFound on the ...
- Fragment 2.22 – The Asking of QuestionsDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 22 1626 Under the cover of blankets of snowfallBerra lay cold in a trance of DiviningPatient as trolls that watch years in their passingFinding the form of a question to Humakt Berra has been attempting to Divine on how to worship Eril, having given up on the idea ...
- Fragment 2.23 – The Finding of AnswersDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 23 1626, Storm Season Into the world of the heroes walked BerraFinding the path to the place where he waitedSeeking the Sword of the Boldhome HumaktiSeeking the way to do honour to Eril Stripping the seeds from a cedar-of-needlesBerra burned branches of juniper bitterAngrily spitting its sparks in ...
- Fragment 2.24 – The Charge in ErrorDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 24 1626 Riding the plain with the following bisonBerra supported his presence in parleyAngered by words the Impala was speakingRajar called charge and his bison was wounded Berra beside him was shouting her war-cryRiding to glory with arrows around herPiercing the forelegs of Followed the BisonFelling Suuraki who ...
- Fragment 2.25 – The Killing of the DrumDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 25 1626 Guarding the body she took from the battleYellow Storm Shaman of Storm Bull the RagingBerra kept wakeful in service to GallafWashed by the rain of the anger of Storm Bull Taking the body with all its belongingsBerra rode out to the Hill of the RavensBuilt there ...
- Fragment 2.26 – The Battle with the New ThingDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 26 1626 Long wandered Berra with Prax all before herUnder her sandals the miles fell behind herMeeting with friends by the Tournament AltarBerra turned Eastward as guard on their journey Calling a halt at the flood of a wadiBerra saw teeth in the water beneath herFlew to the ...
- Fragment 2.27 – The Calm AnswerDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 27 1626 Dark was the night in the Temple of HumaktSilent was Berra while Death was around herIn Meditation she pondered the secretsLearning of Humakt and praying to heroes Xarnis of Humakt a Sword of the sablesStepped up to Berra with insults unboundedCalling her trickster and duck-feather loverSeeking ...
- Fragment 2.28 – The Chastising of Storm BullDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 28 1626, Storm Season Into the House of the Lord of the Rage-roarBerra walked calmly as guest to his weddingDrank of his wine with the coolness of DarknessAte of the feast-meat and ate of the grain-bread Late in the day as the death of the YelmsunCrept up upon ...
- Fragment 2.29 – The Acclaimation in SilenceDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 29 1626 When she returned to the city of SartarBerra was greeted by silence from ErilTaking his words as advice for her actionBerra said nothing of Heroes in Boldhome Sitting to feast with the great and the mightyBerra was silent until Eril called herBowing her head to the ...
- Fragment 2.30 – The Sacred Time RitesDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 30 1626 Deep in the darkness of Found SeparationEril showed secrets to all of his TempleDancing the acts of the God of the sword-waySinging the deeds for the lay-members gathered When he withdrew for the rites that were secretBerra gave up of her magic to serve himTouched on ...
1626 Scenes
- After-Temple ServiceFollowing on from the events in the Tower, Berra prays. Varanis comes to say thank you and a conversation about leadership ensues.
- Fruit And Nuts1626, Sea Season, Fertility Week: Shortly before setting off once more for Boldhome, Berra takes Varanis out shopping. They don’t buy much.
- Falling Off Buildings (More than Once)1626, Sea Season, Fertility Week: After shopping, Berra does not want to return to the Clan Saiciae Palazzo, so they drop back in and Varanis gets changed before they go on a rooftop adventure.
- Hungry like the Wolf1626, Sea Season, Stasis Week. A few days after completing a HeroQuest in in which Humakt allows a return from Death, Berra finds it an effort to remember how to be human.
- Berra Training Varanis – or With Varanis1626, Sea Season, Stasis Week. A talk and a play-test of the chase rules. Varanis continues to coax Berra, this time with running uphill, because it seemed like a good idea at the time.
- Pride and Prejudithe1626, Sea Season, Stasis Week. Varanis tries to deflect tension with fun, but Berra doesn’t know how to have fun. Oh, and D’Val is a duck!
- Not Falling Off Cliffs1626, Sea Season, Movement Week, Waterday. Berra and Varanis climb and talk.
- One of our Vingans is MissingXenofos asks Berra if she’s seen Varanis anywhere. She hasn’t and neither has anyone else. (1626, Fire Season, Movement Week)
- Visions of Fire and DarknessVaranis decides to meditate at the Flame of Sartar and things get a bit carried away. (1626, Fire Season, Movement Week)
- Water Falls1626, Fire Season, Stasis Week: Drazn’k has done a number on Berra and she’s not keen to discuss it.
- Eril’s OfferBerra escorts Varanis to a meeting with Eril, who is currently badly injured. (1626, Fire Season, Illusion Week, Fireday)
- Too soon for the SwordVaranis and Berra have a conversation, that leads to what is meant to be some broadsword training. Things take an unexpected turn. Although there are technically no spoilers, this does discuss a brief encounter with Humakt and gives a bit of insight into Varanis’ state of mind. Read at your own risk. (1626, Fire Season, ...
- Rebellion and Movement1626, Earth Season, Disorder Week, Wildday. Berra tries to tell Varanis about why she is the way she is. They end up doing sword drills. Of course.
- Marrows And Honour1626, Earth Season, Death Week, Clayday. After a visit to the Humakti Temple, Berra’s old girlfriend catches up with her.
- Storm front1626, Earth Season, Death Week, Clayday afternoon: Mellia has informed Varanis of Xenofos’ impending duel and the Vingan is seriously annoyed.
- The Calm After the Storm1626, Earth Season, Death Week: Xenofos will be fighting a duel and Berra is his second. She has words of advice for Varanis, who is still not happy about the whole thing.
- Torch of LifeBeerra asks if Eril is worthy of worshipping as a hero, and receives in reply a sword that will hold his Wyter.
- Praxian Practicality1626, Dark Season Context Dark Season, the first Wildsday Eve. Berra has just heard about the Black Fangs and is about to go to her Temple in a hurry, for worship and help. After Death and Taxes (Session 2.19). Events On the way out to the Temple, Berra takes Rajar aside for one moment. “Just so you know, I ...
- Sartarite StrollingBerra — Sartarite Strolling 1626, Dark Season Context Dark Season, eve of the first Wildsday. Follows on directly from Esrolian Exercise. Session 2.19. Events As soon as Suuraki has his dagger-axe ready to go, Berra is heading for the doors. “Suuraki in front, me back left, ...
- Armour Feminamque Cano1626, Dark Season, Disorder Week, Wildday morning. Varanis and Berra go to collect some rhino-hide armour and get lost in Pavis.
- InterrogationVaranis has a prisoner, captured after the conflict with Impala Storm Khan Rushes to Battle. Efforts are made to interrogate him. (1626, Storm Season, Disorder Week, Clay Day)
- Tooth And HailBerra and Varanis talk and make plans to reconnect in the near future. (1626, Storm Season, Disorder Week)
- Teeth And DeathOn the way to the Paps, Berra and Varanis discuss their dreams. (1626, Storm Season, Harmony Week)
- Question Period1626, Storm Season, Harmony Week. Berra and Varanis have a rambling conversation about life, the universe, and everything.
- There is Another1626, Storm Season, Harmony Week, Windsday. Varanis tells Berra what she’s learned about Argrath.
- Death And Air1626, Storm Season, Movement Week, Water Day, during the night. Berra and Xenofos keep watch in the night. Neither has been having a good time of it since the walktapus.
- After the Walktapus I1626, Storm Season, Movement Week, Freeze Day. Berra has finished off the walktapus at last. Varanis watched the whole thing from a short distance away, where she was sat on the ground breathing carefully.
- The Road to JaldonkillLate in Storm Season and the party has been making steady progress towards Jaldonkill, en route to Boldhome. They’ve stopped for the night and Varanis and Berra discuss their plans for the future. (1626, Storm Season)
- A Serious SquallRajar has been provoking Varanis with unsubtle comments about Kallyr and how convenient it would be if she were dead. It culminates when he suggests Varanis could do the job herself. The Vingan loses her temper and rather than attack the Uroxi, she races ahead. (1626, Dark Season, Stasis Week)
- Hold the onionsRajar and Varanis had a falling out over Argrath and Kallyr and the Vingan decides to talk it over with Berra. (1626, Dark Season, Stasis Week)
- Make it ShineBerra and Varanis polish armour and talk about harvests. A quiet moment in a busy time. (1626, Dark Season, Stasis Week)
- Ernalda’s EmbraceVaranis wakes up at the Boldhome Earth Temple and decides to greet Yelm from the roof. Berra and Xenofos greet her at the bottom. (1626, Storm Season, Truth Week, Clayday)
- Sleep InterruptedBerra wakes Varanis up to suggest she try to find the rest of her armour. (1626, Storm Season, Truth Week, Clayday)
- Vrok Hawk1626, Storm Season, Truth Week. Berra and Varanis head out on one of their climbing trips. Berra talks a bit about Eril.
- Admissions1626, Storm Season, Movement Week, Clayday. Varanis tells Berra about tricking Xenofos into getting help.
- Necessities1626, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Freezeday. Varanis complains a lot, while Berra gets to know her new sword.
- Sharing BurdensBerra is struggling with carrying everything, and entrusts (most of) her swords to Varanis.
1627 Verses
- Fragment 2.31 – The First CommandDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 31 1627 Into the North of the Pass of the DragonBerra walked on with her bison companionActing as guard for the train of IrilloGifts to the Grazelands from Kallyr the Starbrow Given command by the words of VareenaBerra divided her thoughts as a captainStood as a soldier to ...
- Fragment 2.32 – The Crown of AuthorityDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 32 1627 Back through the wilds came the war-band of BerraStopping at Dangerford but to change horsesThen to the gap of the Donalf of SartarAlda-Chur called and she answered the calling Into the Temple of Death in the Far-PlaceBerra walked upright as tall as she could beHolding her ...
- Fragment 2.33 – The Prayer to ErilDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 33 1627 Seeking the path that her feet could not take herBerra appealed to the Hero of BoldhomeAsking the thing that was weakest within herSeeking to warn him away from her weakness Following who they hoped would be the Feathered Horse Queen, the group was passing through the ...
- Fragment 2.34 – The Cave of ChaosDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 34 1627 Passing the mountains of Tarsh she marched onwardUnder the mountain where blood spilled like waterSaying a prayer to the spirit of RathikRathik the redsmith whose tread went before her Pleased by the passage of distance beneath herBerra walked on through the mountains and valleysInto the pass ...
- Fragment 2.35 – The Guarding in DarknessDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 35 1627 Ran then to battle to smite foes of stonemakeWept for her sword when the war-cries were overTaking to Nala the pieces of Luckpath,Berra prayed over the bronze that was shattered Then with the weight of the Death-oath above herBerra walked on to in the lowlands and ...
- Fragment 2.36 – The Plunge into WaterDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 36 1627 Keeping the trail of the chariot closelyBerra drew nigh to the hamlet of DrakemereMeeting with ducks there who followed the Death GodSwearing to fight with them if they should need her First at the lakeside she watched with her magicSeeking the sight of the killers from ...
- Fragment 2.37 – The Sight of FazzurDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 37 1627 She went with honour to meet with the Horse-QueenTied up her weapons and cast off her armourGiving her trust to the child of ErnaldaBleaching away how she acted with Leika Meeting and feasting were called for the dusk-tideThere in the tent was a man that she ...
- Fragment 2.38 – The Test of the MistsDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 38 1627 Into the mists of the edgelands of SartarFollowing loyal and true to VaranisThere by the mouth of the Dragon they parleyedSpeaking a dragonewt rider of bird-fame Berra spoke long with the beaked one of HumaktTalking of Death and the gift she could bring itTill they passed ...
- Fragment 2.39 – The Rejection of DanarilDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 39 1627 Eastward she walked at the end of her journeyCaptured by mist as the slave of illusionThere was a liar who led her to testingBright though the mist was the sun was defeated Into the house that was earned by a LunarGiven for loyalty shown in the ...
- Fragment 2.40 – The Sword without BladeDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 40 1627 Greeting the Uplander Temple of HumaktBerra bowed head to the Sword of the TempleKnelt to Geoffri respectfully speakingGave of her magic in worship of Humakt Staying a season to learn of their magicBerra with Godfri learned secrets of HumaktTaught but to ducks and their friends in ...
- Fragment 2.41 – The Adoption of BerraDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 41 1627 Out in the mountains of Tarsh in high summerGodfri took Berra to talk of her featherBlack as his own and a gift of a mallardTold her its import and gave her his blessing Berra the duck came to sit with her clanfolkTold them her news in ...
- Fragment 2.43 – The Challenge in DarknessDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 43 1627 As Berra walked from the city of NochetGuiding the wagons of merchant IrilloBent the road east past the plateau of shadowsThere in the darkness a troll met and mocked her Challenge was met with the force of her angerStrove they on glass and on sand and ...
- Fragment 2.44 – The Test of AsceticismDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 44 1627 Up at the city of Whitewall in regrowthBerra was feasted and drank only waterHeld to the promise she made to the sword-godStaying ascetic while drink flowed around her Berra spent some time at the Temple of Humakt, Divining a question of the great Hero, Eril – ...
- Fragment 2.45 – The Case Before KallyrDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 45 1627 Standing for Eril she spoke in the PalaceBreaking apart all Illusion with knowledgeCustoms she told to the Priest of the Truth-godPrecedent told to the Storm-Voice of Orlanth Knowing the silver weighed out for a maimingBerra knew also the price of a spear-manUpkeep for soldiers was clear ...
- Fragment 2.46 – The Oath to SlaughterDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 46 1627 Under the shadow of Quivin swore BerraShe would return when the army was bloodedSwimming in wine from the veins of the foemanWalking on moonbeams spilled out of their vessels With a small interlude for Irillo (but not the rest of the group) to find out that ...
- Fragment 2.47 – The Assassination of HonourDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 47 1627 Now we shall talk of the failure of BerraThinking herself all secure she knew hubrisLeft in her charge was a foe-man of SartarRed Moon above him and Chaos within him He had surrendered and so with her honourShe should protect him but failed in her sword-armHearing ...
- Fragment 2.48 – The Meeting with YarantorDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 48 1627 Bearing the stigma of shame in her bosomBerra sought out the great Swords of the Death-GodRoneer of fame in the Praxian TempleYarantor Robe-clad in Ironspike then resting Spoke they of Honour and valour and bloodshedYarantor tasked her to learn to be humbleLetting the words of the ...
- Fragment 2.49 – The Pursuit of OnjurDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 49 1627 Night saw young Berra in calm meditationDrinking but water and praying to HumaktHolding the Sword in her mind’s grasp within herSeeking no joy in the feasting around her Morning brought news of attack by a night-forceWounding by secrecy out of the darknessHearing the tale Berra thought ...
- Fragment 2.50 – The City RaidDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 50 1627 Scout she had been in the wars of the wheat-fieldsSmall although fierce she had learned to be silentMoving on foot like a hunter on hoof-trackGhost in the darkness and hidden in daylight Now in the lands that were Sartar held falselyPrisoned by Lunars who sat in ...
- Fragment 2.51 – The Argument with VennaDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 51 1627 Taking in words that were given by ErilQuiet advice with the calm of his wisdomBerra gave counsel of cheer to VaranisBide now your time and we soon shall see battle Berra, trying to get some sleep after a night spent in Alda Chur and another spent ...
- Fragment 2.52 – The Command at Alda ChurDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 52 1627 Honour was given to Berra HumaktiShe and the army of VarTaking the gate and the wall of the Far-Place She in command knew her sword would be neededSought out Sorala to lead in the battleRiding behind Rajar Storm-bull was BerraPride set aside ...
- Fragment 2.53 – The Fight up the StairDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 53 1627 Praying to Humakt she made for the stairwayWaiting were soldiers of Alda Chur’s finestBright was their armour and fine were their spearheadsInto the fray went the chosen of Eril Calling surrender she asked for their ransomsThen came the power of Humakt within herSent ...
- Fragment 2.54 – The Duel with GallemDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 54 1627 Then in the press Berra saw from a distanceGallem the Sword who was Priest in the cityCalled to her allies to come stand against himStood in his path and called he should surrender Battle was met as brave Gallem pressed forwardHalting advance to give battle to ...
- Fragment 2.55 – The Telmori ChallengeDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 55 1627 Resting a season in shade by the riverBerra took omens from ravens above herSeeing that Death came to roost all around herBerra set forth to protect all her ducklings, Sweet was her sister in Ernalda’s TempleLying to close to the heart of the matterBerra sought out ...
1627 Scenes
- Long SwordBerra — Long Sword 1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week Context Sea Season, Disorder Week, around Waterday. Berra has been to the Temple to report to Lord Eril and tell him about her understanding of the spirit he wants her to bind. Faintly spoilerish for plans, in particular if you ...
- A Man’s WorldBerra — A Mans World 1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week Context Sea Season, Disorder Week, around Clayday maybe. EventsOnly a few hours have passed since Rajar finally fell asleep and the common room became still. Varanis makes her way down the stairs as ...
- Temple Of UleriaBerra — Temple Of Uleria 1627, Storm Season Context Late in Storm Season, at the Temple of Uleria. Berra has decided that as she is going to someone else’s Temple, she should do her best to be the guest they will expect, and has money for a donation to the ...
- Sparring On The RoadBerra — Sparring On The Road 1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week Context Sea Season, Disorder Week, Water Day. Berra and Varanis have barely spoken since events up at the Flame, but this can happen over the course of a day anyhow. CONTAINS SPOILERS Events The ...
- Dear Darling BelovedBerra and Xenofos talk in the darkness about caring, and about Onjur.
- UncaringBerra — Uncaring 1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week Context 1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Waterday. Events A little after dawn, Berra left Varanis at the White Grape, and went off at a run to get a few last things. She comes back with an ...
- UnworriedBerra — Unworried 1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week Context Sea Season, Disorder Week, Waterday, on the road. Events Xenofos face tries to show calm and polite expression. What it does show is conflict inside, embarrasment, delight in seeing her and unhappiness. Berra stays cool, ...
- UnhearingBerra — Unhearing 1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week Context 1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week, around Windsday. Events Evening on the third day of travel. Berra approaches Xenofos in the growing dark. From the front. Not holding any weapons. “Hello there little cousin.” “Hey, Xenofos.” ...
- UnseeingBerra — Unseeing 1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week Context Sea Season, Disorder Week, probably Wildday. Events Xenofos is sharpening his rapier. After the troll, on the way back, Berra is still cold and professional. It might be how it is, or it might be how ...
- Marriage In The Blue TreeBerra — Marriage In The Blue Tree 1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week Context Sea Season, late Disorder or early Harmony Week, after a conversation Varanis reported. Contains pretty big spoilers. Events Berra says to Varanis on the way to get beer, “One moment,” and detours ...
- Worry Later1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week: Varanis talks of her worries. Berra talks about the Water Rune and not worrying about dreams.
- PlebeianBerra — Plebeian 1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week Context Sea Season Harmony Week, probably Windsday. Events The night after Varanis takes her dip, with the clouds scudding over early, Berra puts herself on the first watch with Xenofos, citing the weather and a need ...
- Quest Of Eril: Asking XenofosBerra — Quest Of Eril 01 1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week Context Sea Season, Disorder Week, Probably Windsday. Spoilers, mostly about reaction. Events Morning after Varanis had nightmares she woke Xenofos up. Xenofos seemed to have something to ask Varanis. And while he does steal glances ...
- Quest Of Eril: Asking Varanis1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week: Berra asks Varanis to help her in a heroquest.
- Quest Of Eril: Asking SuurakiBerra — Quest Of Eril 03 1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week Context Sea Season, Harmony Week, directly after the previous log. Mild spoilers. Events Berra has been careful not to put Suuraki and Valseena on watch together, but to let them ride at least some ...
- Quest Of Eril: Asking RajarBerra — Quest Of Eril 04 1627, Sea Season Context Sea Season, on the way to Alda Chur. Follows on directly from the last. Spoilers for answer. Events The day after Varanis took her dip, Berra takes a tour around those who are travelling across ...
- Quest Of Eril: Asking ValseenaBerra — Quest Of Eril 05 1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week Context Sea Season, Harmony Week, direct follow-on from the previous scene. Events The day after Varanis took her dip, Berra rides up and down the line, stopping to talk to everyone. She comes ...
- Quest Of Eril: Varanis has QuestionsBerra — Quest Of Eril 06 1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week Context Sea Season, Harmony Week, travelling through the Donalf Flats Spoilery for emotions and decisions Events Noon. A time to rest and graze the animals, and stretch, and eat if not actually cook. ...
- Quest Of Eril: Xenofos has CritiqueBerra — Quest Of Eril 07 1627, Sea Season, Disorder Week Context Sea Season, Disorder Week, probably Fireday. A day after asking Xenofos to be in a Heroquest. Naturally, contains spoilers. Events Next morning Xenofos is pretty quiet, looking thoughtful. Berra is business-like, efficient with apparently ...
- Quest Of Eril: Asking NalaBerra — Quest Of Eril 08 1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week Context Sea Season, Harmony Week. Still on the way to Alda Chur. *Contains significant spoilers.* Events The day after Varanis took a dip, Berra goes around the little bisonocavalcade, talking with people in turn. ...
- Front LinesBerra — Front Lines 1627, Sea Season, Death Week Context Sea Season, Death Week, Waterday Events At sunset Xenofos is taking his and Varanis’ mounts to drink. Berra is cleaning blood from her hands and clothes not far from where the cattle path ends. ...
- More And HarderBerra — More And Harder 1627, Sea Season, Death Week Context Sea Season, Death Week, Wildday, not long after a battle in which two young Humakti ducks were killed. Events After a bit of talk, Berra asks the young duck Teltra how old she ...
- Love Yurts1627, Sea Season. At the Feathered Horse Queen’s camp, to negotiate marriage.
- Wee hours and insults1627, Sea Season, Fertility Week: Varanis is slipping out into the night at Duck Point. She takes Berra with her.
- No MuggingBerra — No Mugging 1627, Sea Season, Fertility? Week Context Sea Season Fertility? Week, Windsday Eve. Events Berra leaves Varanis behind, ties the cord on the sword that Eril lent her, and keeps Wind Tooth ready for draw. She goes out in her lighter ...
- No Hugging1627, Sea Season, Movement Week: Berra talks about her bad news; clan and family are suffering.
- And one day…1627, Sea Season, Movement Week: Berra tries not to feel murderous rage, and Varanis helps her down from it.
- Quest Of Eril: Telling MelliaBerra — Quest Of Eril 09 1627, Sea Season, Illusion Week Context Sea Season, Illusion Week, Freezeday. On the road to Boldhome. Events As the group sets off again, Berra makes sure Danaril is comfortable on his bison – her bison – and then ...
- Talk AwayBerra — Talk Away 1627, Sea Season Context Sea Season, shortly after the last log. Danaril has departed with Irillo. Events When Danaril has said his goodbyes, and Irillo’s caravan has peeled off towards Alda Chur, Berra keeps on leading her bison, but her steps slow, and Followed is in no mood to hurry. Slowly, the Humakti ...
- Smoothing the way1627, Sea Season, Illusion Week. Varanis tries to smooth the way for Venlar, by talking to Berra.
- Venlar’s RequestBerra — Venlars Request 1627, Sea Season Context Sea Season, on the last stretch up to Boldhome. Events The party has stopped for yet another rest. Varanis is irritated at the delay, but acknowledges the needs of others. Leaving Fish with the other mounts, ...
- Venlar’s AnswerBerra — Venlars Answer 1627, Sea Season Context Sea Season on the way into Boldhome Events “Berra. Hello.” “Lord.” “What can I do for you?” “That’s not the way around I was thinking.” “I see. What can you do for me, then?” “About Yamia. You need to ignore ...
- Duck Who KnowsBerra asks questions of her beloved Duck.
- Fifth ColumnistBerra — Fifth Columnist 1627, Sea Season Context Sea Season, very late, after finding out the news about Mirava. EventsThe King’s road from Boldhome westward is becoming boringly familiar. Soon the small group falls into familiar patterns, taking turns to ride point. Berra, who ...
- I’m A DuckBerra — Im A Duck 1627 Context Season/Week/Day/Time and Notable Context. Events Berra asks Godfri at some point what the hel… what it means when a duck gives you a feather. “It is a sort of adoption thing.” – Godfri A small implosion happens behind ...
- Racing HoovesBerra — Racing Hooves 1627, Fire Season Context Early Fire Season, on the way to rescue Mirava. Events On that afternoon a bird of prey circles overhead. Xenofos is riding on the left flank. His horse seems to be spooked by something and for ...
- Head ShotBerra — Head Shot 1627, Fire Season Context Early Fire season, on the way to rescue Mirava. Events In the evening of a long day as they rode through Tarsh, Berra has eaten, Yelm is still in the sky, and the little Humakti is ...
- Fear In The DarkBerra — Fear In The Dark 1627, Fire Season Context Early Fire Season, in Tarsh. Events Berra and Valseena relieve Rajar and Xenofos from watch pretty much in the middle of the night. While Rajar assures nothing has been moving or rumbling except maybe ...
- Guard duty1627, Fire Season, Disorder Week. Berra and Varanis talk a little during a pre-dawn guard shift.
- Tears In The DarkBerra — Tears In The Dark 1627, Fire Season, Disorder Week Context Fire Season, Disorder Week, Around Clayday, riding away from the Dragonewt City Events Night. Berra’s sleeping has been bad, and broken, and in a way rather unlike her she has been tossing ...
- Fearing The TruthBerra — Fearing The Truth 1627, Fire Season Context Early in Fire Season on what was to have been Mellia’s wedding day. Events “Lord Venlar. Hello.” “Berra Jarang’s Daughter. Well met!” “How are you?” “Well. Happy. Married.” “Yeah. I heard. You haven’t shaved. It’s weird.” “I am very annoyed ...
- Catching UpBerra catches up with Kesten. Two short people at a party
- Telling The TruthBerra tells Dormal that a task is done.
- Like Old TimesBerra meets Lanasha, has beer and food.
- Truth And PiesBerra — Truth And Pies 1627, Fire Season, Death Week Context Fire Season, Probably Death Week, Fireday. A few days after the festivities. Events Morning is pretty early when Xenofos saunters to the courtyard of the palazzo. He is wearing armour and carrying his ...
- My People IBerra — My People I 1627, Fire Season, Death Week Context Fire Season Death Week Clayday. Berra is out of money, but wants to visit some old friends and kinfolk without being ashamed. Events Despite all festivities being over, Berra comes by the house ...
- My People IIBerra — My People Ii 1627, Fire Season, Death Week Context Fire Season, Death Week, Clay Day, as Berra takes Varanis to see her people. Events “Right. Yes.” Berra saunters along. “Around noon for the meal?” she checks as she goes, and Esba ...
- My People IIIBerra — My People Iii 1627, Fire Season, Death Week Context Fire Season, Death Week, Clay Day. Events “That’s Deref!” Berra stops and then almost runs towards them, pulling up after a few moments as Deref runs into the house calling, “BERRA IS ...
- My People IIIIBerra — My People Iiii 1627, Fire Season, Death Week Context Fire Season, Death Week, Clay Day. Events Deref says, “My honour,” with a bit of a smile. He puts up his hands to take the armour. The light from the door dims. “Isran, I ...
- My People VBerra — My People V 1627, Fire Season, Death Week Context Fire Season, Death Week, Clay Day. Events “You should take a stroll,” Sylla suggests, coming over for the baby. “Unless you want to stay.” “It’s not horrible until they’re eating proper food,” Berra says, ...
- The Trail Of Lenta IBerra — The Trail Of Lenta I 1627, Fertility Week Context Freezeday, Fertility Week. Berra is calling on the Hultas to try to put Varanis’ mind at ease. Events Berra has a small bundle with her, and two swords, and shining bronze armour. It ...
- The Trail Of Lenta IIBerra — The Trail Of Lenta Ii 1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week Context Fire Season Fertility Week, Freezeday. Events The street to palazzo Saiciae is thronged with people this late in the afternoon. From the direction of jewel market couple of green feathers bop over ...
- The Trail Of Lenta IIIBerra — The Trail Of Lenta Iii 1627, Fire Season, Fertility Week Context Fire Season, Fertility Week, Freezeday. Events In the late afternoon, with Yelm slanting down, there is a clap outside the door to Varanis’ room. A moment later it is followed up ...
- My People VIBerra — My People Vi 1627, Fire Season Context Fire Season, the early part of the second half. Events Berra has spent the hours since Devolin failed to steal a wagon out on her bison, going around the caravan. She speaks with everyone, including ...
- Leadership RollsWhile talking about the problem of the Esrolian volunteers, Berra gets Varanis to eat a bit.
- SeparationBerra — Separation 1627, Fire Season, Movement Week Context Fire Season, Movement Week, Fireday, just after the return to Boldhome. Events . o ( So, that ‘be humble’ thing didn’t go so well. ) . o ( It’s good to be back. ) . o ( ...
- I’m A Duck TooBerra — Im A Duck Too 1627, Fire Season, Movement Week Context Fire Season, Movement Week, Fireday, the late afternoon of the return to Boldhome. Questions to Duck, confused murder duckling edition “How many people arrived from Esrolia, and how much support do they ...
- A Lot Of BotherBerra — A Lot Of Bother 1627, Fire Season, Movement Week Context Fire Season, Movement Week, Wildday. Berra has many questions for Lord Eril, and he is prepared to answer at least some of them. Events After the meal, Berra traipses back to the ...
- The Trail Of Lenta IIIIBerra — The Trail Of Lenta Iiii 1627, Fire Season, Movement Week Context Fire Season, Movement Week, Wildday, on the road from Boldhome out towards Swenstown. Events Berra catches up after about fifteen minutes of riding. She has shed her tunic to run, and ...
- The Trail Of Lenta V – At the TempleBerra — The Trail Of Lenta V 1627 Context Berra has been called back to the Law Temple of Boldhome. Events Berra is met at the gate, by a rather impatient scribe. Her beard is white, but she looks young. “You’re late. This is ...
- Duck TalkBerra — Duck Talk 1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week Context Fire Season, Illusion Week, Freezeday. Events “If you start drawing the Truth Rune, then stop and come back to it later, it is still one Rune?” “What do you think?” “I think it’s all the same ...
- Climbing RosesBerra — Climbing Roses 1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week Context Fire Season, Illusion Week, Water Day. (Contains only timing spoilers.) Events It is a little before noon when Berra finally catches up with Suuraki. She rode out to see the Esrolians on Wildday. Now is ...
- Water LiliesBerra — Water Lilies 1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week Context Fire Season, Illusion Week, Water Day, directly after the last scene. Events There is a short walk towards one of the rivers in Boldhome, west of the Death Temple, where the mountain walls of ...
- Godday Night At The Camp1627, Fire Season, Season, Movement Week, Godday: Berra, Rajar, and Xenofos take stock of the Esrolian troops. They aren’t impressed with what they’ve seen.
- Godday Training1627, Fire Season, Season, Movement Week, Godday: Berra tries to organize training and logistics.
- Hot TopicBerra is not very able to answer questions, but nevertheless talks with Varanis.
- Air and DarknessIn the early evening, en route towards Boldhome, the Esrolians stop to set up camp alongside the road. Varanis spots Berra loudly supervising and waves her over. Berra gives up on the loud supervision and steps up smartly to see Varanis, for all the world as if the Vingan is someone she looks up to. “Walk with ...
- Calming Influence1627, Earth Season, towards the end of the first week. The assassination of a prisoner has caused a lot of anger.
- Fighting TalkIn the Praxian camp, Varanis is pissed and looking for a fight. Berra comes along to help. (1627, Earth Season, Harmony Week)
- Talking TalkBerra — Talking Talk 1627, Earth Season, Disorder Week Context Earth Season, around the end of Disorder Week. Events Berra has been a general, a training officer, a drill sergeant, and a threatening presence with the Quartermasters over the past days. She healed most ...
- Talking Of FightingBerra — Talking Of Fighting 1627, Earth Season, Harmony Week Context Earth Season, late Harmony Week or early Death Week. Events After talking with Varanis Xenofos walks outside and to the stables to check on his mount. An unexpected Humakti drops in – literally – ...
- Green and Blue1627, Earth Season, late Harmony Week: After travelling to Iron Spike to negotiate with King Stark on Argrath’s behalf, Varanis finds she’s eaten too much of the feast. Berra has plenty of advice for her.
- Words of Irritation1627, Earth Season. Varanis was criticised by Xenofos because Berra appears to have contradicted something the Vingan said. Now she’s annoyed.
- Words Of Admonishment1627, Earth Season. Words of admonishment fly between Xenofos, Berra, and Varanis.
- Morale CheckBerra — Morale Check 1627, Earth Season, Death Week Context Earth Season, Death Week, around Freezeday Events On the road back from Glasswall, Berra was on edge. From the unnatural calm that she called into herself, she slowly seemed to fill with animation ...
- Letter Delivered1627, Earth Season, late Harmony Week or early Death Week: A letter arrives to Varanis. Xenofos suggests it’s contents are not told Berra.
- Armed For BattleBerra — Armed For Battle 1627, Earth Season, Death Week Context Earth Season, Death Week, Clayday. After the fall of Alda Chur. Events The city has been taken and some of the Esrolians, like the Praxians, are spreading out to make sure the transition ...
- Nice Ice Wall1627, Earth Season, Stasis Week: Berra takes Varanis to see the Ice Wall and trade with some dragonewts.
- Cannon DetachmentBerra — Cannon Detachment 1627, Earth Season Context Late in Earth Season. Berra returns to her Temple after a successful campaign. Events Berra Jarang’s Daughter: Berra rides in, carefully deals with her bison, checks if the High Sword is in and sends a message ...
- Doa Or Die1627, Earth Season, Movement Week: Berra hears that Danaril and Doa have run away after the Clan Ring discussed killing him.
- Cliff FaceBerra thinks Varanis may have fallen over the cliff, and has reasons to fear this. There is a lot of drama and shouting and a couple of White Ladies are also dramatic.
- Coming DownBerra — Coming Down 1627, Earth Season Context Late Earth Season, afternoon of day 2 at the Blue Tree Tula. Events The voices of the two healers and the Malani who guard them are snatched away by the wind as they descend. Varanis sits ...
- Staying DownBerra — Staying Down 1627, Earth Season Context Late in Earth Season 1627. Events As Yehna is talking to her friends the short Esrolian approaches her coming foretold by the faint tingling of her earrings. Yehna is just stepping away, but turns and gives Lenta ...
- Blanket StatementBerra — Blanket Statement 1627, Earth Season Context Late in Earth Season, just after Varanis went climbing a cliff. For Maalira, follows . EventsThe lesson is a patient one, with Yehna showing a personality almost completely unlike her sister’s. She seems to enjoy ...
- Breaking News1627, Late Earth Season: Varanis blurts out her pregnancy secret to Berra and Yehna. Berra is far too pleased.
- Boldhome ConclaveIn Boldhome, Varanis and company go house-hunting, but while looking at a place, Mellia starts in on the Vingan about her pregnancy.
- Cooking Up1627, Dark Season. Berra does not realise that Venlar is trying to find Yehna a husband.
- Mellia Mends1627, Dark Season: Mellia tries to help Venlar make amends after he got a bit heavy-handed in his match-making attempts.
- Sister PactBerra — Sister Pact 1627, Dark Season Context Very late Earth or early Dark Season, just before the return to Boldhome. Events As the afternoon starts to draw in, Varanis finally comes down from the ridge above the river again. She’s been up there ...
- Love NoteBerra — Love Note 1627, Dark Season Context Early Dark Season, Boldhome. Events One day in Dark Season at the White Grape Rondrik looks at Berra with a thoughtful look. The Humakti is spending only a little time here; her Temple has strictures on her, ...
- A New HomeBerra has moved from room to room in the house, leaning against the walls with her hands, sniffing the air, dropping her woven ear warmer and examining it on the floor and picking it back up again, and finally choosing a room and telling Yehna which one it is. Then she seeks out Varanis, by ...
- Berra and BerraThe morning of Windsday passes and a message is sent to the Humakti Temple for Initiate Berra. ‘Your friend has birthed a healthy child. She is well. Please don’t bring Death to the Earth Temple.’ A day passes without Berra. The next brings a written message for Varanis. Lord D’Val’s greetings to Thane Varanis. Initiate Berra ...
- Age DifferenceIt is Sea Season at the Blue Tree. Yehna is cooking, and packing for Baby Berra, and finishing off an embroidered patch of some kind. Larger Berra is playing the buzz-flute for the entranced child. A few people, Varanis included, are hanging around; the promise of food outweighs the pain of Humakti lullabies. A young ...
- Streaming ColdContext Berra is still looking after the River Egg, waiting for the Queen to be available and make a judgement. Session 4. Events Berra is wet, and cold, and standing off a little from the group, although the gaggle of Ducks in the background is providing a soundtrack of quacks and bickering. The campfire burns on. Water ...
1628 Verses
- Fragment 3.1 – The Judgement of TennebrisDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 3 1 1628 In the new year of the omens of plentyMorning dawned bright at the Temple of OrlanthThere sat Varanis in talks with the Storm-VoiceBerra behind her was silent of judgement Tennebris drunkenly said to the womenJoin me in drink for my cares are too manySuch was the ...
- Fragment 3.2 – The Habit of CommandDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 3 2 1628 Treading the roads with a bison that followedBerra was counting the warriors by herHiring as captain the soldier HumaktiGramnest and Harrij and Cullar Malani Keeping her friends in the safety of HumaktBerra walked on in command of her soldiersSetting a guard on the head of young ...
- Fragment 3.3 – The Temptation of DragonsDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 3 3 1628 Lonely the road that she walked in the winterBerra alone climbed the mountain BrondagalThere on the slope was the egg of a riverCouched in the grasp of the dragon that bore it Boldly did Berra stand forth to the challengeStaring with eyes that would face down ...
- Fragment 3.4 – The Judgement of HonourDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 3 4 1628 Climbing the mountain and meeting the dragonBerra kept in her the precepts of honourWhen she returned with the egg of the riverHonour came with her and Harmony also Many who saw made a claim to the riiverXenofos took it and Berra defendedArgued her case with the ...
- Fragment 3.5 – The River PlantingDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 3 5 1628 Torograi’s yearning was nothing to BerraPure was the maiden as fresh was her waterHe with a song that would call down the songbirdsBade her farewell as she walked on the moorland newt blades come to slaughterLaying them down with the mercy of Humakt Then for a day ...
- Fragment 3.6 – The Beginning of ExileDiaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 3 6 1628 Into the hall of the Queen of the great-bowBerra walked proud as befitted a duck-friendAir in her feathersWas this written by… a duck? and pride in her featuresStanding as tall as the greatest HumaktiApparently so., Goldman puts this as an insult to Nameless, then presumably ...
- Fragment 3.7 – The Report to Eril1628 Turning her eyes to the letter of Onjur1Berra took word to the Temple of HumaktBringing the news of the Bat to her CaptainTall Eril listened in silence to Berra Seeking for knowledge of enemy OnjurErill called Berra to speak to the Rune-LordsQuestioning close all the plotting she told himFinding in words she spoke truth for the ...
- Fragment 3.8 – The Guarding of the InnocentClad in her tunic and sandals of straw-makeClothed as a penitent Berra was walkingDire was the learning that Eril had doled herSpending a season with armour in Temple Berra quoth many would take this as restingSafe in the Temple would stay and would guard itI cannot rest in one place for a seasonI will go forth ...
- Fragment 3.9 – The Call to BAT-tleDid the Sage Llewun name this? Call to BAT-tle? Have you no shame? – GarinYou’ve met me. Do you think I have any? – Llewellyn. Armour restored Berra hied to the PalaceThere to be asked to go into the heartlandsSwiftly she answered the call to find dangerSeeking the proof Onjur dangled before them Varanis and her band ...
- Fragment 3.10 – The Passing of Blue TreeHard was her heart as she walked past her tulaHard as the hobnails her grandfather made herBerra walked on past the voice of her sisterGoing to duty and leaving her kinfolk The group passed by the Blue Tree, picking up some gift horses for later, including what were apparently some goldeneye crossbreeds. Berra spent a ...
- Fragment 3.11 – The Dwarf MineUnder the Earth where the Dwarfs made their tunnelsBerra defended the halls of her hostingSwore with her sword she would keep all the secretsMarched in the Dark with the Truth held before her Within the Dwarf Mine, the group – minus Koraki – were asked to do a favour to the Dwarf, as he had a ...
- Fragment 3.12 – The Makings of The DwarfsDeeper she walked in the halls of the minerSeeing great secrets as secrets she kept themStealing not knowledge and walking in honourGuiding her path with the truth-light of Humakt Dwarven machines were a ground for the battleMile-high and metalAlleyn has ‘Mighty in metal’ they towered above herTall as a palace and stout as ErnaldaBerra walked fearless ...
- Fragment 3.13 – The Journey into Lunar TarshSo the miles passed and the leagues passed behind herTraveling onward she passed by the bear-peakFurthest of all of her family she travelledDeep into Tarsh that the Lunars had taken Hope in her heart that she one day would see itFree as the Tarsh that was held by the mountainsDown by the Temple of Shaker PriestessesPlace ...
- Fragment 3.14 – The Meeting with OnjurSo the miles passed and the leagues passed behind herTraveling onward she passed by the bear-peakFurthest of all of her family she travelledDeep into Tarsh that the Lunars had taken Hope in her heart that she one day would see itFree as the Tarsh that was held by the mountainsDown by the Temple of Shaker PriestessesPlace ...
- Fragment 3.15 – The Capture of VaranisSo out of Tarsh they rode but in two partiesSplitting to keep Onjur far from VaranisWoe was to Berra as her friend was takenBrought to the Temple where Onjur was waiting The group went back to Duelfield, but decided not to go further as one, because Varanis was anxious to avoid Dunstop. Xenofos went instead, ...
- Cold morning bluesVaranis returns from a cold morning of training. Berra has comments. (1628, Storm Season, Death Week, Godday)
1628 Scenes
- Happy ReturnsBerra — Happy Returns 1628, Sea Season, Movement Week Context It is the first time that Berra and Xenofos have really had time to talk since his return from Prax. Events Berra looks relaxed despite the cool weather of Sea Season, and is riding ...
- Onjur WayBerra and Xenofos talk of Onjur, and consider a few things about him.
- Meditations upon SeparationBerra — Berra Separation 01 1628 Context Berra wakes from a dream and takes up her guard duty in Jonstown, in the common room of the Bull and Ram. Events All swords are one sword, and Humakt wields it. When I was closest to ...
- Head ColdContext Berra is still calling a river to her, and needs to talk to Varanis about political expedience. Sea Season, Session 4. Events When she has as much privacy as possible, and has asked the drakes to flock off and told the guard where to go, with politeness made manifest by great effort, Berra looks up at ...
- Walking on EggshellsBerra — Berra River 01 1628, Sea Season, Death Week Context Sea Season Death Week Wildday Eve. Berra has hold of her egg and is miserable and cold and alone in the darkness. Likely somewhat spoilery for Xenofos. Events Berra is wet, and cold, and ...
- OathboundBerra — Oathbound 1628, Sea Season, Death Week Context Sea Season, Death Week, Wildday. Outside Clearwine. Events When she has as much privacy as possible, and has asked the drakes to flock off and told the guard where to go, with politeness made manifest ...
- Ridden Out Of TownBerra — Ridden Out Of Town 1628, Sea Season, Fertility Week Context Sea Season, Fertility Week, late on Clayday. Varanis’ band has just been banished from Colymar lands. Events A couple of hours out of Clearwine, Varanis brings Manasa alongside Followed. “I’m sorry.” She ...
- Long BriefingBerra reports on recent Gunda, banishment, and Onjur, to Lord Eril.
- Short BriefingBerra — Short Briefing 1628, Sea Season, Fertility Week Context Sea Season, Fertility Week, very late on Windsday. Events . o ( Phew. ) . o ( But also horror. ) . o ( Right. He was having fun. ) . o ( He doesn’t have that ...
- Long ClimbBerra talks to Rajar about Onjur. He has some ideas about vulnerabilities.
- Throne OutBerra has refused to talk to Varanis about being exiled. It is a little later, and Varanis tries again. Sea Season, Session 6.
- Brief ConversationContext Berra was unable to leave Boldhome at the same time as the others to go to the Cave of Salt and Teeth. She has caught up. Sea Season, Session 8. Events On the way back to Boldhome, after tidying up things in the Greyrock area, Varanis rides alongside Berra. “What kept you, by the way? ...
- Thanks for the MemoryContext After half of the group fought Draznk, and Berra didn’t, but nearly fought Nala. Session 3.8. Events It is typical Sartar weather of Sea season. A refreshing shower has fallen on the hillsides. Xenofos and Berra are keeping watch outside the Sacred cave. Varanis is sulking in a tree. Berra has managed to find a cloak to borrow, to go ...
- Onward and UpwardContext It is towards the end of Sea Season. The rain that makes Sartar so fertile is starting to warm and starting to fade into the hot, alynx days of Fire Season. Berra has been at the temple a lot, but today the house has her, and Maalira. Berra is upstairs. Somewhere. Quietly. This can bode ...
- Tiny DrunkBerra, who rarely gets drunk, is in the cooking wine. She is feeling bad about love.
- Death Note1628, Fire Season, Harmony Week. Varanis confesses that she’s afraid of the Bat.
- Visitor from Blue Tree1628, early in Fire Season. Yehna’s husband-to-be arrives in Boldhome with exciting news.
- Thinking on your toes1628, Fire Season: Varanis and Berra talk a bit about meditation and Wind Lords.
- Building a Wall1628, Fire Season, Fertility Week: While spending some time at Dwarf Mine, Varanis and Berra talk to T’Dwarf about walling off Blue Tree.
- Post-X Exhaustion1628, Fire Season Context On the way to the Lunar Empire the group stopped at Dwarf Mine, and helped out the Dwarf there. Session 3.12. Events The meal is over and X11 has gone to recharge or whatever it is Mostali do when not in active use. Varanis and Berra have a bit of quiet time. “Berra…” Varanis begins, ...
- Giving a FigMaalira and Berra talk in the Dwarf Mine
- Square Meal1628, Fire Season Context In an eating hall in Dwarf Mine. Session 3.12 Events It’s evening, around a day or maybe two after the group arrived at Dwarf Mine. Berra and Maalira are eating Dwarf Stuff, well away from the main crowd, in a big painted room. Varanis drifts over, freshly scrubbed and in a clean tunic and trews. ...
- Darn Mending1628, Fire Season, Fertility Week: During some downtime in Dunstop, Berra teaches Maalira how to mend while Varanis attempts not to tear anyone to shreds.
- Tearing Strips1628, Fire Season, Fertility Week: During some downtime in Dunstop, Varanis attempts to tear a strip off Berra for using the wrong name.
- Climbing the Walls1628, Fire Season, Fertility Week: During some downtime in Dunstop, Varanis begins to figuratively climb the walls. She wants to do it literally, but that’s a bad idea.
- Dun StopBerra and Maalira chatter about freedom, practice, and taking a city by force.
- To Quest or not to Quest?1628, Fire Season, Stasis Week, Waterday: On the way back to find Irillo and the caravan, Berra, Varanis, and Xenofos argue about Onjur’s proposal.
- Walking OutBerra and Maalira talk about getting out of Lunar Tarsh
- Leaving the EmpireBerra is worrying about Varanis. Maalira talks to her a bit.
- Berra in Hell<closes one eye><closes a different eye><closes another different eye>. o ( Alright. I can see spirits. ). o ( Rock. Mostly. But Rock that is Darkness. ). o ( Can you have Truth that is Illusion? ). o ( No. But there’s space for both. ). o ( Within each other. )…. o ( I’m ...
- Berra in the Temple of Doom. o ( … crap. ). o ( I’ve failed. ). o ( To convince them. I’ve failed to convince them. ). o ( Even the ones who could see me were afraid to stop. ). o ( Except Dormal… heh. But he knows I never lied to him. ). o ( So much I ...
- Berra outside the TempleBerra, climbing the outside of the Temple of Maran Gor, is somewhere between crying with frustration and crying with rage as she pulls herself up, so rests are not restful, but movement is full of anger. Probably Session 20. . o ( Oh. The torches. They got moved. So that the shadows would give me ...
- Crying WolfBerra and Maalira talk about Maalira’s part in the quest and the potential political fallout.
- In The Pale Yelm LightXenofos apologises to Berra, who does not seem to care that he has.
- Confidences and confessions1628, Fire Season. On the road back toward Sartar, the day after the Lightbringers Quest. Berra tells Varanis about her new-found wolf ability and Varanis shows Berra her sword.
- Moving OnBerra apologises to Irillo for making a decision for him.
- Hiding Outo ( Alright. Day is over. I can rest. ). o ( I need it. )<closes eyes><opens eyes>. o ( … ). o ( Oh. No spirit world. ). o ( That’s why it’s dark behind my eyes now. )<nestles under hide>. o ( Dark in here. Good. ). o ( Is that light? )<closes ...
- On GuardIn truth, the procession probably needs little by way of security; the group is on roads in a civilised place. Still, Berra makes sure that people are on watch and for a while as they ride she is one of them. After breakfast has been found and eaten, she rides her beautiful golden-eyed horse alongside ...
- Paw ParadeIt is well into the morning after the wolf happened. Berra has been riding out on the right flank, as usual, and now she is bringing her magnificent, if slightly taboo in Prax, horse alongside Maalira’s bison.Maalira fails a Scan to see that Berra is incoming with a problem. Maalira tilts her head quizzically at Berra. “I’m ...
- DivinationWake me when Yelm is half an hour short of returning.I shall obey.<deep breathing, conscious relaxation> Jar-eel ran the quest. Emperor is returned. Report home? ~ Yes, report home.Athanu, wake me when Yelm is an hour short of returning.It shall be done.And I shal- I sacrificed Nysalor to Kallyr. Was that bad? ~ That remains to be seen.… Inform ...
- Before the Debrief: Eril’s Version“Lord D’Val, could you wait a moment? I just gotta ask the High Sword something.” “You invite a Rune Lord along to keep him waiting, initiate?” “Uh… so. You should know, High One, I have had a really really bad time out there and just this once I don’t need your guidance in formal behaviour. That’s the ...
- Hold a Prayer1628, Fire Season, Late in Stasis Week: Berra makes a long-distance call to Eril while Varanis stands guard.
- Before the Debrief1628, Fire Season, Movement Week Context In the Temple of Humakt. Session 3.21 Events “Hey, Lord… no, not yet. I’ll take it back when the … when this is over. I need to tell the High Sword more things than I could say earlier. I need you to be there. I can’t say this twice and it’s… um. ...
- Debrief of Berra Jarang’s Daughter1628, late Fire Season. Contains some spoilers. “Thank you for seeing me, High One. Sword D’Val. I’m going to start a bit before the beginning, but that’s in the Temple of Humakt. I asked the hero Eril for his orders, telling him that we were separated from Varanis. He told me to go and find her, being ...
- Coming Clean1628, Fire Season, Movement Week: After meeting with Lord D’Val and the Iron Lord, Varanis took her rapier to the Air Temple and then returned to collect Berra for an excursion.
- Vingan Judgement1628, Fire Season, Movement Week: Having taken Berra to the cleaners (Ulerian baths), Varanis and Berra head to the Redsmiths, continuing their conversation.
- A Spearful Mood1628, Fire Season, Movement Week: Berra intercepts Varanis who is returning to their house after visiting the Vingan Temple. Varanis is carrying a spear and looks to be in a bit of a mood.
- Blank StairsXenofos has a question about Berra’s ability to use the Truth, and her answer brings him no closer to knowing if it is only he who failed.
- Seeking HonourQuestions to Duck: “Should I tell the High Sword I can turn into a wolf now?” … “I forgot that bit because it wasn’t important at the time.” “When are prayers?” “Where am I? Are we back in Sartar yet?” “Or Mirava’s pregnant? Did I mention Mirava’s pregnant?” “Can I have another blanket?” “Yehna? Oh…” “Did I eat that food? You got ...
- DownerBerra has a question for Varanis about politeness, which reveals some impressive ignorance about how things are done at court. (1628, Earth Season, Harmony Week)
- Little SpoonsBerra and Maalira are less than mature about Varanis, sunburn, and pretty people.
- What’s On ‘er?Berra asks Varanis what honour is, as she grapples with it.
- Flowery Words1628, Earth Season, Early Context Berra has been called to the Temple unexpectedly. Thanks to Maalira helping her to clear fish oil out of her hair, she smells pleasantly of flowers. Session S3SA: 01. Events Eril is standing by his altar. There is no sign of the mess that Berra made last time she was here. “Lord, you called ...
- Ships of the Desert in the NightBerra has less to say to Xenofos than he has to say to her.
- Red and FireFinarvi and Berra talk beside the fire, on their way to war.
- She’s SoucedVaranis watches over a drunken Berra. Finarvi arrives on the scene to help. (1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windday)
- Fuddled and FlirtyA drunken Humakti hits on her healer. Will she remember later? (1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windday)
- Sleeping It OffWhile Berra sleeps, Maalira manages to convince Varanis to stay still long enough for her wounds to be checked and cleaned. (1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windday)
- Still SozzledBerra, still very drunk, wakes briefly. Varanis continues her watch. (1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windday)
- Tamakt Tucked AwayBerra is still drunk. Maalira needs a place to stash Tamakt and Varanis makes a convenient, if reluctant, guard. (1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windday)
- Wet RagBerra is as drunk and limp as a wet rag. Varanis attempts to get a bit of water into her. (1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windday)
- Intelligence and CountersSpoilery for Praxian Arc: Berra gives her report to Lord Eril, and then asks a personal favour which is a brutal piece of vengeance.
- On the Road, Offroad1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windsday Context In the Grazelands after the group has been left by its guards Session 3SA.03. Events There was a brief stop for lunch, during which Varanis napped. Now she’s riding next to Berra, blearily nibbling at the food she didn’t eat earlier. “I thought you were going to die,” she tells the Humakti after ...
- Running Gag1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Wildday? Context The group is in the grazelands with the hope of keeping Berra out of immense political trouble. Berra is badly hung over. Session 3SA.3 Events After the pause for lunch, Serala and Finarvi are riding up front while Berra and Varanis follow. There’s a short outburst at one point, but otherwise ...
- Coming Out of It, Going Into It1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week, Windsday? Context The group is riding through the Grazelands, towards Grizzly Peak and the armour that may be buried there, with Giland and a dozen riders as companions. Session SA3.04. Events In the early afternoon of their second day on the Grazelands, and thus the second day of the worst hangover of her little ...
- Grizzly Thoughts1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week Context On the Grazelands, travelling towards Grizzly Peak. Session 3SA.04. Events A little while later, Finarvi nudges his horse over to fall in with Berra’s. “Do I get the feeling you have some idea what we’re going to be dealing with?” he asks her. Berra looks at him. “Um, not really? But I know – ...
- I Swear…1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week Context The group is still riding towards Grizzly Peak Session SA3.04. Events Berra gives Finarvi a wry smile. “Yeah. Lunars kill descendants of Sartar.” Varanis arches a brow at that. “And? Grandfather Sartar and Prince Kallyr have already acknowledged me. You think the Lunars haven’t heard that yet? Or perhaps they don’t believe it?” Then ...
- Foot in Mouth Disease1628, Earth Season, Fertility Week Context On the ride up towards Grizzly Peak. Session SA3.04. Events Once Manasa is behaving again, Varanis turns her teasing on Maalira. “So, what are your preferences anyway? I mean, most of us are picky, but not limited, if you know what I mean. Leaving aside Berra, who according to popular songs has a ...
- Are We AlrightBerra explains to Varanis how she is feeling, and they talk a little about their friendship.
- Favourite ThingsBerra found out she was a flirty drunk, and comes to apologise.
- Odd Dreams1628, Earth Season Context On the Grazelands, Berra has bad dreams. Kindly sent by Varanis. Session SA3.04. Events When Berra opens her eyes, the moon is bright overhead. The fire has long gone cold, but she can make out the faces of her friends in the gleaming light cast by the dancer in the skies. They sleep. Maalira’s expression ...
- Coming Down the MountainVaranis finds out to her horror that people she thought were zombies – and executed – were not in fact undead.
- Up and OutAfter an unexpected Heroquest, the group climb up out of hell. All are more or less present, but some are present enough to talk.
- Death Will OutThe group is still within the underworld. Maalira does not know this, but is pulled in anyhow.
- Do I Want…1628, Earth Season Context Berra has finally recovered from her monster hangover, and is thinking about how to be Humakti again, while also disliking Eril. Spoilery for those who do not want to know her plans. Session SA3.06. Events Humakt chooses the best people. That doesn’t just mean the living. When we get to being dead he chooses ...
- Dawn at SixThe adventurers have come out of the earth in the Six Stones Temple, and talk a bit about what happened, why some of them dislike Heroquests, and what Giland might have done.
- Nutty ReactionThe group is still at the Six Stones. There is talk between Varanis and Berra about what happens next.
- Raid-arBerra and Varanis talk about the Colymar, feuds, and raiding.
- Fighting the fidgetsVaranis is feeling cooped up and drags Berra off to distract her in Wilmskirk. (1628, Earth Season, Stasis Week, Fireday (ish))
- Stone-faced1628, Earth Season, likely Stasis Week Context On the way to Jonstown, looking for the armour of Berra, which is of course the armour of Varanis. Spoilery for some: relationship between Berra and Eril, Berra’s future plans. Session SA3.06. Events Divination, the evening after getting back into Sartar: I probably helped free all the spirits at Grizzly Peak, ...
- Worshipful CompanyBerra was not telling Varanis something earlier, but it has been eating at the Vingan, and the Humakti is more ready to talk. They prepare together for the worship of the Hero Eril.
- Coq au VinVaranis, Berra, and Maalira have made their way to Jonstown. Berra is going to lead worship for Eril for the first time and Varanis offers to be part of it. (1628, Earth Season, Stasis Week, Fireday into Wildday)
- Her FavourOn the way back from Jonstown to Boldhome, Berra tells Maalira about the Heroquest she intends they do.
- Two Tales1628, late Earth Season Context On the road to Wilmskirk, Berra and Varanis catch up on what the other missed. Session 3SA.10. Events Time traveling to the period after meeting with Berra but before getting to Wilmskirk. “It was a good time to get out of town for a while,” Varanis comments to Berra, as they travel. “Oh?” Berra asks. She ...
- Fire in the Darkness1628, late Earth Season Context Berra discusses something of her actual plans. Session SA3.10. Events After the meeting with the Colymar, there is a food break, as Berra will not be able to eat at Silor’s. She normally eats like a peasant on her best behaviour, which is essentially what she is – a warrior of low birth. As ...
- Fear in a handful of DucksBerra has a lot of emotions about having fought Varanis. Varanis has some too. (1628, Earth Season, Illusion Week, Wildday)
- Two Talks1628, Earth Season, Illusion Week, Godday Context Berra and Maalira have a talk which sparks Finarvi and Serala having one. Session S3A.11. Events As they set off, and for the first few hours on the road, Berra is obviously trying hard not to be lost in her own thoughts. At the first food break, the Humakti show impressive speed ...
- Catching Up1628, Earth Season, Illusion Week, Godday Context Varanis realises something is wrong with her lover, Serala, and drops back to find out. Session SA3.11. Events When Varanis realises that Serala has ridden off, she heads towards the back of the pack, intent on collecting Manasa and following. “What’s going on?” she asks Maalira. The thunder of hooves rapidly recedes, Serala and ...
- Honesty is the Best Polity1628, Earth Season, Illusion Week, Godday Context Berra has a quick thing to say to Serala; Humakti thanks. Session SA3.11. Events In the afternoon of the second day on the road, as they approach Wilmskirk, Berra angles Shanks’ Pony towards Serala. That is, she walks over. “Hey.” While under strain, she looks like she is handling it. She has ...
- A Healer’s WorkMaalira has been waiting for Berra to wake, and looking after her, possibly in that order.
- Fishing for ComplementsVaranis and Berra sit being friends. (1628, Earth Season, Truth Week, Wildday)
- Last Words?Serala and Berra talk about Devolin, Ikadz, and Sanra. Serala says Sanra wants to be free, and Berra decides she should finish the Heroquest fully, including being arrested by Lunars.
- Sisters in DeathYehna comes to the temple to see her sister Berra, who is badly wounded.
- Notes from a RoomBerra has various conversations in her room at the Temple before she recovers enough to go home.
- Visiting TimeThe group goes to see Berra. The Wyter, which can form as a human, advises Serala to keep Berra away from the Temple. (1628, Dark Season, Disorder Week, Waterday)
- Not at HomeVaranis goes to see Berra in the Temple of Humakt, and meets the Wyter of the Hero-Cult of Eril. (1628, Dark Season, Disorder Week, Clayday)
- Smoke and Mirrors1628, Dark Season, Disorder Week, Clayday Context It has been two days since the Wyter was bound. Session SA3.13. Events Once Berra comes home from the Temple, brought by a palanquin, she is greeted by her sister, who commandeers the small lower room off the Praxian chamber, rather than have Berra walk upstairs or be used as a climbing ...
- Kitchen Table DiscussionLord Raven, the Wyter to the Hero Eril, is eating snacks in Varanis’ kitchen, and generally being rude. They manage to come to an accord of a sort. (1628, Dark Season, Disorder Week, Clayday)
- Moving AirVaranis tries to get Berra to make any decision at all, but cannot. Lord Raven suggests that she has lost part of herself to Ikadz.
- Choose your DeathVaranis gets Berra to call on the Great Wyter of the Humakti Temple to find out where D’Val is, but eventually decides on speaking to Eril, who is not two days’ march away.
- Spirited BargainingLord Raven gets Varanis to help him in finding worshippers, and she gets him to think really hard about not actually screwing over Berra in the long term.
- Worshipful Company1626, Dark Season, Disorder Week, Wildday Context Berra has been slowly recovering from her wound. Varanis has been helping to find worshippers for Lord Raven. Session SA3.13. Events That evening, Berra does take a palanquin most of the way to the Temple, but she walks the rest of the way, with the sword nestled in the crook of ...
- Cloven in ThreeLenta is at home when Varanis and Berra come back from worship at Humakt’s Temple. She makes drinks and checks out the strange effect under which Berra labours – being quiet and polite.
- Old WoundsMellia examines Berra, who is badly wounded.
- Finding HopeMellia continues to try to work out what is affecting Berra.
- The Wanderer ReturnsIrillo returns in Dark Season
- WorshipA play through of the worship ceremony on Humakt’s High Holy Day. (1628, Storm Season, Death Week, Windsday)
- Transcript of Examination of Berra Jarangsdottir after the Heroquest Issaries Shows the Way and related eventsBerra reports on the Heroquest at Grizzly Peak
- Transcript of Examination of Berra Jarangsdottir after the Heroquest of the Hero Eril Humakti1628, Storm Season, Death Week, Fireday Context Session SA3.13. After a Heroquest, it is required to ensure a Hero is not a danger to the temple, and to learn from them any secrets or mysteries that have been hitherto unrevealed. Jarangsdottir being unable to report in a satisfactory fashion, having been injured, now presents herself for examination. Events ~ Fireday ...
- Continued Transcript of Examination of Berra Jarangsdottir after the Heroquest of the Hero Eril Humakti1628, Storm Season, Death Week, Godday Context Berra has given Lord Eril a lot to think about in a previous session of reporting, and the session is reconvened. Session SA3.13. Events ~ Godday of Death Week, Orlanth’s Season. Sword in attendance Lord Eril. Also present, Lord Raven. Witnessed by initiate Athanu. Report on the Heroquest of Lord Eril continues. ...
- When fools flyWhat starts out as a fun excursion takes an icy turn. (1628, Storm Season, Fertility Week, Freezeday)
- Return of the NativeXenofos returns to Boldhome, and the house, where Berra greets him and gives him the latest news.
- Bruised EgosMellia and Berra share a moment as Berra gets her bruises patched up. Again. They talk about Mellia’s family-to-be.
- Wind Lord!Varanis tells Berra about her Initiation. (1628, Storm Season, Movement Week, Fireday)
- Bickering about BerraWhile Berra puts his sword on the altar, Raven and Varanis talk about her. (1628, Sacred Time, Fate Week, Godday)
- Plans, princes, and personal mattersBerra and Varanis head back to the Praxian house, talking about travel plans and personal matters. (1628, Sacred Time, Fate Week, Godday)
- Nochet next?Berra and Varanis head back to the Praxian house, Berra says she’s thinking about travelling to Nochet. (1628, Sacred Time, Fate Week, Godday)
- Darling BerraBerra has missed a party. Serala goes to check on her – it seems she is just exhausted.
1629 Verses
1629 Scenes
- Dark ThreatsBerra has a sulk in the darkness. Irillo has a good idea. Varanis is better prepared for politics than the others.
- Soft?!In Culbrea territory, whilst sharing a meal with some bandits, Varanis has been quietly seething in Berra’s general direction. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Clayday morning)
- Watchful gazeWhile riding through Culbrea territory, guided by some bandits, Varanis and Berra talk about Lord Raven. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Clayday, noon)
- Kohl Face1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week Context Riding towards the Orlamani, Berra and Lenta talk about mostly whether Lenta is wet, and also being Vingan and In A Mood. Session SA4.04. Events It is a damp day, and Berra is on a wet horse, riding like someone who actually knows which end is which. Her posture is good, and she ...
- Disturbed restEn route to the Nunnery, they’ve stopped for the night at Beasts Gather. Varanis tries to sleep in the Great Hall, but gets woken by her dreams. She and Berra walk for a time. (1628, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Windsday Night)
- Tired, Still YawningBerra realises how tired Varanis is, and makes sure she gets a bit of rest as they ride.
- In the WildsBerra leads Varanis in worship. Varanis, later falls asleep and has a bad dream. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Wildday Eve)
- Ber-eelBerra talks a LOT about Chaos and Jar-eel and other such disturbing things. Sequel to In the Wilds. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Wildday)
- Looking AheadBerra and Mellia talk about the situation, the trolls, and the path ahead.
- Grave-digging Part 1In the wilds of Culbrea territory, there was a Telmori den. Varanis and some people from the Nunnery have come to bury the dead. Berra and Irillo come looking for them. Part 1 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 2In the wilds of Culbrea territory, there was a Telmori den. As Varanis and Berra help to dig the grave, they talk about Telmori. Irillo adds his two clacks to the conversation. Part 2 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 3In the wilds of Culbrea territory, there was a Telmori den. Varanis digs the grave with determination while Irillo and some of the healers swap stories. Part 3 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 4In the wilds of Culbrea territory, there was a Telmori den. One of the healers begins to tell stories of Chalana Arroy and Varanis finally snaps. Part 4 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 5Berra asks Varanis to sing, but caught up in grief, the Vingan’s songs are are sorrowful. Part 5 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 6Berra and Varanis discuss grave-digging in the midst of grave-digging. Part 6 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 7Berra braves the den in search of grave goods. Part 7 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 8The dead have been buried and Irillo, Varanis, and Berra are returning to Beasts Gather. The merchant dozes, while the other two talk of death and horses. Part 8 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Bloody HumaktBerra takes the advice of a senior member of the Temple of Humakt at King’s Tower, about death.
- Roles and ResponsibilitiesBerra and Varanis have a heart to heart to try to address a few things, including roles within the party – especially for Berra and Lenta. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Clayday)
- The Morning After the MourningThe group talk about what might be wrong at the Six Sisters, and Mellia decides to go see the trolls. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Clayday)
- Job OfferIt is around mid-morning the day after the celebration at the water shrine near Beasts Gather. Varanis has a horrible headache, but wants to present her idea to Lenta anyway. Berra comes along to offer opinions. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Clayday)
- A low crowMellia tries to work out what’s wrong with Varanis. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Godday)
- Back and Back AgainLenta asks Berra to do a couple of things for her in Boldhome.
- Honey and SaltLord Raven finds out just how low his priest can go.
- Bitter GoodbyesThe party splits. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Godsday)
- Twin WinBerra is sleeping off having been up all night after two long days, when she is interrupted by two short Colymar with messy hair.
- Two ShadowsBerra is in the Temple of Humakt for Death of Water day, where she has been sought out by two young Humakti who want to join her. She takes them for a walk.
- Green ShootsBerra been sought out by two young Humakti who want to join her. She tells them a bit about herself, to their awed and sometimes horrified fascination.
- Taking ResponsibilityBerra is in the Temple of Humakt for Death of Water day, where she has been sought out by two young Humakti who want to join her, and she has invited them to Nochet. Now she must make good on that.
- Food for thoughtNear the Six Sisters, the party have regrouped, made plans, and are briefly resting and eating before heading into what might be trouble. Berra and Varanis catch up. (1629, Sea Season, Death Week, Fireday)
- You make me wanna SHOUTMellia was too heroic for her cousin’s comfort levels. Varanis gets grouchy.
- KestensonBerra finds out that Kesten has a son. Some other things also happen. Varanis is amazed that Berra is celibate. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Fireday)
- What The Broo?Maalira catches up and before long, has to talk sense into Berra and Varanis. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Fireday)
- Stormy WeatherBerra and Varanis sort things out for the time being. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Fireday)
- Slow EyesVaranis checks in with Berra after the fight with the flaming troll. (1629, Sea Season, Probably not actually Harmony Week, Fireday)
- Things Done RightBerra and Varanis recap some of the day’s troubles. (1629, Sea Season, Death Week, Fireday)
- A ScreemMaalira catches up in time to mend a few people and listen to the squabbling.
- Hunting the Honey BadgerVaranis tells Berra about Dezar, barely resisting the kitten’s desire to pounce. The Vingan expresses concern for her friend’s well-being. (1629, Sea Season, Death Week, Fireday)
- I care not for the rain1629, Sea Season, I’m pretty sure this is Death Week, Fireday Context After the affair in the Spirit World, the group wakes up to rain. Session SA4.12. Events Overnight from the early hours, atop the plateau of the new spring, there is rain. Orlanth is loving Ernalda more than usual, and the rain splatters and bounces and comes in ...
- Stolen MomentsMaalira notices that Berra is a bit out of it, and orders rest.
- Underground WhispersThe group is underground, having fought things that are trollish, and seen things that are not. They talk about what else might be down there. (1629, Sea Season, Probably Fertility Week, Around Clayday)
- No Fuss1629, Sea Season, Fertility Week, Wildday Context Berra told the youngsters she had picked up to meet her at Wilmskirk. Session SA4.15. Events It is evening, just after the end of Berra’s exile. Some would guess she is visiting her family. Other, who know her better, would assume she would be at Temple. Walking a tired horse towards Wilmskirk would ...
- No WorriesBerra abandons the not-twins to Silor, or possibly the other way around.
- No Fears1629, Sea Season, Fertility Week, Godday Context Berra loses the not-twins by giving them work to do. Session SA4.15. Events Before Yelmrise, while the young Humakti are silently arguing over whether it is time to clap outside Berra’s door, she ghosts around the corner, walking in near silence. “I’m not in there,” she says. “But good morning.” Either might pick ...
- Begging the QuestionBerra gets permission from Serenelda to ask Kesten to join Eril’s band.
- Popping the QuestionBerra pops the question to Kesten – will he be one of Eril’s hero-band?
- Nochet… Nochet… Now.Berra came to Nochet without Varanis and the Vingan is tracking her down after flying the whole way. (1629, Sea Season, Illusion week, Waterday evening)
- Taste TestBerra teaches a handful of ladies how to have drinks. They are very nice about it.
- Tablet DeviceVaranis and Nayale go to the Great Library, where Nayale has a disaster. (1629, Sea Season, Probably Movement Week, Probably Clayday)
- Up and Over1629, Sea Season, Movement Week, Windsday Context Berra shows her charges how she used to travel over the rooftops. Session SA4.16. Events Nayale returns from the Library. She looks tired, but far less unhappy than she did in the early morning when Varanis escorted her to it. The Vingan is nowhere in sight. “The Wind Lord told me to tell ...
- Moving Targets1629, Sea Season, Movement Week, Windsday Context Nayale got lost on the way to Temple. They still need to get back to the inn. Session SA4.16. Events Nayale looks at the food and for a moment, it looks as though she’ll refuse it. But, she takes some steadying breaths and then eats what was given to her. Harmakt pokes ...
- The Answer To The Question On Your Mind1629, Sea Season, Truth Week, Around Fireday Context Berra has brought Kesten Hulta back from Nochet, so he can meet Eril and make up his mind about worshipping the Hero. Session SA4.16. Events Berra has checked with Lord Raven where the High Sword is, and proudly walks Lord Kesten up the thousand steps to the Palace. She does not ...
- Never trouble troubleBerra and Varanis discuss many things while riding back to Sartar from Esrolia. (1629, Sea Season, Illusion Week, Wildday)
- Cutting InKesten Hulta has agreed to worship Lord Eril as an initiate. In bridging the way between them all, Berra chooses between her Hero’s ego and her Wyter. 1629, Fire Season, Disorder Week, Freezeday
- Not a SpearSparring happens; Berra, Varanis, Jessidan the bodyguard, Nayale and Harmakt take part. Kesten just takes it in. (1629, Sea Season, Illusion Week, Wildday)
- Words, Words Words Words WordsWordsWords…Berra gives Kesten something like the full datadump of her life after they last parted, and tells the younger Humakti only part of it. (1629, Sea Season, Illusion Week, Godsday)
- Message Fest1629, Sea Season, Probably Movement Week, Windsday Context Lenta has travelled down to Nochet after the events by the Six Sisters. Session SA4.16. Events In Nochet – Lenta has ridden into town and told Irillo she has some business to attend. She thanks him for the company and asks him to come to the Hulta palazzo the next day. ...
- To End All Wars1629, Fire Season, Harmony Week, Godday Context Just after leaving Alda Chur, having not been arrested at all. Session O-5.02. Events Berra takes half an hour to calm down once they have left the city of Alda Chur. Although she is obviously on the look-out for problems, she is also bouncing up and down, standing on her bison from ...
- All Fall DownVaranis encounters a gift from Devolin. Many, many gifts. Marbles.
- SaltyBerra gets an agreement from Lord Eril to support a watch-tower by Salt and Teeth, and permission to send her two little acolytes that way.
- Mine (Cart)1629, Fire Season, Death Week, Waterday Eve Context While the group were staying with T’Dwarf, Maalira and Berra helped him with a problem, and Maalira was temporarily maddened. Session S5-O-03. Events There are three hands pumping the little rattly mine cart-cum-car. Version X1138 and the one-armed Dwarf are doing the work. Berra sits on the flat bottom, staring ahead. ...
- Home GameNayale reports to Berra about the issues on her land. (1629, Fire Season, Death Week, Fireday)
- Been and GoneMaalira was with the caravan when Berra disappeared, but not with the group that met the Inhuman King.
- Hunger for Battle1629, Fire Season, Death Week, Godsday Eve Context A sarcastic, permanently amused Lunar has joined the caravan temporarily. Session S5-O-6. Events A tired young Humakti is shadowing the Scimitar. Not too close. It’s as though she’s nervous he might contaminate her. But, she seems determined not to let him out of her sight. She yawns widely, then glances around, ...
- Lust for Death1629, Fire Season, Death Week, Godsday Eve Context Berra is trying to help Kolyey get over her wish to kill Ornkarth. Session S5-O-6. Events Kolyey is trying to meditate and to Berra’s experienced eye is not getting anywhere. Berra drops down in front of Kolyey. “You’re fighting it.” She keeps her voice low in case anyone is still trying to ...
- A Light Breakfast1629, Fire Season, Death Week, Godsday Context Nayale feels responsible for bringing Ornkarth into the group, and guards him. Session S5-O-6. Events Dawn is not yet more than a glint in Ernalda’s eye when something wakes Nayale. About now, the wife of all is bringing Yelm and Orlanth together. Whatever it was, she is awake now. Nayale rolls off her sleeping ...
- Tidying up Debts1629, Fire Season, Death Week, Godsday Context Kolyey’s life was saved by Maalira, and she is conscious of it. Session S5-O-6. Events The next morning, after breakfast but before the caravan gets moving, Kolyey approaches Maalira. Maalira is sitting on her packed bedroll, doing something complicated with a comb that is not helping the hair situation in the slightest. “Good morning, ...
- True Silver1629, Fire Season, Death Week, Godsday Context Nayale has been talking to Ornkarth and has no idea what to believe. Session S5-O-6. Events “Lady Berra?” Berra slow-blinks, and then looks. “Yes?” Nayale is looking anxious. “I don’t trust him. He’s dangerous.” “Uh, yeah?” Berra looks confused by that. “The Lunar.” It’s midday and the young woman has been dutifully riding flank, as assigned. ...
- Duty Palls1629, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday Context Nayale needs to know if Berra would be dishonourable to do her duty. Session S5-O-6. Events Nayale brings her horse alongside Berra’s as they ride toward Queen’s Post. She doesn’t say anything at first, but looks like she’s trying to work out how to say whatever is on her mind. Berra is leading ...
- Fear and AlarmBerra checks in on Nayale, who is shaken by recent events.
- Truth to Power1629, Fire Season, Stasis Week, Freezeday Context Having met with the Feathered Horse Queen’s representative to report what just happened at New Pennel Ford, the party is riding back to the caravan. Session SO5.11. Events Nayale is still looking very agitated as she draws her horse alongside Berra’s. “I… uh… didn’t handle that very well, did I?” Though it’s phrased ...
- Counter Plans1629, Fire Season, Stasis Week, Waterday Context After the judgement is passed, Nayale found herself reporting to Ornkarth again. When she’s done, she goes in search of Berra. Session SO5.11. Events The young Humakti scowls at anyone who so much as glances her way. Berra is in her tent. She may be coming to terms with her renewed status as ...
- Lonely as a Cloud1629, Fire Season, Stasis Week, Fireday Eve? Context On the magical trip down to Valadon, Berra noticed that Nayale was scared. Session S-N-5.10. Events At Valadon, Nayale has decided to spend the night in the stables, looking after the horses. They’ve all had a bit of a rough go, thanks to the river travel and she just wants to ...
- To Whom It Concerns1629, Fire Season, Stasis Week, Windsday Context After the massacre at the ford, the group returned to Queen’s Post, where they met one of Scimitar Ornkarth’s people, a person called a ‘sorcerer’. This woman, Oriana, performed a spell to say where the rest of the iron boxes were. Session SA5-N.10. Events After two days of waiting around for the ...
- Green as GrassMaalira calms Berra down a bit. They make noises with grass.
- Whose RightBerra and Irillo talk a bit about not shouting at each other.
- Use ProtectionBerra entirely lost her temper, and has issued a general apology, but calls up Nayale to say sorry in person.
- Flinty LookBerra teaches Kolyey about flint and death.