Fragment 2.53 – The Fight up the Stair

Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 53


Praying to Humakt she made for the stairway
Waiting were soldiers of Alda Chur’s finest
Bright was their armour and fine were their spearheads
Into the fray went the chosen of Eril1Alleyn gives ‘of Humakt’ from the Berilian tablet find.

Calling [a demand for] surrender she asked for their ransoms
Then came the power of Humakt within her
Sent by her god represented as Eril2Goldman is of the opinion that this is clearly the point at which the instructional test morphs to become a dedication to Eril as well as Humakt, indicating his high position within the cult and the religion.
Berra cut limbs and was watered by life-blood

Now in the fullness of power of the Death God
Blood-soaked she stood at the top of the stairway
Leaving behind her the bodies of spearmen
Leaving behind her their weapons and armour

All around slaughter was given to bloodlust
Berra was cold with no hunger or cruelness
Solid as earth but with passion for action
Swift as the gale with the wisdom of elders

Into the fray she walked seeking for swordsmen
Quick to relieve the great Wind Lord who stood there
Smiting the foe of the mighty Koraki
Cutting in twain through his armour and body

What Really Happened

Session Quotes

  • 1
    Alleyn gives ‘of Humakt’ from the Berilian tablet find.
  • 2
    Goldman is of the opinion that this is clearly the point at which the instructional test morphs to become a dedication to Eril as well as Humakt, indicating his high position within the cult and the religion.