This is the personal log template – copy, don’t edit

Year, Season, Week, Day (replace as relevant)


[Location and whatever other notes you want here.] Session [insert hyperlink to relevant session].


Log goes here.

Other steps (delete me when done)

If there are no tools visible in the space below the Publish button, click on the black cog next to it.

  • Select the Post tab on the top of the column on the right, below the blue Publish button.
    • Choose appropriate category from list under Categories, which will appear when the Post tab is active. This should include ticking the personal log for every person who played in that scene.
    • Add Tags in the section below Categories. At a minimum, add year and season separated by commas like so: 1627, earth. If the date is unknown, please tag as undated.
    • If desired, add Featured Image in the section below Tags. This is the image that will appear with the post title in some of the log pages. Tick Display featured image in post lists only.
    • Add Excerpt in the section below Featured image. 1-2 sentence summary. This is the short bit that appears in lists of logs. By default, the site will display the first 100 words or so of your post if you don’t type something in this box.
  • Delete Other steps and this bullet list.
  • Preview, next to the Publish button, lets you see how the page will look without publishing it yet.
  • Edit the date under Status & visibility by clicking on Immediately. Use the calendar to select the real-life date of the scene.
  • Publish will make it live immediately unless you change the date. When asked if you really want tp publish, just click through – the tick boxes should both stay ticked.