Formed in 1627

Logs relevant to the Esrolian Free Company
1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week, Waterday. At the camp of the Esrolian Free Company, following on from Waterday Night. Varanis tries to sort out the troops and finds the chain of command to be rather unusual.
Godday Night At The Camp
1627, Fire Season, Season, Movement Week, Godday: Berra, Rajar, and Xenofos take stock of the Esrolian troops. They aren’t impressed with what they’ve seen.
Godday Training
1627, Fire Season, Season, Movement Week, Godday: Berra tries to organize training and logistics.
Freezeday In The Camp
1627, Fire Season, Season/Illusion Week: Varanis finally makes a visit to the camp of the Esrolian Free Company. Venlar is there to advise and support.
Waterday Night
1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week, Waterday: Varanis discusses what she saw in the camp with Lenta, Venlar and Xenofos
Rocking Back and Forth
1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week: Varanis needs to prepare for Divination and asks Venlar for help.
The Name of the Father
S02 — Session 45, 1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week, Freezeday to Truth Week, Clayday: Varanis is called to Boldhome to deal with legal matters. Before long, the Esrolian Free Company is called to battle led by our heroes.
Decent Proposal
S02 — Session 46, 1627, Earth Season: Under orders from Kallyr, the Esrolian Free Company went in search of Argrath to offer their services. En route, they deal with some bandits. Argrath makes a claim and negotiations begin.
Waterday Close To Noon
News of peasants being restless comes to the camp. Varanis is getting desperate to get her new troops organised. (1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week, Waterday)
Waterday: After Noon
Varaneva is summoned. Varanis tells her to answer the charges and she agrees.(1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week, Waterday)
Charges May Apply
S02 — Session 47, 1627, Earth Season, Disorder Week: It’s Disorder Week. That kind of covers it. There were some negotiations. Prisoners taken. A prisoner murdered. Voices raised.
The Merchant
Berra made sure a merchant came to the camp, prepared to sell exactly what was needed. (1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week)
Scribal Error
S02 — Session 48, 1627, Earth Season, second half of Harmony Week: Xenofos essentially hands himself over as prisoner to King Stark, making negotiations more entertaining for the others.
Drinking Song
S02 — Session 49, 1627, Earth Season: Negotiations continue. Rajar impresses all with his capacity for alcohol. The Esrolian Free Company is attacked while the party is away.
Horse Whispering
S02 — Session 50, 1627, Earth Season, Death Week, Freeze Day and Waterday: Venna tasks Valseena with getting a look at the horses in Alda Chur. She is brilliant. (Valseena, not Venna.)
Clothed in Dignity
S02 — Session 51, 1627, Earth Season, Death Week, Windsday: Nala and Tiwr arrive at Argrath’s camp in need of aid. Maalira provides. Venna and Varanis nearly come to blows (again).
Into the Far Place
S02 — Session 52, 1627, Earth Season, Stasis Week, Waterday-Clayday: The Esrolian Free Company get their marching orders.
Ups and Downs
S02 — Session 53, 1627, Earth Season, Stasis Week, Clayday: Our heroes enter Alda Chur in battle. Things go reasonably well.
Lives Lost
In the aftermath of the battle to retake Alda Chur, Varanis begins to take stock of the deaths.
Pyre Of Heroes
1627, Earth Season, After the battle at Alda Chur: How the corps remembered its dead and disbanded, how Varanis gave gifts to her retinue and how they travelled towards Boldhome.
Losses at the Battle of Alda Chur
- Dertand the Baker (Wild Ones, Axeman of the second rank)
- Darniskis Fararlsson (slinger)
- Sorala (Vingan commander)
- Jarstaropos (A trooper of the Golden Racers)
- Samasteva (Vingan)
- Kalsar Shortneck (Served at quartermasters wagons)
- Irillo Norinel (Commander among the Golden Racers)
- Harunelda Brightaxe (House Hulta, Lenta’s cousin)
- Haraldes Fine-Horses (spearman)
- Jarste the butcher