Just Don’t Ask

Session 4-11

1629, Sea Season, Death Week, Fireday

Dramatis Personae


Maalira (absent, but present in spirit)


Do Not Ask (aka Don’t Ask)
Only two Humakti guards left now
An Earth Elemental
A giant flaming undead troll
Some skellingtons
A handful of spirits


The group climbed to the top of the hill known as Don’t Ask, where there was a megalith, a limestone carving that might have been the head of something, if one squinted. In front of it was a dip that might once have held a pool, but definitely did not now.

Berra was drifting in when Varanis boldly stepped up and offered the stone her magic; the others wisely stayed behind. Berra knocked on the stone and shouted for its attention – a spirit, probably female, soft around the edges and maybe robed, formed nearby, and glared at her, but nodded coldly to Varanis and Mellia. Berra stepped back, looking sort of innocent. Varanis talked to it with Berra occasionally adding questions as they occurred to her – they either offended the spirit, or it was grumpy already.

Mellia offered the spirit healing, when it mentioned sleeping and nightmares. Lenta noted one sister was already awake, although that was another thing that did not seem to make a positive impression. It talked about Darkness, and Irillo asked about the origins of the Darkness; it said the trolls brought Darkness, which might or might not have been the same thing; she would not give answers – the group would have to work it out. It seemed that she was fed up with demands being made of her, and talk without help.

Varanis started poking around in the bottom of the dip while the others looked around. Lenta stripped off her tunic, already a borrowed one, and began to paint herself green. While the group was running low on food and particularly water, there was no way she would have left her sacred makeup behind.

Varanis found a bone while digging, which led to the discovery of more bone. Mellia identified it as trollish. With the help of the Earth Elemental that Lenta summoned, they excavated the remains, only to have the troll become animated and attack them. He was a giant, screaming, and burning troll who woke additional trollkin skeletons to fight alongside him. Berra used Turn Undead magic, causing the troll to flee. Varanis blasted it with a thunderbolt as it ran. Although Lenta was wounded, the party made short work of the skeletons and meanwhile the spirit hovered in front of the burning troll, which was more afraid of her even than Death, and turned back towards the group. They had to kill every part of it, but finally smashed the big troll into bits. Irillo took extra care in smashing all the skulls to ensure they stayed dead. After some thought, Mellia called Berra over to deal with the burning troll’s bound spirits, which the Humakti began to lay to rest.

Pleased with the outcome (no one had ever cared to discover and deal with her troubles before), Do Not Ask offered to protect the party through the night and rewarded them all with new magic.1Detect Shape-Shifter: Detects the existence of shape-shifters, as per Detect Life. Gives direction and distance from the caster, lighting each with a brief glow. A shape-shifter will be detected if its current size is greater than 2, or its current POW is greater than 17. It is stopped by 1 or more meters of stone, metal, or earth.

Water began to flow once more, helped in part by the Earth Elemental, but mostly by the power of the Lady, the Sixth Sentinel. Overnight the sacred sprint was rebuilt, and in the morning the statue of Don’t Ask was restored to that of a woman who might be stern but was probably kindly.

Session Quotes

  • 1
    Detect Shape-Shifter: Detects the existence of shape-shifters, as per Detect Life. Gives direction and distance from the caster, lighting each with a brief glow. A shape-shifter will be detected if its current size is greater than 2, or its current POW is greater than 17. It is stopped by 1 or more meters of stone, metal, or earth.