Over the River, to Grandmother’s House we Go

S01 — Session 19

1626, Sea Season

Season, Week, Day

1626, Sea Season, Harmony week Waterday to Windsday

Dramatis Personae


As before, the log will be recounted with extracts from Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga, from The Sonnets to Mellia, Sweetest of Healers, White Lady of Esrolia, The Lay of Serala, Lance of the Cold Sun , The Sonnets to Vestra, Grey Lady of Esrolia, The Death of Rajar, and NalaTiwrSaga. Editorial commentary will be recorded [thus]. Both the {“D”} and “T” voice appear in this selection of extracts, and there is one brief excerpt from The Accounts of the Travels of Irillo Goldentongue.

[We shall begin todays lecture with extracts from NalaTiwrSaga, in which her transformation in Nochet is clearly documented]

Praxian out of
Prax, and dressed up nicely, Silk
Purse Unicorn’s ear

{“Yeah. Very nice. Now can we go and see Granny?”}

Old Queen Ty Kora Tek
Meets an Ernaldan virgin
Who is the mistress?

[Meanwhile, the rest of the party has clearly found shelter for the night, and stashed their goods- as discussed in Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga]

Battles past bore Berra
Back to Brave Boasts
Nochet’s Narrow Neighbourhoods
Near yesterday’s Nightmares

Taverns told tales
Of Targets taken in War Torment!
So she and her swordfolk
Set to see Sweettongue’s kin!

[It is clear the two groups of our heroes missed one another narrowly at this point, as NalaTiwrSaga continues.]

On Nochet’s dark streets
Messages are sent with clear
Bullet points slung past!
1Wiermonken has it as ‘down to Earth’.

{“Message for someone….!}2Funny story. I put my pen down for a moment to consider the D voice and it vanished entirely. Rather a valuable pen too.

[Naturally, and in an unusual point of realism, the author(s) indicate that neither of the heroes can actually read, and therefore the tale is brought back to the Saiciae palace. Here we are fortunate, for the Accounts gives a mention of this moment, which happens to coincide with something we were fortunate enough to find in von Sturm’s recent digs in the Nochet area.]

Item gained: One lead slingstone (used). Engraved: "Dormal. Hultinga recognise you. Return it.". Value, 1 bolg3 Professor von Sturm translates the bolg engraving he found as, ‘Sailor God, House Hulting praises your return.’ This demonstrates the limitation of a contextless archaeological approach, as well as complexities associated with the Kunvulvretan script for Esrolian.

[It became clear that there were problems, if someone was trying to assassinate Dormal, and there was some ‘discussion’, as Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga tells us. ]

Brave Berra broke silence
To berate bleeding Dormal
Secrets slept in his soul
Sword4At this point, it behoves us to mention Niyall, who has this capitalisation as part of the title. Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga, he argues, should be more correctly named BerraJarangsdottir Humaktisaga, being an explicative poem. He has it that the core of the poem, stripped of the more florid chapters, demonstrates to the young Humakti how they should both live and die, and thus ‘Sword’ is appropriate throughout, as the heroine Berra is a tool of Humakt.

We have mentioned Niyall. We now move on. spake of his silence

[Here we get to the only mention in this lecture of the Lays of Serala, which is untypically blunt.]

Serala saw her friends fighting ‘midst themselves, by chaos wrought
Rather than ‘gainst Lunar schemes and Ill fortune as they ought!
Her calls to wisdom and to duty, and friendship fell
‘Pon deafest ears, and thus she, Propheess could only tell

Her truth, and let it fall unheeded, as it would,
And having thus done her duty as she should
She strode along5Naturally this refers to the length of the ‘Cold Lance’ and nothing else. like the Hero she was, to find
Comfort and fellowship with a Trollkin kind
6Lit: stablestablestable – the dark tongue has no apostrophes.!7 It is often debated whether this is a literal Trollkin, which sounds very improbable, even in so cosmopolitan a place as Nochet, or using it in the sense of ‘an urchin’.

[The remainder of the group appear to have gone to a feast at the Saiciae palace, Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga noting: ]

Fury feared at Feast
Foefeller fought foodsleep
Beyond Babeester’s8If I find any of you attempting a pun on Babeester Gore, I will be attempting a pun on Fail. I will be laughing. Boundaries
Bow blast bore down beside

Bravely Berra bounded
Blessing of Bladegod began
Saving softhanded Speaker
Setting Searing Shaft aside

Nearby Noble Nala
Knew nice Necromancies
Ernalda’s Energies emerged
Enwrapped Evil Assassin eagerly

Wrathful Rajar ran
Redblade rod raised
9Or, chilling, real-axing, chill-axing all cool.
Thrown thrusting through,
The traitor trapping

Faithful Foekiller friendsaving
Facesaved fearful guards faults!
Stout Gold-Speaker saved
Swiftly with Shield and Sword!

What Really Happened

Notable Moments and Quotes

Related Logs

  • 1
    Wiermonken has it as ‘down to Earth’.
  • 2
    Funny story. I put my pen down for a moment to consider the D voice and it vanished entirely. Rather a valuable pen too.
  • 3
    Professor von Sturm translates the bolg engraving he found as, ‘Sailor God, House Hulting praises your return.’ This demonstrates the limitation of a contextless archaeological approach, as well as complexities associated with the Kunvulvretan script for Esrolian.
  • 4
    At this point, it behoves us to mention Niyall, who has this capitalisation as part of the title. Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga, he argues, should be more correctly named BerraJarangsdottir Humaktisaga, being an explicative poem. He has it that the core of the poem, stripped of the more florid chapters, demonstrates to the young Humakti how they should both live and die, and thus ‘Sword’ is appropriate throughout, as the heroine Berra is a tool of Humakt.

    We have mentioned Niyall. We now move on.
  • 5
    Naturally this refers to the length of the ‘Cold Lance’ and nothing else.
  • 6
    Lit: stablestablestable – the dark tongue has no apostrophes.
  • 7
    It is often debated whether this is a literal Trollkin, which sounds very improbable, even in so cosmopolitan a place as Nochet, or using it in the sense of ‘an urchin’.
  • 8
    If I find any of you attempting a pun on Babeester Gore, I will be attempting a pun on Fail. I will be laughing.
  • 9
    Or, chilling, real-axing, chill-axing all cool.