Fear and Loathing in Las Vulva

S01 — Session 11

1625, Earth Season, Fertility Week Godday to Stasis Week Windsday

Dramatis Personae


As before, the log will be recounted with extracts from Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga, from The Sonnets to Melia, Sweetest of Healers, White Lady of Esrolia, The Lay of Serala, Lance of the Cold Sun , The Death of Rajar or The Sonnets to Vestra, Grey Lady of Wisdom, and NalaTiwrSaga. Also included are some extracts from ‘The Accounts of the travels of Irillo Goldentongue‘, and some “commentary” recorded best in oral testimony of the Unicorns of Prax.

[It should be accepted that the nature of all of the extracts for today’s lecture are at the very least deeply allegorical, if not outright invention. We shall discuss through these passages possible meanings, as well as alternate suggestions as to the nature of these writings. We begin with an extract from NalaTwirSaga]

Grim Goddess Priestess1 The ambiguity here is probably deliberate. Is this the Priestess of a Grim Goddess, or a Grim Priestess of a Goddess? The other possibility, that it is a Goddess who is a Grim Priestess is probably implausible.
Warns of dangers yet to come
Suggests Blood to solve!

[This downright gnomic (if not ominous) suggestion is elaborated on in considerably more depth in the Sonnets to Vestra. ]

To Maran’s Gory2 Fox brings this forward as more evidence that the writer was Esrolian. The Maran Gor/Gory pun does not work in Heortling or Praxian. Library Vestra went
Midst old scrolls and prophesies downward sent
She found a tale of Kero Fin and how
The wrong and low’r shrine was worshippéd now.

She carried the secret triumphant where
Orlanth first had his mothers gentle care
When forth her vulva came the stormy God
Was found atop that sacred mountain odd

[The Heroes seem to have set forth, guided by tales as far as the lower temple to Orlanth a day above the plain. Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga picks up the tale, with a brief word on conditions underfoot.]

Cold Comfort3 Derzinsky famously remarked that this meant that the Warrior Berra had ‘Cold Comfort Arms’. Nobody laughed. for Champion Berra!
Chill clouds calling her!
Snow suffocating Swift-runner
4 Berra as a swift runner is not otherwise remarked upon in translated segments of Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga but is mentioned in Berra Saga. This implies a further link between the two works.
Soft Silence no Sword foe!

White walls wearing
The Warrior of Whitewall
Honouring Heroes here,
Humakt’s Housethane hurried

Snow Spears stabbing
Still stood She
Forced feet forth
Friends forgot not!

[It is implied that a night pause is taken. Mowbray suggests that a recent archaeological find in Darktongue relates to this time, but this seems implausible, as there is no suggestion that any of the group were literate in Darktongue (especially the Trollkin, Salid). It is possible it is a later token left at the site in relation to this quest.]

,,Cold Night. Kyger Litor Guards from Daystar.
Friend5 Lit: ‘NoUzUs’. There is considerable dispute as to the meaning of this word. band waits for warmth come afar6Garin (Altn 6) calls this graffiti, saying that stone is not an archaeological layer and dating via residue scratches is highly inaccurate.,,

[The next day, presumably, the group moved on, entering the clouds which shroud the needle of Kero Fin, as relatively clearly described in The Death of Rajar. ]

When Storm Bull enters clouds
And he seeks to grasp the spirits
He has clearly mist7 Another Esrolian pun, although this one mostly works in Praxian also.

[ Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga picks up the tale, as our heroes step purely from the physical hazards of the mountain, to more metaphysical dangers.]

Clouds cloak coming
Crept caressing like cloacasan8 The famed courtesan geisha of the Durulz/Ducks
Koraki keeping care
Counting his company

Windlord after wouldn’t word
Whisper of what he Witnessed
Pressed past, proud
Upon Parents9 Kero Fin is, of course, the mother of Orlanth. past path!

[Nala appears to be the next challenged- with a surprising postscript.]

Nala downfalling
Babeester and Maran Gor
Offering choices!

True heart to Ernalda
Denied vengeance and secrets
Found herself unchanged!

Tiwr striding along
Unbothered by the air sprites
Prejudiced ‘gainst him!

[From internal suggestions, it appears Vestra was the next to be tested, and loyalty to her God came up against respect for the secrets of the Air spirits.]

Amidst the snow and ice, and swirling cloud
Vestra strode forth, wise, and brave, rightly proud
But then she found herself in great Nochet –
The temple libr’y where she used to pray!

The God came to her robed in simple grey
And bade her go fetch scrolls instead of stay
He wished to know if what she heard she’d tell
Or if she’d hold the geas of others fell?

Vestra vowed all secrets would come to him
A fact the spirits heard with visage grim
And thus it was the Sage was cursed betime
By the fell spirits of the icey rhime!

[Berra was the next to be put to the test by the Spirits. ]

North Wind Neophyte10 Prior to being God of Death, Humakt was the North Wind. Knew
Now the Nearness of Air as she Knelt
Swordless she, who saw
Stealer standing, speaking!

“Leave Loyal Liegemen!
And I’ll let Lifeleaver11 Death, the first sword loose!
Yours as you yearn,
Yours, if you come yonder!”

Bladeless Berra bade him
Bide by her! Baseless his boasts!
Taunted the thief
Took Wind Tooth, to her!

Honour Humakt has
Here His Handmaid showed
D’val Dagger12The use of the obvious D’Val-Dagger compound word here lends credence to the notion that D’Val was a Hero, worshipped by Berra. D’Val-Follower takes a more central narrative note when this kenning is an option. did
Duty against dishonour!

[The test of Mellia seems to have been more traditional- following closely the theme of the Heroquest Chalana Arroy Heals the Scars, as told in the Sonnets to Meia.]

Noble Mellia to the cold mountain came
To save her friends and keep them close to sane
She found them lying broken ‘neath a fall
And Lunars stood there, golden breasted all13 The Lunars are the prime Yelm worshippers of the area, apart from the men of the Grazelanders. By appearing in this form, the ‘otherness’ of the Sky Tribe is emphasised.

“Our wounds are ill , wilst heal us ‘ere thou go’st?
For your friends are few, we a suff’ring host!”
“Nay!” said Mellia, “To you I shall return!
My feelings for my friends do keenly burn!”

“Burn thou say’st thou noblest Healer White?
Then heal the burning host in this evil plight!
Upon thy vow I call, and bind thee to it
Heal the folks who at thy feet in pain sit!”

She heal’d them then, and as she turn’d to go
He said, “Why should I let thee heal my foe?”
She healed his blindness too, harmony mark’d
And when the others liv’d, feril’ty harked!

It seemed a dream but such a strangest thing
For each her hands carried rune marked sting!

[Mowbray’s expedition also found another Darktongue carved stone at an analogous point higher up the mountain. He has suggested this is another later stele, but dating this is notoriously difficult, without even the stratiography of the earlier find.]14Alleyn (Amb 375, Altn 2) suggests that evidence above the snow line is subject to the movements of Wind Spirits, and therefore there are no analagous points in time, although there may be in space. Garin (Altn 6) dismisses the whole trail of steles as manufactured evidence, placeable at any time.

,,Here Salid saw the God
Spear Carrier
Trollkin Saviour
Striking –Zorak– Urox15 It is unclear if this association of the Troll Beserker Cult Zorak Zoran with Urox is deliberate or a Freudian Slip
Light shielder.

[The shortest comment is in The Accounts]

Balance: Nil.
Situation: Desperate.
Personal Assets: Nil
Drawable Assets: Friendship. Bravery. Endeavour.
Situation: Promising.
16Garin’s ‘ritual’ theory is silent on this matter. (Alleyn).

[Moving on, the meaning of the Stele inscription appears clearer- presumably a reference to this extract from The Death of Rajar]

Urox rests in Prax
Lush plains and verdant orchards17 Prax was alleged to have been a verdant paradise in the God Time. This was lost with the coming of Chaos.
Gentle wind of peace

Chaos comes, held back
By wives18The Spurious Rajar contains this gem:
Storm Bull has power
Ernalda respects that strength
So use Protection
, Urox struggles free
Fights. Argan helps him

The White lady healer,
“Ice work if you can get it”
“I shall still save Prax!”

[The healing of Rajar achieved, the team travel upwards. The tale is picked up in The Lay of Serala.]

Through Airs most wise deceits our heroes passed
And Yelms golden blessings felt upon their brows at last.
Serala brave did to her followers then declaim,
“Yonder is our destination, bless Cold Sun’s Holy Name!”

[Naturally, other epics phrase things somewhat differently- for example the Sonnets to Mellia.]

Mellia of, Harmony the most blessed
With Runed Fertility and pureness dress’d
Look’d upwards, unto the sky to Yelms own eye
And halfway there, she glimps’d a cavr’n dry

And all about was such a cedern cover
As wom’n dark might gift unto her lover
It sat betwixt a twain of tower’ng ridges
Where a rock curve above did form a bridge!

This then was the cleft from which Orlanth came
They rose up to it, and bless’d his holy name!
Serala stood outside, to guard the place
And yet they stepp’d within and saw her face!

[This is clearly another vision. The Death of Rajar picks up the story.]

In friends face stood God
Or Spirit bade them come, eat!
The Hero19 The Capitalisation is of later addition. came and ate!

[The Sonnets to Vestra are a touch more specific, as one would expect.]

Thus Elmal to the cave did welcome them
But it seem’d to Vestra no Yinkin den
But a palace such as Gem’d Nochet sees
The Watcher God did bid them take their ease.

Koraki sacrificed his rings of gold
Serala’s shape, did give them scrolls to hold
And bade them carry them to good purpose
It would help Tarsh and Sartar as they rose

And They thank’d the Air Spirits ‘ere they left
Nala slipp’d away to probe the deeper cleft!
But what it was she found would not say
And so they rode20 It is unlikely they really rode. This is poetic license. twards temple with the day!

[NalaTiwrSaga merely notes:]

In deep cleft thrusting
For Mules sacrifice thanking
Nala was giv’n a choice.

[On which note, The Accounts merely gnomically record]

One mule. To be balanced against Temple contributions.

“See! Four legged things can get up and down mountains, if you don’t sacrifice them! You didn’t have to leave Billy!”

What Really Happened

Notable Moments and Quotes

Related Logs

  • 1
    The ambiguity here is probably deliberate. Is this the Priestess of a Grim Goddess, or a Grim Priestess of a Goddess? The other possibility, that it is a Goddess who is a Grim Priestess is probably implausible.
  • 2
    Fox brings this forward as more evidence that the writer was Esrolian. The Maran Gor/Gory pun does not work in Heortling or Praxian.
  • 3
    Derzinsky famously remarked that this meant that the Warrior Berra had ‘Cold Comfort Arms’. Nobody laughed.
  • 4
    Berra as a swift runner is not otherwise remarked upon in translated segments of Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga but is mentioned in Berra Saga. This implies a further link between the two works.
  • 5
    Lit: ‘NoUzUs’. There is considerable dispute as to the meaning of this word.
  • 6
    Garin (Altn 6) calls this graffiti, saying that stone is not an archaeological layer and dating via residue scratches is highly inaccurate.
  • 7
    Another Esrolian pun, although this one mostly works in Praxian also.
  • 8
    The famed courtesan geisha of the Durulz/Ducks
  • 9
    Kero Fin is, of course, the mother of Orlanth.
  • 10
    Prior to being God of Death, Humakt was the North Wind.
  • 11
    Death, the first sword
  • 12
    The use of the obvious D’Val-Dagger compound word here lends credence to the notion that D’Val was a Hero, worshipped by Berra. D’Val-Follower takes a more central narrative note when this kenning is an option.
  • 13
    The Lunars are the prime Yelm worshippers of the area, apart from the men of the Grazelanders. By appearing in this form, the ‘otherness’ of the Sky Tribe is emphasised.
  • 14
    Alleyn (Amb 375, Altn 2) suggests that evidence above the snow line is subject to the movements of Wind Spirits, and therefore there are no analagous points in time, although there may be in space. Garin (Altn 6) dismisses the whole trail of steles as manufactured evidence, placeable at any time.
  • 15
    It is unclear if this association of the Troll Beserker Cult Zorak Zoran with Urox is deliberate or a Freudian Slip
  • 16
    Garin’s ‘ritual’ theory is silent on this matter. (Alleyn).
  • 17
    Prax was alleged to have been a verdant paradise in the God Time. This was lost with the coming of Chaos.
  • 18
    The Spurious Rajar contains this gem:
    Storm Bull has power
    Ernalda respects that strength
    So use Protection
  • 19
    The Capitalisation is of later addition.
  • 20
    It is unlikely they really rode. This is poetic license.