But This Is Not The End Of The Trail

Xenofos — But This Is Not The End Of The Trail

????, Earth Season


Late Earth season On the trail between Corflu and house of Lord Raus. [[[s02:session-18|Session 18]]]


On the trail up Zola Fel valley Xenofos’ cithara remains obstinately out of tune. Unlike sometimes his singing carries the tune and he routinely remembers the words. Rather sombre repertoire of drinking songs for dead comrades, laments for lost heroes and unhappy lovesongs are heard partly on the road, partly in the camps.

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  • 1
    Insight: Someone who could read people over time would say that she is trying to take care of him by not being too much in evidence. A wall of snoring bison is a very solid thing.
  • 2
    Xenofos failed the Truth so he is avoiding the point
  • 3
    Mineral lore: yep, those are rocks.hard rocks…