Fragment 2.39 – The Rejection of Danaril

Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 39


Eastward she walked at the end of her journey
Captured by mist as the slave of illusion
There was a liar who led her to testing
Bright though the mist was the sun was defeated

Into the house that was earned by a Lunar
Given for loyalty shown in the Empire
Berra went bold seeking foes with her hopes high
Sword in her hand and her shield held before her1This stanza is usually given without the shield, but Alleyn marks the shield as being magical, and therefore rejects the alternative, ‘her magic around her’.

There in the baths of the house of the Lunar
Taking their ways as he sat in the bath-house
Berra saw Darnaril son of her uncle
Tattooed in red with a Moon Rune upon him

Sadly he asked her for news of the clanlands
Silent she stood and she listened to pleading
Turned then away from the man who broke geasa
Walked back to Boldhome and left him behind her

What Really Happened

Session Quotes

  • 1
    This stanza is usually given without the shield, but Alleyn marks the shield as being magical, and therefore rejects the alternative, ‘her magic around her’.