Trouble Brooing

S01 — Session 29

1626, Sea Season

Season, Week, Day
1626, Sea Season, Stasis Week, Wildday?

Dramatis Personae


[“Ah, excellent. Good to see such a _fine_ turnout on a University holiday. Go back to your beds, the lot of you1 Or any other beds which are mutually acceptable to you and the owner thereof. , and be sure to give me an essay each on a character of your choice in the ‘Jack-o-Bear’/Green Tree segment of the sagas. You can quote any passages you feel are relevant to your discussion.”]

Let us take the example of the jackobear as an example of mythology in action. The body of a great grizzly or possibly a cave bear, but the head of a pumpkin? Seriously? There are reasons that the primitives had separate runes for “plant” and “beast.” They are not compatible. Witness the many clashes between the Aldryani and the flesh races (not to mention Rajar Chaoskiller, if we’re using that term these days). Beasts like the jackobear, chaos notwithstanding, point simply to the subtext that the author was smoking something.

What Really Happened

Session Quotes

  • 1
    Or any other beds which are mutually acceptable to you and the owner thereof.