Boldhome, and Home Boldly?

S01 — Session 5

1625, Earth Season

Dramatis Personae

As before, the log will be recounted with extracts from Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga, from The Sonnets to Mellia, Sweetest of Healers, White Lady of Esrolia, The Lay of Serala, Lance of the Cold Sun , The Death of Rajar or The Sonnets to Vestra, Grey Lady of Wisdom. They are joined by NalaTwrSaga1 NalaTiwr saga is unusual, in that it is a saga of two heroes, not one. This is not totally unheard of, as it is often invoked in Heroes following the twin volcano Gods, [* Caladra & Aurelion] but this saga is unique in the surviving literature in linking a human and non-human hero. The style of the Saga is classic for the Praxian epic, but some of the construction suggests it was not originally written in Praxian, but in Esrolian, or possibly Tradetalk. The stylistic links to the ‘Death of Rajar’ implies the same author. . “Insertions will occur” in a cynical voice, of a manipulative outsider to these heroics, which is labelled in the literature as ‘The Q voice’ . Further {insertions} will occur in another cynical or sarcastic voice, best recalled amongst the Unicorns of Prax. Footnotes for the interested are included at the bottom of the extracts. [Editorial comments will be bracketed thus. See S1, ep 2 for other footnotes related to titles of epic poems.]


[Our events open in the City of Boldhome, and more specifically in its Citadel, where our heroes are guests of the Prince of Sartar, Kallyr Starbrow. In the absence of commentary by the Q voice this week, there may be more editorial comments. The prince being a good guest, excellent wine is on offer. We open with an extract from Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga]

Gifts from Gracious Prince
Grapes blood given
Berra drank deep of destiny Duty
But delicate draughts of the drink

No beast, Berra2An obvious piece of foreshadowing., bearing
Best her dignity, becoming
Behaviour of Humakt’s Hall
Hating excess, Hailing unhopped honesty!

[Compare with a similar praise to ‘restraint’ in the Death of Rajar.]

When Urox drinks all
And he is still not drunken
Is there enough wine?

[However, their restraint was not shared by all participants. See NalaTiwrsaga]

Under moon vintage
Unicorns grow amorous
Ernalda understands

[Still, all survive at least that night, and the following day, worship, prepare themselves, and ride out. The Lay of Serala has a somewhat different emphasis to other, less Sky Pantheon poems, but covers the ground well.]

Serala did her band prepare
And bade them to Whitewall repair
She rode then forth, as Feathered Queen
As noble knight as ‘ere was seen.

Her lance with brazen fire was tipp’d
Her sword in scarlet scabbard lipped
With gilden tracings, which the Sun
Bejewled, and lit, His favoured one!

She led them forth, Orlanth and Earth
And Knowledge Child, and Umath’s birth3 Humakt was born of Umath, but renounced fellowship with the Primal Air
To Whitewall then, she led them out
To answer D’Val’s battle shout!

Before a day was burned and spent
Yelmal’o’s sight to her was sent
She saw th’ decievers way ahead
And quickly then she onwards sped.

[And Devolin’s fate was to have a really bad day. Fortunately, he too had Farsee, worked out the odds, and cast Mobility, and ran for his d’Orange. NalaTiwrSaga covers this.]

Unicorn outruns
Headaches to give them to duck
A road toll repaid.

[Or Serala’s version of the same event]

She saw him run, she cantered fast
Soon leaving others, as she sped swift past
All threat of ambush, for she scorned
The Ducks, who had their honour pawned!

But Ducks in plural? ‘Twas not true,
Serala saw the truth anew!
For single trickster was their bane
Whose pawn was swept like chaff in pouring rain!

[There was debate whether to continue. Nala saw and draw on the group.]

Eril paused- Ride on
And save the Sword, or pause and
Give him glory in death.

Nala rais’d the image
Of a Duck in victory
To spur to action!

[When finally, they settle for the night, Rajar discovers threats nobody had anticipated]

If no enemies,
Urox manufactures more.
Chaos indeed!

[Swapping for a moment back to Whitewall, Mellia has been working hard on the plague.]

Mell’a saw the wicked hands of plague in darkest night
Which drove the wretched poor folk’s plight
And unheeded by pale Jaldis ears
She thrust herself against her darkest fears.
And found the putrid sprite of pestil, foul
And made it then in dissipation howl!

[The following morning, the main group of the heroes push on to Whitewall. Once there, Vestra picks up the tale: ]

Vestra saw the priests at their sacred task
And alone did her God then softly ask
“If this effect should go, tis clearly good
But do we yet miss these trees for portals wood?

If we treat th’ effect but leave alone
The cause, our fault is graven into stone.
We must the root pluck up from out the hill
If we wish Delecti’s hopes to ever still!”

What Really Happened

Notable Moments and Quotes

  • 1
    NalaTiwr saga is unusual, in that it is a saga of two heroes, not one. This is not totally unheard of, as it is often invoked in Heroes following the twin volcano Gods, [* Caladra & Aurelion] but this saga is unique in the surviving literature in linking a human and non-human hero. The style of the Saga is classic for the Praxian epic, but some of the construction suggests it was not originally written in Praxian, but in Esrolian, or possibly Tradetalk. The stylistic links to the ‘Death of Rajar’ implies the same author.
  • 2
    An obvious piece of foreshadowing.
  • 3
    Humakt was born of Umath, but renounced fellowship with the Primal Air