Fragment 2.40 – The Sword without Blade

Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 40


Greeting the Uplander Temple of Humakt
Berra bowed head to the Sword of the Temple
Knelt to Geoffri respectfully speaking1As the Sage Llewun has it: Aww, bless their lying socks.
Gave of her magic in worship of Humakt

Staying a season to learn of their magic
Berra with Godfri learned secrets of Humakt
Taught but to ducks and their friends in the marshes
How even swords were no more than an image

Holding the Rune in the mind was as praying
Sacred to Humakt was sword-meditation
Godfri had always a sword held close by him
Doyen of Death who was Duck-point and drake-born

What Really Happened

Session Quotes

  • 1
    As the Sage Llewun has it: Aww, bless their lying socks.