Fragment 2.12 – The Call to Duty

Diaries The Saga Of Berra — Fragment 2 12


Temple and Prayer held heart of Humakti1Alliteration indicating more modern patching on a verse
Truth called and duty and she ran to answer
Eager to search for the daughter of Hulta
Eager though feuding with Kesten she offered2An exemplary Humakti offer; not putting aside the offered duel we see in Kesten’s Doom, but ignoring it as a matter that should not stop the offer of aid. Although the indications are that Hulta threatened Saiciae, it is understood as a matter of course that Berra took service with Mellia at this point, as a gesture of support without military promise.

What Really Happened

Session Quotes

  • 1
    Alliteration indicating more modern patching on a verse
  • 2
    An exemplary Humakti offer; not putting aside the offered duel we see in Kesten’s Doom, but ignoring it as a matter that should not stop the offer of aid. Although the indications are that Hulta threatened Saiciae, it is understood as a matter of course that Berra took service with Mellia at this point, as a gesture of support without military promise.