Crying Wolf

S01 — Session 35


Season, Week, Day

Dramatis Personae

Greyrock Fall:
Chief Carasai
Harvan, chief weaponthane
Forsar Wolf-hater
Galri of the Mantle
Falri and his band
More skeletons than anyone is strictly happy with facing, with faces
A zombie search party

Class of his own:
Draznk Backbreaker, he who cries havoc alone, and his mace Cracker


As before, the log will be recounted with extracts from Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga, from The Lay of Serala, Lance of the Cold Sun and The Lays of Finarvi, The Death of Rajar, and NalaTiwrSaga. As with last time there will be extracts from the Sonnets to Varanis, and also Sonnets in Praise of Xenofos. There will be brief reference to the Accounts of the Travels of Irillo Goldentongue if Dr Tomm has added that slide. Editorial commentary will be recorded [thus]. Both the {“D”} and “T” voice appear in this selection of extracts.

[Good. Day. Yes, studentia, it is I. Dr Tomm has asked me to fill in after what I shall only be telling you was not a game of strip poker. If you need the student counselling service after that image, I’m sure some of you have it on speed dial by now. We are going to be looking at one of the many reasons that this segment is called the Descent into Darkness. The Rune itself, and the near failure of the Quest at a very early point. Draznk Backbreaker, as he appears in Berra JarangsdottiHumaktisaga.]

Foul fell foe
Faces oft flaying
Bone-breaking binder
Bulging-bellied boaster
Silent slow stalker
Snared Sword swift

[And, despite what our other sources may say, remember not to assume at this point that anyone would have known what was going on. Witness Rajar…]

Humakti are small
That is just how they were made
So easily missed
1Given the occasional deep thought within the Rajar we may assume a double meaning here. Rajar may well have missed a friend who was absent.,2And Spurious Rajar:

I won’t miss her now
The axe spins through the air. Damn!
Aimed too high. Again.

[Instantly, Serala would have taken command.]

Within the walls of Wilmskirk was eternal Fire
Of Yelm and of his son, and also Elmal’s ire
At he who prowled in night-mists cold to take the frail
For Serala knew well as Berra Humakt’s tale
Of how he fought the depths of Darkness in the dark
To win humanity a frail and fragile ark

[Naturally, Varanis was the voice of leadership.]

By honour’s double bind was tall Varanis pressed;
A cousin of her clan plucked from the Blue Tree nest,
And her sworn Sword, of loyal service given
Was from the company they kept together riven
Thus sware the bold Varanis, ‘If she still has breath
Then we will find her, else avenge her death!’
So cried their band that they would follow where she led
To rescue their dear friend, the slayer of the dead.

{“What do you mean, we can’t just leave her?”}

[And naturally, where we have … oh, you know this. Varanis does not come without her potential bard self-insertion hagiographer, Xenofos. But we’ll cut to the village of Greyrock Fall and the cattle raid.]

“They called me Pointy. Horse.”

When good advice is given to the wise and strong,
As Xenofos to Varanis, then strength can do no wrong
He called on her to save the cattle of the village herd;
She sprang to put to action every wise and sagelike word.
And such the understanding that he had of cattle,
That after all agreed that it was he who had the battle.

[Don’t groan. I don’t write this. I just have to learn it for these lessons. Perhaps we can look at the tale of an Issarian now. Not Irillo, but the other possible cover for him. Whether or not you subscribe to the story of the Death of Irillo, you must agree that we have pretty neatly inserted one Issarian for another, and indeed Irllo’s notes of the time talk about salt, and wondering if his cousin Varanis will get into trouble. So, Finarvi.]

The boldest of the traders and most wild
Stood proud Finarvi, saying he would find the child
3Some extracts talk of one Minstar, child or young adult, who was missing. Others attribute the childishness to Berra, either as a helpless victim, or based on her personality.
And with Serala by his side as old
Rode up the mountain though the trail was cold
Unto the cave where wolf-folk sat and howled
By heart-juice stained and with life-blood befouled.

[As we know, there is a Troll, and we will be dealing with that separately, but I would like to share this with you. I found it scribbled on a bit of paper tacked to my door, and I have memorised it rather than trying to identify the handwriting. A good Nala, if a little modern for some tastes.]

This troll annoys me.
I’d rather talk to the wolves.
Just go away, K?

Meditation would
Have been the best way forward
But things happened fast.

What Really Happened

++++ Notable Moments and Quotes

Session Quotes

  • 1
    Given the occasional deep thought within the Rajar we may assume a double meaning here. Rajar may well have missed a friend who was absent.
  • 2
    And Spurious Rajar:

    I won’t miss her now
    The axe spins through the air. Damn!
    Aimed too high. Again.
  • 3
    Some extracts talk of one Minstar, child or young adult, who was missing. Others attribute the childishness to Berra, either as a helpless victim, or based on her personality.