Payer 1 Ready

Session S5-W.08

1629, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Wildday

Dramatis Personae




Haralast, Whitewall City Rex
Grignos, Ulerian priest
Some wasp riders
A Wolf Pirate prisoner
Galuda Lightson
A Wolf Pirate army


Wild Day: everyone except Xenofos had decided to head off and visit the place where Broyan died. Despite everyone knowing this battleground was to the North, the group heads off south. Xenofos remains behind to talk everyone up in their absence, and to be available for any queries about the king’s trials. A little under 3 weeks until the trials. Mostly people asking what’s going on. Word is spreading.

At lunch, he sits with Haralast so everyone can see him, and after, Haralast asks if Xenofos will write a song about the occasion to record the glorification, as he has no bard. 

Haralast tells him that Grignos of temple of Uleria has called a couple of times looking for Xenofos. Xenofos finds this unremarkable except that it is odd to be told now. Haralast seems amused. 

He heads to the temple of Uleria. The communal meals doorway is being repainted in preparation for the party. Grignos is mostly stripped and sweating in the Fire Season heat. He offers Xenofos a brush, and he joins in as he owes the cult, and he doesn’t care that the debt is owed to Boldhome.  Grignos asks how Xenofos has been (Insight: Grignos cares about Xenofos and is definitely making friends, the first question he asks when he has an opening is how Xenofos is.) Xenofos admits he feels anxious whenever Thane Varanis is away (with good reason). He offers dancers for the occasion and asks if Xenofos can mention it to Haralast, not Raldina. He wants it to be remembered. Not trying to compete with the Ernaldans but Raldina is very traditional and thinks there should be a woman in charge here. Xenofos agrees to speak to Haralast. 

Xenofos mentions it to Haralast in the evening when he finds him alone. Xenofos doesn’t think it’s a great matter – dancers are dancers after all. Haralast thinks it’s a good idea and suggests bringing it up with Varanis so anything chosen will have her stamp not Haralast’s.

Next day Xenofos goes to see the Library – the two LM scribes – and copies out some scrolls for them (the memoirs of Fazzur).

One scribe is excited about an idea he has about who goes first and how to prevent anyone fighting over who goes first. It’s very Orlanthi – Xenofos approves.

Another day passes, writing. Late in the day, as the trumpets are calling the closing of the gates, Varanis’s party return on tired mounts.  They’ve pushed their mounts. Manasa first, rhino and two bison (Rajar and his pack bison), zebra behind, Finarvi and Serala outriding. 

We have wasp riders following us. We noticed them in the late afternoon, quite a long way out. Rajar waves at them, trying to draw their attention, hoping to warn them about the wolf pirate raiders, but they keep their distance. 

Late evening, we hear the horns and get into the city just before the gates are closed for the night. Varanis wants to go and see Haralast, spies Xenofos on the way. The wasps pass overhead. Serala spots that one is shaking what looks like a spear with a broken head. They land outside the city. 

Xenofos and Varanis go to see Haralast, with Inpira escorting the prisoner. They take the Wolf Pirate prisoner with them. Haralast is feasting his guests and cuts his song of greeting short to ask what is going on. Varanis explains they spied a Wolf Pirate army, captured a scout, and that they need to make plans. They might only be an hour or two behind. They could arrive in the night, or morning. He returns to the table, whispering a few things to the Humakti on the way. At the head table he calls the muster to protect the city.

Varanis notices the prisoner looks on the edge of doing a Berra. Blurting. He yells “We will spare you if you surrender! That is my entire message.” Inpira curses at him, but he is not intimidated.

Back at the gates, Finarvi, Serala and Rajar persuade the gate guards to keep the outer gate open enough to let us back in, and we make the rune of peace and ride up. Rajar takes the lead, and the Grazelanders hang back with their bows low but ready. The wasp riders repeat the sign but try to skitter aroudn Rajar and one points the blunted spear at Finarvi. Finarvi thinks he recognised this wasp rider. The interpreter from before?

There is a small argument between two, and the familiar one says ‘Floating wood, wood on water’ Want meat, honey, metal knives in payment for defence. 10 warriors bigness meat wasp and rider and a knife each – half a cow, some honey and a knife 20 L worth for each. The call for muster comes and the gate guards shout that they have to close the gates, so Finarvi agrees their price and they return. The wasp warriors will come with the daylight. 

Inpira has to find someone to hand the prisoner to before joining Haralast and Varanis at the gate. Finarvi explains 10 wasp riders will aid us come daylight, and their price. Varanis asks if they know where the Wolf Pirates are, but Finarvi didn’t ask so he says the time was too short.

The Humakti are organising people and the doors of the  Humakti temple have been taken down and laid flat, removing barriers to death. 

Someone punches Rajar on the shoulder. He smiles and turns, gives a return punch to the Sable rider he knew before. Wolf Pirates, should have lots of loot. And the Whitewallers will surely pay well to fight them. “If there’s a fight tomorrow, I’ll pay you to fight for me. Wolf pirates won’t pay you and they’ll kill you if they find you here.” Rajar tells him they’re welcome at his fire. 

We review the muster. It’s not a great force, and too many are too young or too old, and they don’t have proper arms or armour. But what they have, they are using competently. If the wolf pirates get through the gates, this city is burning. We have to keep them out of the city. 

Whitewall has 3 concentric circles of palisade walls, but the run through the gates is straight. 

We decide we have no chance if attacked during the night so we prepare for a dawn fight. 

Galuda Lightson is still here for negotiations, a Yelmalian Runelord will be handy!

Varanis sends Inpira to speak to the Ernaldans for earth elemental defence. Xenofos to question prison over banners, and Humakti to do Morale ritual. 

Varanis also considers the option of using Kallyr’s gifts to pay off the wolf pirates. The question is whether they will stay bought. 

Wolf pirate 50 crew full complement. 100 warriors on the road. 3 ships. But we only saw 2 banners. 

The stories say lots are drawn and 10 from the crew stay behind to mind the ship. Inpira says there won’t be a third ship on guard. 

Xenofos goes to ask the prisoner. Finarvi has redsmithing to do – goes off with Gustbran worshippers to cast spearheads. Redsmith’s apprentice is found in the muster to help with the bellows. We’re 50 spearheads short (people are using knives on sticks). We can make 25 overnight. 

Haralast calls for Serala and Varanis to talk battleplans. Rajar, Inpira nd Xenofos handle the prisoner questioning. 

Varanis asks for the Lightson to join the planning, and do a ritual with her. They have to have a contest. Usually a riddle contest, and the loser has to pay the winner a wheel. It’s an expensive contest! 

Rajar, Xenofos, Inpira:

Humakti bring in the smirking prisoner. Xenofos casts Mindread and Truespeak.

He gives his name as Deryth. He tries to lie about their purpose, but the raiding, they’re the feint. He then looks offended at the fact X is using magic on him. Xen recasts Mindread and asks where the real attack is. Wilmskirk and surrounding area – he gets a vision of an army marching in good order, big banner at the front. Blonde valkyrie woman dressed in iron, raven banner. Xenofos recognises her. Gunda the Guilty. 

Where are your boats? Image of the lake. 8 boats at the lake. But not counting 2 more at the mouth of the lake. Big fleet (10 or lots) 100 pirates here, 100 with the ships, and 800 unaccounted for wolf pirates because Gunda’s ships are big. 

He asks what the plan of attack was. Ritual at the gate not before dawn. Crack the gate. No trickster with them. Wolf pirates can cast the magic to crack the gates.

Inpira goes straight to Varanis with the info that the main attack is on Wilmskirk. 


She sees and challenges Goluda to a riddle contest. He rolls his eyes, looks apologetically at Serala and gives the ritual response. They trade riddles, both fail to give the right answer, so pass a wheel back and forth. Then he says goodnight to Serala and goes to get some sleep.

In the great hall, the battle planning Humakti Adnew, Haralast, map of the city. Asks Serala to be brutally honest about the defense of the city. WHat is going to fail and how. Serala gives him a rundown. Adnew gives a rundown of contingency plans so Serala will know what he is doing depending on what happens on the battlefield. She will have command of the horse cavalry.

Then Inpira comes in with the news that the main attack is on Wilmskirk. Both forces will arrive by dawn. 

Serala could make the ride in half a night. 

We are all gathered. Serala explains her plan to ride through the night to Wilmskirk to warn them. 

Varanis offers Serala her magic bridle, and set Manasa loose to cause damage on the battlefield. Serala accepts (+10 Ride). Finarvi reminds Serala her iron horseshoes are a Mobility matrix, as unable as everyone else to come up with a better idea than his heavily pregnant cousin riding through the night and two armies. She can cast Cat’s Eye on her mount.

Plan: Show of force on the walls, negotiate a payoff.  

Serala makes it to Wilmskirk, but not soon enough to warn Wilmskirk as she has to ride offroad. However, she comes in ahead of the wolf pirates to help the defence of Wilmskirk. The Wolf Pirates arrive in the dark outside both towns.

Both Wolf Pirates and defenders do their Morale rituals. The pirates, when the shadow of the banner passes them, the Humakti among them cut themselves and daub blood on their neighbours. They do this in groups. Then they start to approach the walls. The leader approaches with all their banners behind them, they gesture, the lead banner flaps and glows a bit, and one of the gates cracks. (Wilmskirk only has one gate layer).

Inside the gates, we have laid traps. They will probably expect it.

At Whitewall, the leader of the pirate army then calls on Haralast to come and negotiate.

Session Quotes