“OMG, Irillo!!! WTF are you thinking?”

Session S5-O-06

1629, Fire Season, Death Week, probably very late Fireday, up until Godsday

Dramatis Personae




A Creeping Realisation of Being Watched


After having heard rumours of illness, Maalira split off from the caravan to deal with it. Berra gave her two Humakti, Kolyey and young Nayale, as guards. The problem in a small stead was illness and the impact of long-term hunger, as there had been too much war and they were in a hunger gap. However, nothing deeper was at play. Nalaye and Kolyey looped around the stead and found no problems.

The group headed out, hoping they could catch up with Irillo’s caravan. That evening, while stopped to rest, Nayale spotted a weird red glow in the distance. She decided that they should not go investigate, as Maalira should be kept safe and sleep.

Kolyey took first watch and nothing happened. Nayale was on second watch. Because of religious duties, the Humakti were both very tired, but Maalira thought they were probably ok.

Nayale started to notice the red glow starting to shift around them. She yelled, but her voice sounded far away to her and far too close to Maalira. Kolyey slept through it, but Nayale kicked her awake. All sounds seemed strangely muffled or echoing, as if spoken or shouted under water.

Maalira and Kolyey heard the whimpering of a wounded animal from the direction of the moving glow. Maalira decided it was her duty to go and relieve suffering, and so they went, with Kolyey taking point and Nayale as the rearguard. As they approached, the glow was red, wavy, and luminous. There seemed to be a centre to it that was stronger than the rest.

They heard the sound of charge and someone yelling “Lunar scum!”

Kolyey cast a Shield on herself, and Nayale cast protection on Maalira, who herself cast Light. There was a group of militia, 3 farm boys on stolen horses, with spears.

Both Kolyey and Nayale took fully defensive positions, while Maalira cast Sleep after considering the religious problems with someone getting hurt falling off a horse. One of them did indeed fall, but was not hurt. Nayale broke one spear on her shield, and Kolyey parried the other. 

Maalira put another to sleep, but the third skewered Kolyey on his lance with a lucky strike. He got himself turned around for a third pass, then something caused whatever spell was over him to break and he dropped his spear before Nayale killed him. She was a bit disappointed. Between them, Maalira and Kolyey patched Kolyey up. Nayale and the young man collected up his sleeping comrades. He was very confused – he was sure they were hunting Lunars. The group noticed that the red glow had gone.

Meanwhile, possibly much later on, and definitely far away, Berra reminded Irillo that the illness they had seen had that happened in Alda Chur as well. He was aware, and thought that someone might be poisoning the money supply. He wanted to get the seal they had found in the iron box to a Silver Tongue. After thinking about the possible dangers, the caravan turned North to pick up Maalira and the others, after discussing various ways they might split up. Irillo was sure that he should go with few guards if he had to travel swiftly.

Berra listened gravely to what he said, and then made sure that Salid was alright with following Irillo to guard him at night. Salid was proud to know that Irillo thought of him as a merchant. Berra talked to all the guards and Irillo decided, possibly correctly, that she was going to change the commands to something more protective of him once the caravan had to split.

The three grazelanders introduced themselves as Rigost, Mirisk and Laragar. Rigost explained what happened when they woke up – they had fought the hated enemy! The horses were definitely Lunar, but they were sure if the people the had defeated in combat were actually Lunars. Rigost wanted to go check and asked the White Lady to help. So, off they went.

Yelm was rising as they reached a river they need to ford. There were lots of footprints and hoofprints. When they crossed the river, they came to a party of Lunar cavalry who had been badly cut up, and began making sure people stayed alive. For a while, as they did triage, they did not notice that the wounded warriors were feverish.

There were three corpses. No one else was on the verge of death yet, but they needed help. Kolyey agreed to help heal them after Maalira asked. Nayale could not, and still be able to do her duty as a Humakti. She started collecting all the weapons instead.

Kolyey and Maalira noticed that the people were sick with something familiar, the red fever they had encountered in Alda Chur. They began to work out who could dismiss the magic, including offered help from Mirisk of the ‘militia’ boys, as the only one old enough to have magic at all. As they were working on looking after the sick people, Nayale noticed someone watching from the hillside. She informs Maalira that she’s going to check it out.

The guy on the hill identified himself as Ornkarth, and was a Scimitar of Yanafal Tarnils. After a bit of glaring by Nayale and a brief exchange of information, they agreed to mutual hospitality.

Ornkarth decided to look at the tracks before they enter the camp. He came to some conclusions he did not share directly. When they entered the camp, Nayale started by telling Kolyey not to kill anyone.

Ornkarth wanted to know about the symptoms, cagily saying there was some sort of escaped entity. Maalira admited to having seen it before. He asked about using her guards as messengers, and she refused on their behalf.

He cooked breakfast for them as they worked, and asked that Maalira stay with the sick people until they recovered. When they introduced themselves over food, he seemed to recognize Maalira’s name. Nayale decided he was planning her harm. He asked if she was associated with Vareena and then if any of the band we in the area. Apparently some idiots had done something stupid and he wa trying to stop it,and now was hoping Maalira’s people could help. Something was being sent to the Demivirge that would her in a ritual. But, the group had also sent traps, and the traps were not all perfect. He admitted he wanted the group to help stop it.

Having heard that, Maalira admitted that she had companions nearby.  After a half day of looking after the wounded, they handed over to the Vendref to keep going with the work and explain what had happened to anyone who game along, and set out. They eventually caught up to Irillo’s caravan. With Ornkarth.

Berra lost a staring contest with Ornkarth, and as soon as she could, left to go deal with the caravan. She did not even try to listen in. Irillo pointed out that he was in the Grazelands, at which Ornkarth marvelled at finding where he was.

Irillo demanded to know if he’s responsible for the debased coinage and finally relaxed when it was clear that Ornkarth isn’t. Ornkarth admitted that it was his task to deal with people who caused awkward trouble, and he was there in that cause.

There was, Ornkarth told Irillo, some kind of Rhigos and Nochet situation. Once he was with an Esrolian he was prepared to explain to everyone else the politics as well. As he had no doubt that Irillo knew, the Demivirge was after more power. Someone was sending an artifact to Rhigos for a ritual that would help her reach Queenhood, toppling Samastina. They had sent at least a half dozen decoys, which were causing madness. He suggested that Irillo could speak for his people and commit to stopping this.

Irillo pointed out that it would be a favour for Ornkarth and his faction, wanting know what payment exists.

Ornkarth worked out after some possibly-faked confusion that the caravan was headed North and wanted to know more. They went back and forth a bit, and Irillo demanded a favour for Grandmother Saiciae. Ornkarth might or might not have been pleased with that result.

Ornkarth wants to talk to Berra, but when Irillo tries to summon her, Berra leaves. Nayale gets permission to go chase her.

Berra agrees to meet with him and they argue to some extent. He tells Irillo he’ll stick around for a while as he wants to talk to Berra more. Nayale decides that she’s sticking to him like a barnacle for the moment.

Session Quotes