Session 5.O-13
1629, Fire Season, Movement Week, Clay Day
Dramatis Personae
Hurrying people
A harried Dormal
People on horseback
Ornkarth, hardly on his high horse
Three mounted scouts
One mounted commander
Some footprints
With Berra and Irillo sulking rather, the group headed back towards Queen’s Post, which meant going up-river via Rich Post. Oriana used magic to talk to Ornkath, who told the group to pause between Rich Post and the way into the Grazelands. On the way to Rich Post, overnighting by the road, the group camped by other caravans and swapped minor news. On the second night, by the river, they saw the mundane and magical wash of a boat going up the river at high speed.
The next day, travelling along, they saw Dormal riding the other way. He greeted them and talked with Irillo privately, checking that his ‘contacts’ in Valadon had stuck to the letter and the spirit of the law, or at least the previously-holding arrangements. He was disappointed to learn that they had, and revealed that there would probably be trouble in Nochet, as part of the price was ‘getting some banishments lifted’.
The group moved on, with Dormal going South. The others passed the night at Rich Post, where they noted the place was on full alert, and worked out that there were a lot of patrols not just out, but staying out. Oriana talked to Ornkarth again, and told the group to head out 2 hours from Rich Post. They set off in the morning, meeting Ornkarth (when he found them) and handing over the box. They explained as much about the other boxes as they could, including why they were sure this was the one.1I think they talked about the HeroQuest too. – B.
Ornkarth mentioned that the guards in the area were after something in particular, possibly ogres, which had eaten people. Berra took him aside to ask how to contact him if necessary, and as well as the official path, he mentioned a contact in Bagnot. The group departed from him, and went to find some of the guards so that Oriana could volunteer to help find the problem using Geomancy. While she performed her magic over a footprint, Berra gave the Humakti a lesson in killing an object, in this case the campaign medal that Ornkath had given to Kolyey.
After having helped narrow down where the possible-ogres were, the group felt it would be poor form not to offer to help, as it was a dangerous and potentially hard-to-take position. Berra and Kolyey and Nayale may have been involved in that decision.
Session Quotes
“Yeah. The parents are squabbling.” – Nayale, of Berra and Irillo
“Purrrrrr…” – cat, on microphone, audibly
“I’m not saying we should. I’m just letting off enthusiasm by making stupid suggestions.” – Berra
“I mean, it’s a way to work through your issues.” – Oriana
“Yea, I got a lot of issues.” – Berra
“I haven’t even known you that long, but already guessed that.” – Oriana
“You don’t look like a raiding party…” – GM/Caravan Owner
“I’m offended!” – Berra
“Hail and well met on the well-paved roads of Esrolia.” – Dormal
“Pretty much as expected. They asked for their pound of gold, but I think we’re covered for that. They’re probably going to cause trouble down the line…” – Irillo
“Looks like he kept his flour dry this time, more’s the pity.” – Dormal
“I’d like to know more about this [if it might hit my warehouses].” – Irillo
“I can give you more details, but then you’d be involved. Do you want to be involved?” – Dormal
“No…” – Irillo
“Well, always nice to know we’re the bait.” – Irillo
“Meow!” – cat on microphone
- 1I think they talked about the HeroQuest too. – B.