A Plague of Trouble

Session S.O-05

1629, Fire Season, Death Week, Fireday to Wildday

Dramatis Personae




A guard
A healer
A sick man whose name we find out then forget
Some newtlings (piratical but cowed)
A boy
Some vultures
A dead merchant
Three living horse lords


After leaving the Inhuman King, the group talked a little over which headwaters to choose, and elected to go to the top of the Oslir, by Queen’s Post. Berra told them to avoid Muse Roost – she thought Harrek might be there, or might have caused a lot of trouble there.

They set off, and on the first day came across a village that had the same sort of strange plague as in Alda Chur. Valseena showed them how to deal with it, as it was magical. Salid accompanied her as a guard, as Irillo reckoned he was unlikely to catch anything that humans would.

While they were waiting on her, Berra noticed that the newtlings were looking particularly piratical, like they intended to take prisoners – or sacrifices. She told Irillo, who could not apparently get it through to them that they should not, and then went underwater herself, using her matrix, to ensure that she could shout at them properly. Although they did not seem particularly scared, they seemed to understand her, and as far as she could tell they were agreeing not to take prisoners.

Valseena healed one of those who was sick and stayed within the village for a day to help and to train other healers in the magic and what to look for. When she reported what had happened, there was a discussion, as this was a very strange plague indeed. Berra wondered if it was sent from somewhere, and went and checked the direction of the rashes – the red light all seemed to be from the glowline, up North.

Irillo asked what visitors if any had come by the village, and was told that there had been a few of the horse-lords coming by, boasting of having won a great battle. They gave some coins to the healer for her aid and left. Irillo asked to see the coins, but did not touch them, emptying out his strongbox to be sure that he had a safe place to put them. He bought her money with money that was untouched, and warned the village that anything touched by of made by the Lunars would be suspect. Then, the group left. Not long afterwards, Berra and Valseena spotted birds. Valseena was able to say they were vultures, and so the group went that way, in case there was a body in need of burial.

There was – they found the body of an Etyries merchant, along with three of his killers still living, and another one dead. The three who were alive had the strange plague, and were badly-off. Two were by an iron strong-box that was open, but empty save for a strange waxy disk. Irillo recognised it as a passport of a sort – a declaration that goods were carried on behalf of another.

Several things did not add up. The box was iron, but the merchant was not the sort to have earned it yet, and he had left it unlocked. The group eventually decided that the merchant had it unlocked because then it would not have to be unlocked at the other end – it was someone else’s property.

When they had healed and looked after the Horse Lords for a while, they got a fuller story. The warriors had found a caravan without permission to be there, but they are all confused – they remembered bearing down on the enemy, and knowing it was a foe, and thinking it was Lunar soldiers. The raiding felt right, as if it was something they were meant to do. Everything was strange when they looked back, and they could not remember going to get bandages.

One recalled a blinding red flash when the box was opened, and something red escaping into the long grass.

Once the bodies had been buried, the group elected to move on, with the horse lords offered the chance to come with them.

Session Quotes