FIX Reckless

1626, Sea Season, Disorder Week


Well before Yelmrise. At the White Grape in Boldhome and from there up to the Flame of Sartar. After Session 2.30 (Sha-MEN!).

This is presented in three parts:
Part 1 – the climb/race
Part 2 – at the top
Part 3 – the descent and Berra’s anger


Part I: The Climb

Only a few hours have passed since Rajar finally fell asleep and the common room became still. Varanis makes her way down the stairs as quietly as she can in bronze armour, which, admittedly, isn’t very quiet. Serala is, presumably, still asleep.

Berra, who was dancing and singing last night, is just buckling on the last of her armour. She gives Varanis a nod, grabs her sword to buckle on, misjudges its length completely and whacks a table with it. 1Oh, dice, I love you. I know I helped for that exact result but a 000 is perfect. She stares at the sword rather than the amphoras on the table itself, but by a miracle nothing is upset and there are no further crashes. There is, however, a faint groan from the Humakti. “Fr….. argh.” Quietly.

Varanis covers her mouth to stifle a laugh. When she has composed herself, she jerks her chin in the direction of the door, an invitation to Berra to take the lead.

Berra gives Varanis a long-suffering look, and then at the door both casts a spell and pauses in concentration. “Clear,” she murmurs, “As far as I can tell.” She slips out, leaving Rondrik’s daughter to close the door behind them. Outside she hitches up the sword belt a bit, and tucks it over the belt that keeps Wind Tooth close. Her expression has annoyance in it, but her eyes look over the spots where danger might lurk.

The trip up the stairs

Varanis looks far too cheerful for someone with so little sleep. Despite all her worries, she is grinning in the predawn light. She walks purposefully down the street, sweeping her gaze across rooftops as she goes.

The trip up the

Part II: At the Flame of Sartar

Varanis follows Berra for the last few steps to the plateau where the Flame of Sartar blazes in the predawn light.

Berra does the usual once-around, prowling for enemies.

The Vingan waits for the all clear signal, then makes her way to the brazier.

Varanis’ conversation with Sartar – mild relationship spoilers

Berra checks the lower stair again, impassive and calm.

Varanis places herself on the far side of the brazier, so she can see both the Flame and the city of Boldhome below. She holds her hands up to the sky, invoking Orlanth, Vinga, and Sartar himself, asking for their blessing on her undertaking.7For the hell of it, I did a worship roll and passed.
Then, as Yelm appears over the great city gates to the east, she draws her sword and steps into the ritual slaying of the god.821 on much more for rapier.

Berra closes her eyes for that moment, and then takes a knee to murmur something that might be a prayer to Humakt, or might be an attempt to apologise to Sartar for being in his Temple.

With a final flash of bronze, Varanis completes her morning ritual, saluting the sun and sheathing the sword.

Turning at last to Berra, she says, “I’m ready.”

Part III: The descent into rage

Berra nods, and falls in. “I heard that,” she says. “So you know.”

This gets a sharp glance. “Which part? All of it?”

“The bit that you hadn’t mentioned.”9B: Insight Human? V: 18! Passed! B: Insight: Berra is pissed off. It’s under the surface, in her tension. Outwardly calm, she is managing it with some effort.

Varanis stops. “Say it,” she commands.

The rest of the descent

  • 1
    Oh, dice, I love you. I know I helped for that exact result but a 000 is perfect.
  • 2
    Damnit. Passed Loyalty (shut the hell up about the complaint, Berra) and also Truth.
  • 3
    Do 3 DEX rolls and then a CON roll, and then we’ll say the stairs start to narrow so we can’t get past each other. They do that from time to time. Berra’s rolls: DEX is pass, pass, pass. CON is fail. Varanis’ rolls: 57, 36, 05 and 36, so pass, pass, sp, and pass
  • 4
    Varanis passes insight human roll. Insight: Berra is trying not to be outwardly proud of Varanis, or overly happy.
  • 5
    Sense Assassin doesn’t find anyone. Alas.
  • 6
    Passed Listen but specialled Battle.
  • 7
    For the hell of it, I did a worship roll and passed.
  • 8
    21 on much more for rapier.
  • 9
    B: Insight Human? V: 18! Passed! B: Insight: Berra is pissed off. It’s under the surface, in her tension. Outwardly calm, she is managing it with some effort.
  • 10
    Failed Water – is not changing.
  • 11
    Let me just roll on truth…. Crap. 002.
  • 12
    Repeated failures to calm down by all the methods Berra knows.
  • 13
    Passed Honour.
  • 14
    I so nearly fumbled Survival.
  • 15
    A critical Battle seems a good place to end it. GM gives Berra ticks on Listen and Loyalty Clan. She also gets a tick on Honour for not punching the stupid woman. Varanis loses points on Honour for breaking her promises and sneaking out without guards. She gains a Love Serala passion.