Happy Couple

1628, Storm Season, Stasis Week, Waterday


In the house in Boldhome. Session SA3.13.


Towards the end of Storm Season, Venlar is at the house when he gets a letter that causes him to reach for a chair that is not there, and have to sit down on the table in the main room. He reads it twice, and then says to the room, “Either my father has fallen in love with his new wife after all, or he is getting married again. The old fox has not made it clear.”

Varanis arches a brow. “I hope it’s the latter. The other one had feathers between her ears! He deserves someone who can hold her own against him. Or with him.”

“Still, that makes quite a lot of wives. Four or five, depending on how one counts. He’ll get a reputation as a Cinder Cat, if he does not stay wed this time.” Venlar looks down at the letter. “I should find out, but Sacred Time is getting close…”

Mellia returns from the outside world. “Hello, my love. Hello, Varanis.”

“Hello Mellia. I think my father is getting married again. Probably before Sacred Time, which means I would hardly have time to get there.”

“Why can’t he wait a little longer? We could have a double ceremony,” says Mellia.

“Do you really want to share with him?” Varanis asks. “You’ll only be doing this once. He’s pretty seasonal about it!” She sends an apologetic look towards Mellia’s husband. “Sorry.”

Venlar looks at Mellia. “He’s going to want to have it done before Sacred Time so there is an Ernalda for him,” the tall man says carefully. “Far more than in a House of Esrolia, Sacred Time for the chief is a partnership. I suspect politics, rather than love, drives this.”

“So you think he’s marrying someone for ritual purposes?” Mellia looks slightly puzzled.

“I think he is marrying someone for politics, and making sure that he gets it done by Sacred Time, so that he can lead the clan through it. Possibly with her.” Venlar looks lightly puzzled. “I have no idea why he would want to. Perhaps he really could not handle being married to Voralda?”

“He has to, Mellia,” Varanis explains. “First, as Orlanth Rex, he requires an Ernalda. But also, the vampire… that creates some difficulties that need to be addressed.”1Varanis passes both Intrigue and Insight Human. 1) Silor is next to a clan who have just had a vampire discovered in their midst. 2)There is no way he could leave such a matter alone. If he knew about the vampire, then he probably already had plans for this kind of thing.

“Ah yes. The vampire.” Venlar looks like all is now explained. At least, to him. Perhaps he just took lessons in stagecraft from his uncle.

“Didn’t you kill the vampire?” Mellia asked.

Venlar gives Mellia a happy look. “Father could hardly jump into such a place if the vampire were still there… He will have stayed well away.”

“Which vampire did Serala kill, Varanis?”

“In the Upland Marsh. Just after the wraiths attacked Berra, there was a vampire.”

“Father had told us there was one in the area,” Venlar admits. “I had thought Jengharl and I would inherit the problem.”

“I am glad you didn’t, sweetheart. Good riddance,” says Mellia.

There is a fervent nod. Venlar says, “I am tempted to go see what the real story is, but he will let us know when he is ready. Perhaps I shall write to Jengharl.”

Mellia says, “I think that is a good idea. Give him my greetings, please.”

  • 1
    Varanis passes both Intrigue and Insight Human. 1) Silor is next to a clan who have just had a vampire discovered in their midst. 2)There is no way he could leave such a matter alone. If he knew about the vampire, then he probably already had plans for this kind of thing.