
1627, Fire Season, Illusion Week, Waterday


At the camp of the Esrolian Free Company, following on from Waterday Night. Varanis tries to sort out the troops and finds the chain of command to be rather unusual. After Session 2.44 (Queen of What Now?)


The commanders are summoned, idea of divisions presented and discussed. Overall things proceed rapidly. It probably does not take more than an hour before general summons is called out and the process of getting people organized into their hearth groups and bigger units can start.

Varanis watches everything proceed. Her armour gleams under Yelm’s gaze.

Kesten who carries the baton today shouts instructions, Sorala explains the main idea to everyone assembled.

Varanis can hear some muttering from Aranda. She looks at the other Vingan, her brow arched in question. “Did you have something you wished to discuss?”

Aranda looks at the division, proceeding. “Granted, this will make it easier to assign them Vingan commanders. But it would be enough to have just infantry and cavalry.”

“You’re making a big assumption there.”

“Come on sister, you have heard our axe-carrying sisters. They do not lack courage, but their tactical thinking is perhaps a tad limited.”

“I intend to see the command skills of people as much as I intend to see the skills of the troops, Aranda,” Varanis tells her.

The other Vingan nods her head, tossing her red mane. It seems obvious she thinks that she has what it takes.

Barnropos, Irillo, and Sorala work the crowd and well before noon they have organized them into eight units, so far lacking commanders.1

V: How many potential leaders do I have?

X: You had 12 rotating command – that could have been a thing agreed on the commanders meeting – and should perhaps have been? axe sister for BG, rider for for both cav units, leaves 5 infantry units and 9 potential commanders of whom one is temporarily overall commander.

Just naming people on the spot is also a possibility.

Barnropos Delaneo – Greens, spokesman

Esrolakar Zirandarn – Greens

Hendrestos Deleaos – Golden racers

Kesten Evaeo – Greens

Irillo Norinel – Golden racer, spokesman

Barntmal Deleaos – Golden racers

Sorala – Vingan, spokeswoman

Aranda – Vingan, loudmouth

Nersteva – Vingan

Bgor- Henalda – Vingan, spokeswoman

Varaneva – Vingan, cool cucumber

Oralartha – Vingan, loudmouth

In order to see everyone, Varanis climbs onto the boulder2X: That boulder where she can be like on a pedestal beside the banner. Then she stands and waits for quiet. At first, her appearance is greeted by clashing of arms but slowly the clamor dies down. When an almost uncomfortable silence finally descends, she begins to speak.3V: And now I shall roll some dice. Inspiring orate with loyalty Kallyr. Um… I might be creating an army of fanatics. 😳 05/115

The speech Varanis makes demonstrates Vinga’s love for her, and her loyalty to the Prince. She is in turns fiery, animated, and almost loving as she appeals to them. She praises them for their courage and their patience. She challenges them to impress her with their ability to work together. She demands that each one of them recognizes their kinship with those who stand by their sides. Soon they will march, but first they must show her that they are worthy to fight in Kallyr’s name.

Shouts of “Varanis! Varanis!” echo from the mountainsides, competing with the banging of the weapons on shields.

Among ruckus Nersteva tries to get Varanis’ attention. Varanis signals that Nersteva should speak.

“The pickets at Swestown road are signalling they have seen something.” She points towards the lower edge of the meadow.

Varanis nods. Urgently, she asks, “Kesten, what would the camp normally be doing at this time of day?”

“Getting ready for a practise, milady. On these last few days, that is.” The man with commander’s baton looks around. “With everyone here it will take some time… Racers! Saddle up!”

“Please organize the practice just now, but in their units. I need one mounted unit to ride out with me and those commanders you choose to see who is coming.” She has already started to move in the direction of the horses before she thinks to check if he agrees.

On her way to horses she is joined by members of the Golden Racers and Aranda . Varanis’ horse is being saddled by a servant as are some of the troopers’. When she is ready to mount up there are ten men saddled up and rest are getting quickly ready. She waits impatiently, clearly eager to set off.

A single horseman appears at full gallop, passing the pickets and the small thicket they were positioned in. To Varanis it seems pretty clear that it is Xenofos. She waves at him and nudges Manasa to pick up speed.

A couple of troopers rush between Varanis and the comer. The lone horseman starts to slow down gradually and waves back a greeting.

“That’s my cousin,” she tells them. “Let him through and give us space.”

A lane opens. Xenofos is patting his mount, telling it how good job it did. One can see that the horse has run a fair bit. The rider has a grave expression despite his soothing words to the horse.

Varanis closes the distance between them. “Do you want someone to walk him for you while we talk?”

He nods and glances around. “A word in private if you please, milady.”

She dismounts and hands her reins to one of the Golden Racers. “Walk his horse. When it’s cooled down, make sure it is cared for properly. Please don’t unsaddle Manasa in case we need to ride out quickly. And watch for her teeth. She’s a biter. Actually, watch for her feet too. Just watch her. We’ll walk back to camp. Those of you staying to guard, please give us some space.” The orders are crisp. Courteous, yes, but with there’s no doubt she expects them to be obeyed.

Xenofos remains silent until the guards are some distance away. “It seems there is bad blood, and trouble brewing, Varanis.”

“Spit it out, Xenofos. Tell me what you have learned. And where is Venlar?”

“Venlar’s horse started limping. He and guide follow are fine and following at walking pace. The village where man was cut is not far. Less then two hours ride. Even less when hurrying. They refused to let us in or even really talk with us. Venlar was called a traitorous Gagarthi, if I understood correctly.4 Outlaws following Gagarth, foul wind. Slur and insult. And we Esrolians would see the law brought on us. Not a concise argument I am afraid, milady, and quite rudely emphasized with thrown turds. Although their aim was rather poor.” Xenofos reports seriously.

Varanis bristles at the insult to Venlar, and then swears as she hears the rest of it.

“Tell me more about what you saw?”

“The gate of the village was closed when we approached. When Venlar said we wished to enter, they called him Gagarthi and traitor because they saw his company and said we would not have even the lowest hospitality from them.” Xenofos closes his eyes. “There were several people on the parapet shouting and no clear spokesperson. There were shouts of law and justice. Some slurs on Esrolians in general. Venlar tried to reason with them, but then they started throwing turds. So we rode off at a good pace. Then Venlar’s horse started limping and we agreed I would ride forward to report and they would following at walking pace.”

Up on the field troops have divided into the units and have spread out in preparation for exercises. Most seem to be doing allright, except the slingers who are just milling about. Kesten is over there with Nersteva trying to sort out why they are not getting anywhere.

Varanis signals one of the Golden Racers to circle close. A man rides closer, with Aranda closing in at the same time.

“You, tell whoever is in charger of the slingers to get them setting up targets for all projectile weapon types. Tell them to be creative if need be.” To Aranda she says, “I’m going to need someone to ride out to find Venlar and get him back safely and I’m going to need whichever members of senior command we can get free.”

The man salutes and looks around. Aranda blushes.


“Err, nothing. I’ll get the word to the commander of the slingers” Aranda answers.

“But I need you to get me the senior command, which includes you. Delegate. Every unit should have a second, so that if something happens to their primary or if they are needed elsewhere, then the unit isn’t left flailing. We need some of the senior command left to keep an eye on everyone, but I want those with competent seconds to put their seconds in charge and join me. Do you know the troops well enough to make that happen?”5X: No seconds were assigned in the briefing.

V: Who doesn’t have a second in command? What kind of idiocy is that?!?! Vinga save me from incompetent youth. First thing a commander should do is assign a second in their unit. That’s basic stuff. First thing to target in the enemy is their commanders.

X: Well organizing those units was a thing that was supposed to take part in training about now…

V: They had all morning! Hours!

X: And they managed to talk this and not kill anyone on quarrels on who commands. With no command to all 12.  And then explain it to rank and file and make the divisions. Too bad you do not remember who was supposed to command the slingers in the first place.

V: Why do I feel like it was Aranda? But, to be fair, I totally expected them to have seconds. They are even less organized than I thought. X: Hey they graduated to sub-units this morning. Before that they had a commander, sort of. And a council.

Aranda nods. “I will make that happen.” For some reason her ears are red and expression a bit angry.

“Excellent. I knew I could count on you, Aranda.”

“You, what is your name? Ride to the slingers and take command – you heard what lady Varanis wants to happen there.” Aranda barks to the Racer.

When the Racer rides off, Varanis quietly murmurs to Aranda, “Learn his name and then tell me, so I know it too.”

Aranda nods and rushes off on her horse. Varanis and Xenofos see the Vingan hurry to the banner and hop onto the same rock Varanis was speaking from earlier.

To Xenofos, Varanis says quietly, “This is an utter fucking mess. It took them hours to organize this morning and in all that time, I’m guessing they completely failed to assign seconds.  And I have to deal with the Babeester Gor.” Worried and exasperated, she grumbles, “Who the fuck let them out of their Temples?”

With loud yelling, Aranda commands all the commanders to assemble. Gesturing towards Varanis, she explains and barks commands. Kesten seems to have opinions but Aranda shouts him down.

“Did you instruct them?” Xenofos asks quietly.

“I told them to set-up sub units and to assign commanders to them. It’s a commander’s job to select her second. Do you not do this in the Greens?”

“I was never in command, cousin,” the scholar says.

“You don’t have to be in command to know how command structure works!” Her cheeks are flushed and her voice is just a little too loud. “This is basic!”

“Commanders and their deputies were chosen by vote.” He shrugs. “It was more of a formality though. We kind of grew to know who is in command.”

After a while commanders disperse and Kesten starts walking briskly towards Varanis and Xenofos.

  • 1

    V: How many potential leaders do I have?

    X: You had 12 rotating command – that could have been a thing agreed on the commanders meeting – and should perhaps have been? axe sister for BG, rider for for both cav units, leaves 5 infantry units and 9 potential commanders of whom one is temporarily overall commander.

    Just naming people on the spot is also a possibility.

    Barnropos Delaneo – Greens, spokesman

    Esrolakar Zirandarn – Greens

    Hendrestos Deleaos – Golden racers

    Kesten Evaeo – Greens

    Irillo Norinel – Golden racer, spokesman

    Barntmal Deleaos – Golden racers

    Sorala – Vingan, spokeswoman

    Aranda – Vingan, loudmouth

    Nersteva – Vingan

    Bgor- Henalda – Vingan, spokeswoman

    Varaneva – Vingan, cool cucumber

    Oralartha – Vingan, loudmouth
  • 2
    X: That boulder where she can be like on a pedestal
  • 3
    V: And now I shall roll some dice. Inspiring orate with loyalty Kallyr. Um… I might be creating an army of fanatics. 😳 05/115
  • 4
    Outlaws following Gagarth, foul wind. Slur and insult.
  • 5
    X: No seconds were assigned in the briefing.

    V: Who doesn’t have a second in command? What kind of idiocy is that?!?! Vinga save me from incompetent youth. First thing a commander should do is assign a second in their unit. That’s basic stuff. First thing to target in the enemy is their commanders.

    X: Well organizing those units was a thing that was supposed to take part in training about now…

    V: They had all morning! Hours!

    X: And they managed to talk this and not kill anyone on quarrels on who commands. With no command to all 12.  And then explain it to rank and file and make the divisions. Too bad you do not remember who was supposed to command the slingers in the first place.

    V: Why do I feel like it was Aranda? But, to be fair, I totally expected them to have seconds. They are even less organized than I thought. X: Hey they graduated to sub-units this morning. Before that they had a commander, sort of. And a council.