Change in the Air

1629, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Wildday


The morning after bringing in a wounded, feverish wolf pirate prisoner for the tender cares of Jaldis. Session S5-W-11.


There is little fuss about having brought in a wolf pirate prisoner. Nobody seems to have the energy to notice.

The next morning, before dawn comes, a message is already at the Cracksrock house, asking for Varanis to visit the… maybe that word is Temple?

Varanis studies the message, her lips moving as she sounds out the words.1Pass Read/Write

… the Temple of Solace, shrine of healing, house of Chalana Arroy. Lady Jaldis would be delighted to report on her patient, who is making a bright, strong recovery.

As Varanis reaches Jaldis’ name, she makes an effort not to wince. But, she knows her responsibilities. She decides to greet Yelm in a tunic, rather than armour, so that she can head directly to the Temple of Solace after. She chooses a blue tunic that is relatively clean, dyed a rich blue and embroidered with Air and Movement. She keeps her jewellery is minimal. Dezar’s iron home and Kallyr’s arm-ring are statement enough about who she is.

Silor is up to greet the dawn, with a blearily-awake Jengharl. Venlar is nowhere to be seen. The weather is good. The ceremony is soon over.

When she greets Yelm, it is a simple thing. Well practiced and comfortable. Dezar gets a pat. And then she’s ready to face the dragon in white robes.


“If it makes you happy, love. But she is a White Lady and as such, she deserves our respect too.”

PRRRRRRRRR, he grouches.

“I wonder how she’d react if I rubbed against her and gently batted at her hems,” Varanis muses.


Just after dawn, the hospital is busy as people make use of the light to start seeing patients, or to begin the process of being one. Obviously, Jaldis is choosing to have Varanis here now because the Wind Lord is greatly important.2Varanis fumbles Intrigue. Jaldis is having Varanis here first thing in the morning, to make a point of Orlanth looking after Chalana Arroy, and/or because Jaldis herselv is a guest and is keeping strange hours. There is also an element of the WHite Ladies working all night which she wants to make sure Varanis knows. Varanis passes Air as well, to actually believe this. Suspicious yet smug.

Varanis strides into the Temple and stops one of the younger healers. “Vareena here to see Healer Jaldis. Can you please direct me to where she’ll be?”

“She is with a fever patient,” comes the reply. “Far end of the hall. Next please!”

The speed with which she was dismissed leaves Varanis staring for a moment, but she shakes it off and follows the directions. End of the hall. That should be easy.

The hall has several people sitting waiting, and a couple of young men flirting with a surgeon in white. She is ignoring them.

The room at the end has half a dozen low beds, all occupied. Jaldis is sitting by the wolf pirate, writing on a wax tablet. This room smells of sweat and sharp herbs.

Varanis strides confidently across the room. Orlanthi, and therefore always in her element. Or at least, that’s what she tries to tell herself.

Jaldis looks up, and smiles like a scalpel moving. “Wind Lord.” She nods, but does not stand. “I had some time to talk with my patient, Pallia, overnight.”

Varanis glances around, trying to work out where she should sit. If she should sit.

There are stools by each of the patients, on the left-hand side. Jaldis is sitting in one by Pallia The sword-side has rough tables that might do for seats at a pinch.

The Vingan considers her options. Standing while Jaldis sits allows her to tower over the healer, but still leaves the other woman in a position of authority. Taking a stool from another bed means potentially depriving someone of a needed seat. She takes up a position on the other side of the pirate, perching gingerly on the table’s edge.

If the High Healer disapproves, she gives no sign. She nods to Pallia instead.

He looks up to Varanis and says, “I witch to… be new person.”

She blinks. “You… a new person?” Vareena, cousin to the king who had this man’s leader torn apart, gives him a long, considering stare. “I see. And how do you anticipate making amends for your crimes?” The question is cold, the tone matching the one Jaldis has sometimes used on the Vingan.

Jaldis sighs. “Short words, dear. We think it would be best if he takes up service with you.”

Just like that, Jaldis has once again managed to stun Varanis into silence.

Pallia looks to Jaldis, obviously not understanding her words. Jaldis just looks confidently reassuring at him.

“You want to… serve,” Varanis picks the words carefully, trying find ones that the pirate might understand, “for me?” She points at him and then herself. “And you,” now she points a long finger at Jaldis, “think this is wise?”

“No, Wind Lord. I think it is Orlanthi. If you were wise, the world would not have died and the world would not have been freed from Yelm. I believe what you mean to ask is whether it will be politically difficult.”

Pallia nods, and points to Jaldis. He seems to be agreeing with Varanis, but for all the world it seems like he is telling her to listen to what Jaldis is stating.

“It will be politically difficult, of course. That’s not often stopped me. Mellia will struggle with it,” Varanis muses. “Berra? I’m not sure. I’ll have to make sure she knows he’s under my protection.”

She stares down at Pallia, stretched out in the bed. “Other than raiding, what crimes have you committed? What bad things?” she amends.

Confusion. Jaldis says, “Raiding is only a crime if it is against kinfolk. Pallia has travelled, fought, killed, and taken either money and goods, or money and people. I am not entirely sure yet.”

“But, raiding leads to reprisal from those who were raided. There will be those who wish this man dead,” Varanis argues. “If I am to offer him my protection, I need to know who and what I am sheltering him from. And what dangers he might represent to the people already in my care. Surprising though it may seem, High Healer, I don’t always rush into things.”

“He has not raided here, except notably, once.” Jaldis gives Pallia a dark look. “There will have been some in Esrolia, but we have not really looked into it too hard. One would hardly wish to put off a reforming pirate.”

“Sending him to my hides in Esrolia is not a good choice then.” The pirate gets another long look. “Other than stealing and killing, what are your skills?”

“Ship, fight, bring wind.” He moves his right hand to show Air and Movement Runes tattooed along his forearm, along with other decoration. Either Death is scarred onto his arm, or he has faced combat enough to be struck repeatedly. Even that effort seems to tire him.3Runes: Air/Movement/Death/Disorder.

Now the Vingan turns to Jaldis. “He has a while to recover yet?”

The healer nods, standing up. She looks as fresh as if she had not sent a message before dawn. “He will be at least another week before he is fit to leave this house of healing.”

“Then I have a week to decide what to do with him. I will think on it.” To Pallia, she says in a tone that brooks no argument, “Rest. Heal. Show the healers respect. Practice Tradetalk.I will come for you and we will talk more.” She watches his face to see if he understands.

He works it through, and then nods. Jaldis asks, “Will there be anything else, Wind Lord?” She manages a tone that is almost meek.

Turning to the High Healer, Varanis says, “My companions and I will be returning to Wilmskirk soon. There is unfinished business to attend to. Do you, or any of the healers who accompanied you, wish to travel with us?”

“We are needed here for the moment,” Jaldis says, and her smile is back. “But I am sure that we can now travel without your protection, when we return.”

“Anyone fool who would attempt to lay a hand on you deserves the consequences you’d bring down on their head, White Lady,” the Vingan agrees. She pushes herself off the table and offers the healer a bow. “If he needs collecting before the week is up, or if his recovery looks to be taking longer than anticipated, would it be possible for someone to send word to me in Wilmskirk, please? I don’t want to leave him at loose ends or burden the temple. Though, if he’s well before I can come for him, he could always empty slop buckets or handle some other task that would keep him busy and away from those who might be harmed by his presence, I suppose.”

“Not I. The White Lady, and the King of Sartar.” Jaldis even narrows her eyes a little. “I can keep a single warrior busy.”

Varanis gives the High Healer a small grin. “You have crushed me with a look, my lady,” she says. “I have faith in your ability to make a would-be attacker regret their life choices without even raising your voice.”

Jaldis does dart her eyes down towards Pallia, briefly, and then looks back to Varanis. “Let me walk you to the door.” She sounds almost protective now, if not exactly friendly.4GM rolled Insight for Varanis there; she failed. This is part of the intrigue; Jaldis is talking with important people despite being a visitor.

“Of course.” I suppose.”

“Not I. The White Lady, and the King of Sartar.” Jaldis even narrows her eyes a little. “I can keep a single warrior busy.”

Varanis gives the High Healer a small grin. “You have crushed me with a look, my lady,” she says. “I have faith in your ability to make a would-be attacker regret their life choices without even raising your voice.”

Jaldis does dart her eyes down towards Pallia, briefly, and then looks back to Varanis. “Let me walk you to the door.” She sounds almost protective now, if not exactly friendly.

“Of course.”

  • 1
    Pass Read/Write
  • 2
    Varanis fumbles Intrigue. Jaldis is having Varanis here first thing in the morning, to make a point of Orlanth looking after Chalana Arroy, and/or because Jaldis herselv is a guest and is keeping strange hours. There is also an element of the WHite Ladies working all night which she wants to make sure Varanis knows. Varanis passes Air as well, to actually believe this. Suspicious yet smug.
  • 3
    Runes: Air/Movement/Death/Disorder.
  • 4
    GM rolled Insight for Varanis there; she failed. This is part of the intrigue; Jaldis is talking with important people despite being a visitor.