Fragment 3.19 – The Decision of Berra

Down from her Temple walked Berra Humakti
Into the darkness to go to her duty
Not in the halls of the dead and the living
Berra walked proud as a scout before battle

Seeking to find and to damage by fury
Berra called on the main strengths of her mentor
1Either tall Eril, indicating leaning on pride and skill, or Lord D’Val, meaning the same but with feathers.
Seeking a path she saw Teelo before her
Saw how the Lunars had treated a girl-child

Anger grew in her as never she knew it
Berra determined to break all their planning
Took Teelo Norri to visit the death-house
Ty Kora Tek was the woman she called on

Such was her righteous and justified anger
Berra broke out of the coils of the Lunars
Tore at their plans until magic obeyed her
Spat on the plans of the Witch of the Empire

What Really Happened

Session Quotes

  • 1
    Either tall Eril, indicating leaning on pride and skill, or Lord D’Val, meaning the same but with feathers.
  • 2
    Despite being aware it was pointless, the player rolled Movement to augment that POW roll, because the feel of it mattered.