Lust for Death

1629, Fire Season, Death Week, Godsday Eve


Berra is trying to help Kolyey get over her wish to kill Ornkarth. Session S5-O-6.


Kolyey is trying to meditate and to Berra’s experienced eye is not getting anywhere.

Berra drops down in front of Kolyey. “You’re fighting it.” She keeps her voice low in case anyone is still trying to get to sleep. “Let it flow through you. Now, relax, and tell me things about scabbards.”

Kolyey opens her eyes. “Yes, Commander.” She also keeps her voice down. “Scabbards protect swords. They also protect their owners from their swords. Scabbards make swords easy to carry.”

Berra nods thoughtfully, taking that in. “Why do we carry swords?”

Kolyey has to think about the answer. “We carry swords to bring Death to the world when needed.”

“Oh? But isn’t Death already in the world? Why is it us who carries swords, and not Orlanth, or the troll gods?”

“Death is already in the world. Death belongs to Humakt.”

“Mhm. So we don’t bring Death to things. We release it. We draw it on need, and because it belongs to us, we don’t draw it when it’s not needed. It has to be used right, or it’s a club, or a bent sword.” Berra shifts her weight a little. Although she looks relaxed, she is ready to get up at any moment.

“Hmm. I will think about that. By the way, can I get a message to the regiment? The healer Maalira saved my life.” Kolyey looks a little embarrassed.

“Of course. You can send it through me. Or, if you want, straight through our employer.” Berra glances over to the blanketed form that is Irillo.

“I don’t want to wake him up,” says Kolyey. “What amount of thank offering should I give her? The money I have on me surely is not enough.”

“Heh. Usually saying thank you’s enough. But if we take any ransoms, share them with her. You’re on a mission anyhow – we’ve been hired for more than caravan duty. So, we’ll have someone send thanks to the Temple of Healing, once we get back.”

Kolyey slowly nods. “Thank you.” She pauses to think. “We’re in a real pickle. I suppose the final decision is our employer’s to make.”

“No, not at all. Were you wounded protecting her? Protecting others?” Berra rises to her feet slowly, an impressive feat of strength as she elects to use her arms to get her off the ground, then put one foot under her and rise while balancing.

“I was protecting her from those farm boys.” Now Kolyey looks really embarrassed.

Berra shrugs. “We can get a proper report in the morning, but… well, she’s here mostly because she wants to be. She’s not employed, but she likes to make things better, and stop them from getting worse.” The little Humakti rolls out her shoulders. “Talk to me in the morning. Tell me exactly what happened. We’ll think about if anyone owes anything to anyone.”

Kolyey nods and gets to her feet as well. “I will. It’s probably time for my watch. Thank you.”

“No, Salid’s on now. You’re sleeping tonight. Same as Nayale.” Berra phrases it just like an order.