Who am I?
Valseena, sister of some people, one of whom is married to Rajar.
Tribe, Clan, Class
Straw Weaver Clan of the Bison Tribe.
Family Tree

General Appearance

History Prior to 1625
Character generation interpreted
- What Is Important?Valseena — 1626 05 100 ???? Context The day after Storm Bull’s holy day, in Prax. Events The morning after the walktapus invaded the camp, Valseena’s bison still needs her attention, and during that time, including while she gathered some of the herbs required, ...
- Sartarial StandardsValseena — 1626 05 150 ????, Storm Season Context Storm Season, Clayday, the return to Boldhome. Events There has been a quick move to a place called the White Grape Inn, where the inkeeper, Rondrik, seems to know the group. There are already clusters ...
- Something SweetVaranis takes Valseena to the market so she can surprise her with something. (1626, Storm Season, Truth Week, Clayday)
- FeastValseena — 1626 05 160 ????, Storm Season, Movement Week Context Storm Season, Movement Week. The evening the heroes arrive back in Boldhome. Events After the near disaster of Xenofos introducing Varanis, Berra was struggling to keep emotion in, but when servants came to ...
- Guarding the GuardsValseena — 1626 05 170 ????, Storm Season Context Storm Season, after the return. Events Valseena gets back from shopping with Varanis looking somewhat thoughtful. She goes looking for Berra. Berra, when run to ground, is practicing alone with her sword outside the White Grape. ...
- Quest Of Eril: Asking ValseenaBerra — Quest Of Eril 05 1627, Sea Season, Harmony Week Context Sea Season, Harmony Week, direct follow-on from the previous scene. Events The day after Varanis took her dip, Berra rides up and down the line, stopping to talk to everyone. She comes ...
- On GuardIn truth, the procession probably needs little by way of security; the group is on roads in a civilised place. Still, Berra makes sure that people are on watch and for a while as they ride she is one of them. After breakfast has been found and eaten, she rides her beautiful golden-eyed horse alongside ...