Who am I?
Irillo Jasilsson
Tribe, Clan, Class
From Esrolia, but currently styling his name in the Sartarite Fashion. A Merchant follower of Issaries Goldentongue
Family Tree

General Appearance

Greyrock, Sartar (acquired Fire Season 1628)
- Fertile plains: 45 L annual income
- Arable land: 40 L annual income
20W 0L, 0C 0B
19W, 19L, 9C 9B
- VS 054 Be The SwordVaranis — 1626 0697 Be The Sword ????, Fire Season, Season/Movement Week Context Fire Season/Movement Week/Freezeday/Afternoon After the events of the second Lunar quest, most of the group is sitting in the common room of the White Grape, drinking Rondrik’s alcohol and pondering recent events. ...
- Wine And RelicsIrillo — Wine And Relics ???? Context Season/Week/Day/Time and Notable Context. Events At the table where they are, in a quiet moment, Berra asks Irillo how Serzeen is. “Good. She’s good. At least, when I left Nochet. Why?” “Oh, you were getting on well with her. ...
- Shopping And TalkingIrillo — Shopping And Talking ????, Fire Season, Movement Week Context 1626, Fire Season, Movement Week, Waterday. The collapsed block below should be considered a spoiler unless you have already talked to Irillo, or it is past session 39. Events After Rajar goes out for ...
- Hot WineIrillo — Hot Wine ????, Earth Season Context 1627, as Earth Season turns to Dark, in the Blue Tree. Events The village is a little quieter without Varanis and Berra and particularly Haran, on a day they are away, just before leaving. There is ...
- Moving OnBerra apologises to Irillo for making a decision for him.
- Muc-King AroundIrillo gets the news that Berra is dead, then gets the news that she is alive. He also learns his son attended a battle.
- Safety TalkYamia is injured, and ignoring it, and also ignoring the fact Irillo does not want her putting their son in danger.
- The Wanderer ReturnsIrillo returns in Dark Season
- Grave-digging Part 1In the wilds of Culbrea territory, there was a Telmori den. Varanis and some people from the Nunnery have come to bury the dead. Berra and Irillo come looking for them. Part 1 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 2In the wilds of Culbrea territory, there was a Telmori den. As Varanis and Berra help to dig the grave, they talk about Telmori. Irillo adds his two clacks to the conversation. Part 2 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 3In the wilds of Culbrea territory, there was a Telmori den. Varanis digs the grave with determination while Irillo and some of the healers swap stories. Part 3 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 4In the wilds of Culbrea territory, there was a Telmori den. One of the healers begins to tell stories of Chalana Arroy and Varanis finally snaps. Part 4 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 5Berra asks Varanis to sing, but caught up in grief, the Vingan’s songs are are sorrowful. Part 5 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 6Berra and Varanis discuss grave-digging in the midst of grave-digging. Part 6 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 7Berra braves the den in search of grave goods. Part 7 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- Grave-digging Part 8The dead have been buried and Irillo, Varanis, and Berra are returning to Beasts Gather. The merchant dozes, while the other two talk of death and horses. Part 8 of 8. (1629, Sea Season, Disorder Week, Godday)
- The Morning After the MourningThe group talk about what might be wrong at the Six Sisters, and Mellia decides to go see the trolls. (1629, Sea Season, Harmony Week, Clayday)
- You make me wanna SHOUTMellia was too heroic for her cousin’s comfort levels. Varanis gets grouchy.
- Underground WhispersThe group is underground, having fought things that are trollish, and seen things that are not. They talk about what else might be down there. (1629, Sea Season, Probably Fertility Week, Around Clayday)
- Mules1629, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday Context The group is pressing on its way to Valadon from Queen’s Post, at speed, to try to find the Session SA5-O-09. Events Partway through the first day of riding, Berra is not far from the mules when she says, “Um,” in response to nothing, and her horse dances a couple of ...
- Whose RightBerra and Irillo talk a bit about not shouting at each other.