
1629, Fire Season, Fertility Week, Clayday


The group is pressing on its way to Valadon from Queen’s Post, at speed, to try to find the Session SA5-O-09.


Partway through the first day of riding, Berra is not far from the mules when she says, “Um,” in response to nothing, and her horse dances a couple of steps as she gives it a nonsense signal. She spends a few moments ignoring the problem, and the mare comes back to a polite walk, and then Berra turns her hear to look for, and at, Irillo. She directs her riding that way, with apparent intent to speak.

He’s just getting on with things, his mule pointed in the right direction and plodding on.

“So…” Berra uses the word to be sure she has his attention. A verbal warning shot. “What happens if we find the caravan and it doesn’t send us mad?”

“We’re doing better than anticipated. Probably it’ll be the important one.”

“Um, yeah. But then it’s a caravan. And it’s not doing anything. So then if we raid it, we’re robbing a caravan.” Berra does hand gestures at the last bit.

“Yes and no. It’s an attack on Esrolia. We’re being frontier guards.”

“So can I raid any caravan, then? If it might be taking things that might harm me? I… don’t think that’s the right thing to do.”

“No. You have to be sure.”

“And they likely don’t know what they’re carrying – and we’re… well, how sure will we be?” Berra looks unconvinced in a deep way.

“Hopefully, we can talk it out.”

Berra gives Irillo a long look. “And if not?”

“If not, we’ll have to work something out. But I can be very persuasive.”

Berra nods. She stares into her horse’s yellow mane for a few moments and then says carefully, “Can you open that sort of box to appraise it for taxes?”

“Not legally. Here, I mean. If Serala was here, or I got permission.”

“I didn’t mean here. Wasn’t Varaaalon outside the Grazelands anyhow? Um. Valadon. I was mostly thinking if we got there before it… Nochet. We know people in Nochet who might be able to search it, if it goes through there.”

“Oh, I’m sure Grandmother could arrange the legalities.”

“I was thinking the Queen, but sure. Anyhow, then the question’s probably whether we wanna go to Nochet but… we don’t. We need to know a little bit more. And the thing might get handed on at any city.” Berra frowns a bit. “But I don’t want to raid a caravan without knowing that it’s not a raid.” That apparently makes sense to her.

“That it’s a permissible raid.”

“Yeah. Fair enough. Good word.” Berra looks over the little crew. “An’ maybe business deals hold them up. Who knows?”

“We can hope. But not really arrange.”

“You must go through Valadon, right? How many caravans will be there in a day? A dozen? A hundred?”

“Lots. I mean, it’s the wrong side of the river, but it’s not nowhere.”

“So, we’re going to need to probably use magic again. Can you ask Issaries about the contents of a caravan?”

“In a temple, yes. Unless it’s Etyrian, maybe.”

Berra nods slightly. “And we’ve got Oriana. Let’s hope you’re persuasive and plan for if you’re not.” She begins staring off into the distance, obviously considering options.