The Cult of Eril

Eril in the Marsh

When Eril was a young man, he was the leader of a band of warriors, and he took them raiding into a nearby clan. They were betrayed and entrapped, for their enemies called on foul magic to draw them into a Heroquest, and many of his friends were killed. The rest came out alive only to find they were surrounded, but Eril’s leadership brought some back still living. Feeling the disgrace of having lost so many, he left his clan and dedicated himself more closely to the god Humakt.

When the Lunar Enemy marched into Boldhome, Eril was sent from his Regiment with relics of the Humakti, and much of the temple’s money. He went with warriors, thralls, and friends back to where he had been ambushed, and entered willingly into the magical trap, leaving what must be saved within the ambush, and walking out alone.

Finally, to keep all knowledge safely hidden, he gave the gift of what he knew to Ikadz. When he was questioned further by the Lunar Temple, they could find no evidence of his guilt, but he was cut off from his Regiment until his memories returned in the fullness of time.

Cult Description

This is a subcult of Humakt, centred around the living Hero, Eril. Initiation is by invitation or persuasion of the Wyter Priest, Berra, that one is worthy. So far, Berra has not revealed how one may be invited, and nobody has yet asked. Eril is said to expect his band be few in number, of very high quality.1Those who say he has lower quality Humakti aplenty in his Regiment may be selected if they survive.


The main benefit of membership of the cult is that initiates are almost guaranteed the personal attention of Lord Eril. This is also sometimes seen as a drawback.

Help in Crisis

Eril’s cult offers little help for those down on their luck, save what the Humakti Temple does already. Any who are initiated to him are expected to make their own luck, or failing that, to explain themselves to him or his Priest in person. Eril supports his initiates, in general, as part of their personal relationship, but is unlikely to tolerate repeated failure.


Rune Magic:

Despite being a still-living Hero and not an apotheosised demigod, Eril can give magic to his followers, this includes the Oath Rune Spell, and the spell unique to him, Bind Unwilling Ghost. His Wyter Priest advises that his personal magic should be refused.

Spirit Magic

The cult has access to spirit magic through Eril’s Temple, at the usual rates.


Eril gives access to no gifts.


All initiates must take Loyalty (Eril), Devotion (Eril), or Loyalty (Boldhome Temple). They are expected to represent the Hero as and when appropriate, and to advise him as required. Beyond the required Passion, all responsibilities are negotiated in person.2It is highly unlikely that Berra is geased to admonish the High Sword as she feels necessary. She just does it because she wants to.


Initially the only member of the cult was Berra, who had a revelation of Eril’s Herohood in a vision. After the binding of the Wyter, she was his Wyter Priest and only initiate for some time. Most of Eril’s worship is performed by lay members.

An inner circle including Darl, Teesdal, and Amling of Eril’s Temple formed quickly, and these three, along with Berra and the Orlanthi Varanis, are central to the cult’s organisation. Members joined at about one a week while Berra was recovering, and the group numbered three dozen at the start of Fire Season 1629, when Kesten Hulta was initiated into the mysteries.

OOC notes on numbers

Berra, Varanis, Darl + 3 others right at the start. Two of those were Teesdal and Amling.

Berra’s been terrible at getting people in. Varanis did a bit better.

15 weeks, 2 Holy Days, plus Sacred Time. Maybe an average of one extra person per week.

25ish worshippers, one initiate. Amling gave POW at the High Holy Day, but Lord Raven is still lacking in the required 50 worshippers, so cannot take full advantage of it.

Up to 30 worshippers for Sea Season’s Holy Day.

2 more youngsters since then – travelling with Berra.

Nobody drifted away while Berra was gone (the group rolled a Special Loyalty), and 3 more joined the week she initiated Kesten. 36 in total – still not enough for Lord Raven.

In Harmony Week, Berra talked to Gallem of Alda Chur, who agreed to set up a Rune Stone for Lord Eril at the site of the Battle of Heroes.

  • 1
    Those who say he has lower quality Humakti aplenty in his Regiment may be selected if they survive.
  • 2
    It is highly unlikely that Berra is geased to admonish the High Sword as she feels necessary. She just does it because she wants to.